Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine

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Contact Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine

地址 :

No. 100號, Section 2, Heping W Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : http://www.baphiq.gov.tw/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 100號, Section 2, Heping W Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
張耀霖 on Google

Come on
簡基憲 on Google

Professional agricultural agency
Oscar Huang on Google

打個電話咨詢半天打不通, 終於通了又說他們電話都壞了而且他不是負責這部分的人 要我打另一隻,沒幫我轉過去, 結果打了他給我的電話 要是打不通。 爛
I made a phone call to consult for a long time, and finally got through and said that their phone is broken and he is not the person in charge of this part asked me to call another one, didn't help me to pass over, and ended up calling his phone if I couldn't get through . rotten
黃大柱 on Google

太好了!禽流感有救了!咱們最近幾次的防疫會議,官員迅速開完會後,就跑去吃活魚,參觀蔣公行館,還去騎馬……結果防檢局黃局長的回應是「馬也是動物!」真的是太好啦!建議你們這些官兒啊!下回防檢會議去騎「羊駝」,因為啊!「草泥馬」最適合你們啦! 好朋友問啦!那為什麼是禽流感有救了?沒錯啊!有這些打混摸魚,浪費公帑還振振有詞的大官,禽流感「病毒」當然有救啦!可是咱們的雞鴨鵝小命可就玩完啦!有了這些跟馬戲團小丑一樣的官員,禽流感不來台灣要去那兒呢!大家說是吧!這憂國憂民的作為值得米其林一顆星的獎勵‼‼
Great! Bird flu has been saved! In our recent epidemic prevention conferences, officials quickly rushed to eat live fish, visited the Chiang Kai-shek pavilion, and went to the horseback... As a result, the Secretary of the Anti-Inspection Bureau, Huang, responded that "the horse is also an animal!" It is really good. La! I suggest you these officials! Next time, go to the anti-inspection meeting to ride the "alpaca" because ah! "Grass Mud Horse" is the best for you! Good friend asks! Then why is bird flu saved? That's right! There are these big-name officials who are smashing the fish and wasting the public money. The bird flu "virus" is of course saved! But our chickens, ducks and geese can be finished! With these officials like the circus clowns, bird flu does not come to Taiwan to go there! Everyone says yes! This worry about the country and the people is worth a reward for a star of Michelin!! !!
趙伯翰 on Google

I am very grateful to Commissioner He OO for your patience and meticulous explanation of biological import regulations. I can feel the dedication of your office to provide convenience for the people.
Yang Lou on Google

詢問專員犬貓輸出,狂打牆說是要找分局辦理不是找他們 已經申請但過一個多月詢問還能不能使用該公文 也是不耐煩說自己去分局問 所以就不能詢問總局就是了? 那要你們總局幹嘛? 你們什麼態度回覆民眾就用什麼態度回應!
Ask the commissioner to output the dog and cat, madly hit the wall and say that they are looking for a branch office to handle them. Already applied, but after more than a month, I can still use the official document. Also impatient to say that I went to the branch So you can't ask the General Directorate? What do you want your General Directorate to do? What attitude do you respond to when responding to the people?
chang jerry on Google

In addition to not passing, write the first loss, otherwise it will be banned from importing any problem, lazy government unit
Ko Ro on Google

刁難進口者的公家單位 檢疫植物病蟲害花了快兩週 植物被扣那麼久都死光了啥責任都不用扛 還要收檢疫費 首輸申請形同虛設 沒權沒勢的一般民眾可以不用嘗試申請了 用一堆爛理由回絕 若是有規模的業者申請或許還有機會通過 不過作業時間跟蝸牛一樣拖個半年一年常有的事 別人國家的農業跟園藝業都不斷在蓬勃發展 貴單位還活在自己的象牙塔搞鎖國自嗨 說在保護台灣生態環境跟農業都是個X

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