煦苑 Brunch Café - Dali District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 煦苑 Brunch Café

地址 :

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Meicun St, 155號煦苑 Brunch Café

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://www.instagram.com/shiuyuan2018/
城市 : Meicun St
Description : Easygoing restaurant offering classic egg plates, plus sandwiches, coffee & desserts.

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Meicun St, 155號煦苑 Brunch Café
alice lee on Google

看了網路評價慕名而來~ 早午餐:法國香榭+德腸,餐盤裡面的法國吐司還好,生菜沙拉份量很少,胡麻醬還不錯!飲料可以折抵$30改成別種,今天總共點了冰拿鐵還有冰磚咖啡;冰拿鐵還OK,冰磚咖啡如圖所示,杯子裡面有三顆冰咖啡磚,旁邊另外附一杯溫牛奶?喝到最後沒什麼味道很像在喝黑糖鮮奶? 整體而言,用餐環境乍看之下蠻有特色,餐點的話就真的很普通,咖啡也沒像評價上面的那麼好喝;服務的部分覺得有點冷淡,吐司要加價附奶油也不行? 可能店家自己有對餐點的堅持!相對的就是對消費者而言不太注重消費者的需求!
I came here after reading the online reviews~ Brunch: French Champs + German sausage, French toast in the plate is good, lettuce salad is small, and flax sauce is not bad! Drinks can be discounted to $30 and changed to another type. Today, I ordered a total of iced latte and iced coffee; iced latte is OK, iced coffee is shown in the picture, there are three iced coffee bricks in the cup, and there is another cup of warm milk next to it. ?At the end, it tastes nothing like drinking brown sugar milk? On the whole, the dining environment is quite distinctive at first glance, the meals are really ordinary, and the coffee is not as good as the reviews above; the service part feels a bit cold, and the toast has to be added with cream. Maybe the store has its own insistence on meals! The opposite is that consumers do not pay much attention to consumer needs!
Ann Chen on Google

第一次來煦苑,位在大里的小巷子內,附近停車不太好找,建議騎摩托車。 店給人溫馨舒適的感覺,暖色調的設計,簡單大方的擺設,很適合朋友家人相聚吃飯,也相當適合自己來享受。 這一次點了花醬牛肉帕里尼跟金磚豆腐(店家的招牌菜色),花醬牛肉帕里尼使用漢堡肉,搭配上滑嫩的蛋以及花生醬,鹹鹹甜甜的滋味滿好吃的,還有滿滿的起司,整個很加分。 金磚豆腐,雞蛋豆腐外裹著酥脆的外衣,吃起來外酥內軟。
The first time I came to Xuyuan, it was located in a small alley in Dali. It was not easy to find parking nearby. It is recommended to ride a motorcycle. The store gives people a warm and comfortable feeling, with warm-toned design and simple and generous furnishings. It is very suitable for friends and family to gather for dinner, and it is also very suitable for yourself to enjoy. This time I ordered beef parini with flower sauce and golden brick tofu (the store’s signature dish), beef parini with flower sauce uses hamburger meat, paired with tender eggs and peanut sauce, the taste is full of salty, sweet and sweet , And full of cheese, the whole is very good. Golden brick tofu, egg tofu wrapped in a crispy coat, it tastes crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
米菲姐姐 on Google

大里的質感小店,餐點選擇滿多的,除了早午餐系列也有私房小料理,早午餐時段也能吃到甜點,今天的餐點選早午餐盤系列的優格花園280元、鮭魚跳耀295元,套餐含飲品也可換購,平日中午前往用餐,適當的人流、很悠哉愜意,餐點也很好吃,飲料點了基本的紅茶和換購冰拿鐵,也很不錯,店裡使用環保吸管? 另外想滿足甜點的胃,也有好幾種甜點可以選擇,寫在點餐櫃檯的板子上,今天點了肉桂捲,很貼心幫我們對切與友人分食,是比較扎實的那種,不是濕潤型的、比較偏乾,下次想再來試試別的餐點,如果在早午餐後能夠一起滿足甜點的胃是很棒的事!
Dali’s small texture shop has a wide selection of meals. In addition to the brunch series, there are also private dishes. You can also eat desserts during the brunch. Today’s meal chooses the brunch plate series Yogurt Garden 280 yuan, and salmon jump 295 yuan. The package includes drinks and can also be redeemed. You can dine at noon on weekdays. The crowds are appropriate and the meals are very relaxing. The meals are also delicious. The drinks are basic black tea and redemption of ice latte, which is also very good. The store uses environmentally friendly straws. ? In addition, I want to satisfy the stomach of desserts. There are also several desserts to choose from. They are written on the board of the ordering counter. Today I ordered cinnamon rolls. It is very intimate to help us share the food with friends. It is a solid one, no The moist type is relatively dry. I want to try another meal next time. It would be great if I can satisfy the stomach of dessert together after brunch!
wei Ho on Google

Chocolate dark curry tastes delicious, not the sweet one, but it has no chocolate flavor, I don't know why it is named so, the meal tastes healthy and delicious and not greasy, and the accompanying drink is also delicious and not sloppy. It's a bit difficult to park nearby, there is no parking space, you can only pause at the yellow line.
賴立昇 on Google

空間不大、環境舒適、很適合拍攝的地方。 餐點好吃、精緻、想要吃粗飽的可能沒辦法唷。 飲品等了有一小段時間才上,差點以為被店家遺忘了???
The space is not large, the environment is comfortable, and it is very suitable for shooting. The meals are delicious and delicate, and those who want to eat thick and full may not be able to do so. It took a while for the drink to be served, I almost thought it was forgotten by the store ???
媛惠 on Google

假日下午一點半到這裡,還好仍有窗邊的高腳椅位置,店內許多角落擺放小植物增添綠意,氣氛愜意放鬆 鬥牛士花生堡:花生香而不膩,漢堡醬料點綴的剛好,不會過分搶走食材味道,不知不覺就吃光光了!奶酪也是我喜歡的綿密感 鮭魚跳躍:友人的餐點,也是被讚不絕口,煙燻鮭魚搭配可頌,餐點豐富,有湯(小濃湯)有菜(沙拉)又有主食(鮭魚可頌),折抵$30換的飲料「檸香美式」也很好喝 巴斯克乳酪巧克力蛋糕:濃郁的口感配上套餐的飲料剛剛好。蘋果肉桂捲:上面搭配著炒到透明的蘋果粒,微熱的口感帶點酥,肉桂香充滿口中,忍不住一口接一口
I arrived here at 1:30 in the afternoon on holidays. Fortunately, there are still high chairs by the window. Small plants are placed in many corners of the store to add greenery, and the atmosphere is comfortable and relaxing. Matador Peanut Burger: The peanuts are fragrant but not greasy, and the hamburger sauce is just right, and it will not take away the taste of the ingredients too much, and you will eat up before you know it! Cheese is also my favorite texture Salmon Jump: My friend's meal is also highly praised. The smoked salmon is paired with croissants. The meal is rich, including soup (small soup), vegetables (salad) and main course (salmon croissants), which is discounted at $30. The drink "Lemon American" is also delicious Basque cheese chocolate cake: The rich taste is just right with the drinks of the set menu. Apple Cinnamon Rolls: It is topped with fried apple slices. The slightly hot taste is a little crispy. The cinnamon fragrance fills the mouth. I can't help but take one bite.
Keng Wei Chang on Google

It is great to stay for a leisure time !
Fu-Min Hsu on Google

Chill morning with chessy bacon panini and latte. Fond of soft and botanical interior design here.

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