Black韓noodle (不定時公休,詳情請見IG) - Fuxing North 3rd St

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Black韓noodle (不定時公休,詳情請見IG)

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Fuxing North 3rd St, 35號 Black韓noodle (不定時公休,詳情請見IG)

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 35
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城市 : 號 Black韓noodle (不定時公休

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Fuxing North 3rd St, 35號 Black韓noodle (不定時公休,詳情請見IG)
Lun Chia on Google

糖醋肉好吃,那個酥脆的奇特口感,棒! 點了炒熱狗年糕、敲敲海鮮麵、糖醋肉,有種…我吃了同樣的料理,只是內容物不一樣而已的感覺。 醬料區別度太小了… 海鮮麵的干貝是以前營養午餐的那種合成干貝,還不如改放蛤蜊或其他海鮮算了… 畢竟整體價格也沒有說多親民。 魷魚跟蝦子的新鮮度還可。
The sweet and sour pork is delicious, that crisp and peculiar texture, great! I ordered stir-fried hot dog rice cakes, knack seafood noodles, sweet and sour pork, there are kinds of...I ate the same dishes, but the contents are different. The sauce difference is too small... The scallops of the seafood noodles are the kind of synthetic scallops used for nutritious lunches before, so it's better to replace them with clams or other seafood... After all, the overall price is not as close to the people. The freshness of the squid and shrimp is not bad.
謝佳璋 on Google

無意中看到YOUTUBE韓國女孩介紹的韓國麵食,道地的韓國口味,就像她平時在家吃宵夜一樣,讓她很懷念~ 沒去過韓國,不過我想來試試韓國道地的口味是什麼。 {敲敲海鮮炸醬麵}→酸、甜、鮮、微辣,Q彈的麵條又包覆著誘人的鑊氣。 最後點餐10點,吃宵夜的好地方
I accidentally saw the Korean noodles introduced by the YOUTUBE Korean girl, the authentic Korean taste, just like she usually eats late-night snacks at home, so she missed it very much~ I haven't been to Korea, but I want to try the authentic taste of Korea. {Knock the seafood fried noodles}→Sour, sweet, fresh and slightly spicy, the Q-bomb noodles are wrapped in a tempting wok. Last order at 10 o’clock, a good place for supper
Yun 尹soyoung 召英 on Google

@ssi_taichung _ 《Black 韓 Noodle》 ✔️수요일 휴무 ✔️오후 3~저녁 11시 ✔️포장 가능 ✔️최근 가게안에서 식사하려면 예약 필수 ✔️테이블 수 적음 ✔️주차 용이 ?펑지아 대학교, 펑지아 야시장 식사시간 예약이 어려워 그 시간대에 많은 분들이 방문 포장이 많다. 방문 시간대 많은 분들이 문앞과 가게 내부에서 포장을 기다리고 있었다. 식사가 나오는 시간은 그리 오래 걸리지 않았으며, 짜장의 경우 불짜장 맛이 강하고 면의 양이 많았다. 면의 양에 비해 소스의 양은 딱 괜찮아서 조금은 넉넉했으면 하는 아쉬움이 남았다. 탕수육의 경우 찹쌀 탕수육 그자체였다. 조금의 바삭함과 소스가 시큼 달달했으면 했지만 개인의 선호도 차이라 대만에서 만난 찹쌀 탕수육은 훌륭했다. 이미 짬뽕으로 소문난 맛집이라 매운것을 먹을 수 있다면 짬뽕은 꼭 먹길 추천한다. 국물이 진하며 해산물과 야채가 많이 들어있다. 약간 수타면 재질의 면을 사용해서 더욱이 한국에서 먹는 짬뽕 맛이 느껴진다. 의도치 않게 한국 중식당에서 양념치킨(윙봉)도 먹게 되었는데 타이중에서 맛있게 먹었던 양념치킨 중에서 손에 꼽힌다.
@ssi_taichung _ 《Black Korean Noodle》 ✔️ Closed on Wednesdays ✔️ 3pm to 11pm ✔️ Packaging available ✔️Reservation required to eat inside the restaurant recently ✔️ Fewer tables ✔️Easy parking ? Fengjia University, Fengjia Night Market It is difficult to make a reservation for a meal time, so there are a lot of people packing up at that time. During the visiting hours, many people were waiting for packing at the door and inside the store. It didn't take long for the meal to come out, and in the case of jajang, the flavor was strong and the amount of noodles was large. The amount of sauce was just right compared to the amount of noodles, so I wished it was a little more generous. In the case of sweet and sour pork, it was glutinous rice sweet and sour pork itself. I wanted it to be a little crispy and the sauce was sweet and sour, but the sweet and sour glutinous rice I found in Taiwan was excellent due to differences in personal preference. It is already a famous restaurant for champon, so if you can eat spicy food, I recommend eating champon. The broth is thick and contains a lot of seafood and vegetables. Since it uses a slightly hand-made noodle material, you can feel the taste of Jjamppong eaten in Korea. Unintentionally, I also ate seasoned chicken (wingbong) at a Korean Chinese restaurant, and it is considered one of the most delicious seasoned chickens I have eaten in Taichung.
陳天馬 on Google

It's very delicious. It is very different from other Taiwanese Korean dishes. The soup version of fried noodles is very spicy. The photo looks like Nanyang-style soup noodles. The chicken wings are above the level, and the sauce is very sweet. It is my personal favorite, the scones covered on top are very fragrant, and the combination with the seafood fried noodles is very clever and delicious!
Chiu Chiu on Google

令人驚豔的韓式口味!!炸醬麵是偏甜的醬汁,肉塊炒得非常香,麵條很有嚼勁非常Q彈,超級好吃?炒碼麵的湯頭更令人驚豔,濃郁的海鮮甜味被濃縮在湯頭裡,加上辛辣的口感非常搭,料多實在CP值很高,湯頭是超大賣點! 最後我們還點了糖醋肉,焦香酥脆的外皮可以沾分開來的糖醋醬汁,好吃到停不下來?分開來的醬汁有個優點,就是酥脆的外衣可以保留脆度,入口的時候可以同時吃到脆皮和糖醋皮,推推推 下次一定會再回訪的店?
henrybai im on Google

-炸醬熱狗年糕 年糕Q彈,醬有洋蔥的爆炒過的香氣,微辣的口味蠻不錯的! -炸醬麵 麵體有彈性,醬本身也蠻有味道的。 -糖醋肉 肉很酥脆,加上糖醋醬也蠻搭配的,中規中矩的 糖醋肉。 -炒碼麵 麵體跟炸醬麵是一樣Q彈的,裡面的海鮮料非常多,湯也很鮮且小辣,非常適合喜歡吃辣的人嘗試! 整體價格來說蠻便宜的,以在逢甲這個地段開店來說十分佛心!
- Hot dog rice cake with fried sauce The rice cake is Q bomb, the sauce has the aroma of stir-fried onion, and the slightly spicy taste is quite good! -jajangmyeon The dough is elastic and the sauce itself is quite tasty. -Sweet and sour pork The meat is very crispy, and it goes well with the sweet and sour sauce, which is quite satisfactory. Sweet and sour pork. -Chow mein noodles The noodle is the same as the fried sauce noodles. There are a lot of seafood ingredients in it. The soup is also very fresh and spicy. It is very suitable for people who like spicy food! The overall price is quite cheap, and it is very Buddhist to open a store in this area of ​​Fengjia!
Clement Huang on Google

看到韓國人也在youtube上推薦,就趕下來朝聖,口味上來說我個人覺得有稍微調整過,比較適合台灣人一些,沒有之前在首爾吃到的那麼辣(但還是有點想回味韓國當地辣度?) 1.敲敲海鮮炸醬麵,這個非常令人驚艷,上方的片脆又有鑊氣,敲碎沾著炸醬一起吃有種炸醬燒餅的感覺,海鮮料給的也很大方,麵條也是我喜歡的,唯一就是因為這是兩人份,所以醬汁店家會預先幫忙拌好,麵條Q勁會減少一些,如果很在意Q勁的人,點一般的炸醬麵會比較符合口味需求。 2.炒碼麵,湯頭喝起來很鮮甜,又帶有一點辣勁,但因為我本身不愛吃湯麵所以就交由友人清空。 3.甜辣炸年糕熱狗,年糕QQ的不軟爛,越嚼越有一股不知道怎麼形容的香氣浮現,很特別,搭配調製的甜辣醬超match. 4.洋蔥韓式炸雞,炸雞本體酥酥脆脆,鮮嫩不乾柴,每口配上洋蔥清爽解膩,讓人一口接一口。 5.糖醋肉,道地韓式風,韓國也分兩派,他們是屬醬肉分開放的,肉體應該是用里肌,較有咬勁而且不會太過油膩。 整體來說這次為了這餐開了一個多小時的車,我個人覺得值得,有時間必定回訪
Seeing that Koreans are also recommending on youtube, I rushed down to make a pilgrimage. In terms of taste, I personally think it has been slightly adjusted, and it is more suitable for Taiwanese. It is not as spicy as the one I had in Seoul before (but I still want to recall the local spicy in Korea. Degree ?) 1. Knock the seafood fried sauce noodles, this one is very amazing, the top slice is crispy and wok-like, cracked and dipped in fried sauce to eat together has a kind of fried sauce biscuits, the seafood ingredients are also very generous, so are the noodles The only thing I like is that it is a two-person serving, so the sauce shop will help to prepare it in advance, and the noodles Q Jin will be reduced. If you care about Q Jin, order the general fried noodles to meet your taste needs. 2. Fried noodles, the soup tastes very sweet and spicy, but because I don’t like soup noodles, I asked a friend to empty it out. 3. Sweet and spicy fried nian gao hot dog, nian gao QQ is not soft and rotten, the more you chew, the more you don't know how to describe the aroma, it is very special, and the sweet and spicy sauce is super match. 4. Onion Korean-style fried chicken, the fried chicken is crispy and crispy, fresh and not dry, and each bite is refreshed and greasy with onion, which makes one bite after another. 5. Sweet and sour pork, authentic Korean style. South Korea also has two factions. They are divided into soy pork. The flesh should use the inner muscles, which is more biting and not too greasy. Overall, I drove more than an hour for this meal this time. I personally think it's worth it. I will definitely pay a return visit if I have time.
將鯰魚 on Google

So great food here!! Especially I love Korea so much. We ordered noodle and chicken also the topoki(? Forgive me without any photos here!!! Too delicious to forget the photo?? 감사합니다 너무 맛있어요❤️ 炸醬麵 好吃 炒碼麵 好吃 湯好好喝❤️

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