Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital

地址 :

No. 125-5號, Heping Rd, Guanshan Township, Taitung County, Taiwan 956

電話 : 📞 +8889888
網站 : http://kuanshan.tzuchi.com.tw/index.php
城市 : Taitung County

No. 125-5號, Heping Rd, Guanshan Township, Taitung County, Taiwan 956
陳俊男 on Google

In the waiting area and aisle of the Chinese Medicine Department, the air-conditioning temperature is not low enough, and I am afraid to walk around, worrying that the acupuncture treatment may be affected by sweating.
郁諰湮(914) on Google

停車位不足 規模小了點 但是醫生很仔細專業
Insufficient parking space Small scale But the doctor is very careful and professional
Luk May on Google

在旅遊中,因眼疾急覆發而在假日求診急症,但醫生坦白承認此處無眼科檢查儀器,所以不收我錢,請我往花蓮大醫院求診。 醫生年輕,但很好及溫柔,一聲“你辛苦啦!”,已令我很有支持。謝謝醫生
During the trip, I went to see emergency medical treatment on holiday due to the recurrence of eye diseases, but the doctor admitted frankly that there was no eye examination equipment here, so I did not charge me any money, and asked me to seek medical treatment at Hualien University Hospital. The doctor was young, but very good and gentle, and said "You have worked hard!", which has made me very supportive. Thank you doctor
Huang BGG on Google

護理人員和醫生人都不錯,但制度很有問題。 急診時沒有陪病家屬需病患自己去掛號,掛號還要照號碼牌才能掛,急診無法優先,第一次初診掛號時櫃檯戶籍地址、聯絡人電話都得回答得很仔細,病患已經不舒服了還不趕快。都已經是去急診,人也不太舒服了還得自己掛號,不懂貴醫院急診的制度邏輯在幹嘛。
The nursing staff and doctors are good, but the system is very problematic. Family members who are not accompanying the sick in the emergency department need to be registered by themselves, and the number plate can be used to register. The emergency department cannot be given priority. When registering for the first visit, the household registration address and contact phone number of the counter must be answered carefully. The patient is no longer there. Don't hurry up when you feel comfortable. They are all going to the emergency department, and people are not feeling well and have to register themselves. I don’t understand what the logic of your hospital’s emergency department is doing.
Hsiao-Chun Lei on Google

急診的醫師口條很好,解釋病情相當明確, 醫院乾淨整潔,只有廁所地板濕滑有待改善, 原本對鄉下急診沒抱太大期待,但關山慈濟給我的印象卻是非常良好。
The emergency doctor spoke very well and explained the condition quite clearly. The hospital is clean and tidy. Only the wet floor of the toilet needs to be improved. I didn't expect much from the emergency department in the countryside, but Guanshan Tzu Chi gave me a very good impression.
蘇巧玲 on Google

I can’t score by star, otherwise I don’t even want to give it one. The nurse at the nursing station on the third floor is very locomotive.
Kao Fosa on Google

二顆星是給上次的急診醫師跟護理師 因為他們人好好啊 如果不是因為他們我連一顆星都不想給 今天10/23六要拆線恰巧星期六沒有一般門診只能掛急診 一個綁馬尾女護理師很不高興的走出來說拆線掛一般門診 我說我們剛好是今天拆線 她回我說 那可以提前先來問醫生可不可以拆線 態度真的想讓我翻白眼 如果提前回來看沒辦法拆是不是又要在跑一趟 我們大家都有自己的事情 不是吃飽沒事一直在跑醫院 很想客訴妳 但看不到妳名牌只能因此作罷 醫療業不是服務業 但是態度也不用這麼差
Two stars are given to the emergency doctors and nurses last time, because they are so nice. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t even want to give one star. Today, 10/23, the stitches are to be removed. It happens that there is no general outpatient service on Saturday. A female nurse with a ponytail is very unhappy and walks out to say that the stitches are to be removed. Let me first ask the doctor if I can remove the stitches. The attitude really wants me to roll my eyes. If I come back to see if there is no way to remove it, is it going to be running again. But if you don’t see your brand name, you can only be dismissed. The medical industry is not a service industry, but the attitude doesn’t have to be so bad.
張芷璇 on Google

我就問!腹部就很痛一直內出血 去看婦產科 然後亂開藥害我半個月都沒辦法跟衛生棉離身?而且也不講這個要是什麼!還不耐煩叫我去驗東西?麻煩態度好一點好不好!人家沒有欠你!

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