
4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 樂林café-早午餐/義大利麵/甜點

地址 :

231, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xindian District, Zhonghua Rd, 109號樂林café-早午餐/義大利麵/甜點

電話 : 📞 +888988
網站 : https://www.instagram.com/lelincafe/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–7:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–7:30PM
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–7:30PM
城市 : Zhōnghuá Rd

Stella on Google

第一次看評價點餐 踩到雷~ 外帶 奶油蟹肉明太子義大利麵 香蒜青醬雞肉義大利麵 唉!打開餐盒連7歲女兒都差點傻眼 麵量的確不少 但料就如其他人說的不多 所以打開餐盒只看到麵麵麵麵麵…. 吃粗飽絕對沒問題 味道還行80分 唯一的亮點的是用不錯的蝦 還不錯吃! 但蟹肉有點小差點找不到 真心建議青菜很便宜 不要只給洋蔥、一點甜椒 真的很扣分
First time looking at reviews step on thunder takeaway Creamy Crab Mentaiko Spaghetti Pesto Chicken Pasta Ugh! Even the 7-year-old daughter was almost dumbfounded when she opened the lunch box Quite a lot But not much as others have said So when I opened the lunch box, I only saw all the faces…. It's absolutely fine to eat The taste is ok 80 points The only bright spot is the use of decent prawns Not bad to eat! But the crab meat is a bit small and can hardly be found Really recommend green vegetables are very cheap Don't just give onions, a little bell pepper really bad points
張샤오바이 (白) on Google

看到小小家的早午餐店,店中大約6至10桌右邊的座位區是需脫鞋入坐,店中有甜點,咖啡飲料,早午餐,開胃小點,義大利麵/燉飯,可以悠閒一下午唷。 義大利麵每份都現做出餐,用的料與食材都新鮮,醬汁都濃郁有味,麵條也都QQ好吃,西班牙大蒜蝦滿特別的,送上來還滋滋作響配著法國麵包吃,很搭耶...讚
When I saw Xiaoxiaojia's brunch shop, the seating area on the right of about 6 to 10 tables in the shop is to take off your shoes and sit down. There are desserts, coffee drinks, brunch, appetizers, pasta / stewed rice, You can take a leisurely afternoon. Every serving of pasta is made fresh, the ingredients and ingredients are fresh, the sauce is rich and flavorful, and the noodles are delicious. Bread, it's very good... Praise
M 2 on Google

The pasta is of a certain level, but unfortunately at this price, the ingredients are really small. It is recommended to use the set menu (multiple bread or drinks) to highlight the CP value. The original clam soup is delicious, but the rest of the drinks are really unnecessary. Special order, dessert is limited, so it is not on the menu, this time the tiramisu is slightly sweeter.
小P on Google

位於崇光高中、法務部調查局附近,捷運到新店區公所站步行約8分鐘可以抵達,附近很多學校,剛好遇上機會可以嘗試的咖啡廳,客人挺多,我們當天下午去,差點沒東西吃,因為早上被客人掃空,幸好還有餐點可以點,太幸運! 是早午餐店也是咖啡廳~餐點有義大利麵、早午餐拼盤、咖啡、飲品、沙拉、甜點等等,滿多的,位置不算多,一側是日式風格的座位,整體環境明亮乾淨,店員很親切、熱心,在這裡用餐讓人心情滿好的。 - #腐乳嫩雞義大利麵 是店家自製的豆腐乳,再研發後做成適合炒進去義大利麵的醬,很特別的味道,吃起來不膩口也很涮嘴,雞肉很大塊、軟嫩好咬又不會太柴,這個義大利麵我很愛,還有附一晚蛤蜊湯,吃起來很飽。 #香煎雞腿拼盤 拼盤有烘蛋、炒菇、美式薯條、沙拉、雞翅、兩片法式麵包,重點主角的雞腿~光看就讓人很飽XD色香味俱全,炸物類不會太過油膩、炸的很酥脆;炒菇個人很愛,有胡椒香氣又是乾炒不會吃起來太溼太油;沙拉分量滿多,吃肉之餘也也菜這樣比較均衡;雞腿很大一個,外皮酥脆、肉很多汁,當早午餐吃會獲得滿滿能量跟幸福的一餐! #西班牙大蒜蝦 逼逼波波的上桌,外緣很燙不要碰到。 有附法式吐司,剝好的鮮蝦在平底鍋裡滋滋作響,很適合拍照~約8-9隻的鮮蝦,滿肥美大隻的,適合配附上的法式麵包一起食用很讚!蝦子吸了一點油讓整個更有風味,彈牙又Q,滿特別的一道菜。 #巴斯克起司蛋糕、#提拉米蘇 別於一般咖啡廳的甜點,這家連擺盤都很用心! 兩款甜點都很美又好吃,喜歡拍照的人很推薦點。 提拉米蘇味道層次豐富,中間有一層脆口的口感,上層苦甜巧克力粉和清爽的薄荷葉把整個甜味中和的很好,一口吃下去能有明顯的層次體驗。 巴斯克乳酪蛋糕算滿常吃的,但這家的滿讓人驚豔, 上層微焦感,還有灑上一點餅乾屑很增添口感、中層是綿密爆炸的乳酪蛋糕,還有像瀑布傾瀉的奶油,一口吃下真的太罪惡又幸福了XD #經典拿鐵 中規中矩的拿鐵,配著餐點很棒,漸層也很好拍照,但要記得攪開再喝,不然底部會沉澱,會比較苦一些。 餐點分量都滿多的,飲品和甜點也都很喜歡,甜點部分滿特別的,可以感受到店家的用心,餐點部分食材也都是店家嚴選和特製的醬汁,很合胃口。
It is located near Sogo High School and the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. It takes about 8 minutes to walk from the MRT to Xindian District Gongsuo Station. There are many schools nearby, and there are many cafes that you can try. There are many customers. We went there in the afternoon and almost had nothing. Eat, because it was swept away by guests in the morning, fortunately there are still meals to order, so lucky! It's a brunch shop and a cafe~ The meals include pasta, brunch platters, coffee, drinks, salads, desserts, etc. It's full, but the location is not too much. There are Japanese-style seats on one side, and the overall environment is bright. It's clean, the staff is very kind and helpful, and dining here makes people feel good. - #bean curd tender chicken spaghetti It is the store's homemade fermented bean curd. After research and development, it is made into a sauce suitable for frying in pasta. It has a very special taste. It is not greasy and mouth-watering. , I love this pasta, and it comes with a night of clam soup, which is very filling. #pan fried chicken thigh platter The platter includes baked eggs, fried mushrooms, American fries, salad, chicken wings, two slices of French bread, and the main character's chicken legs ~ just looking at it makes people very full XD The color and flavor are full of flavors, and the fried foods are not too greasy and deep fried. Crispy; I like fried mushrooms very much. It has a peppery aroma and is dry and will not taste too wet or oily. The salad is full and the meat is also balanced. Juice, a meal full of energy and happiness when eaten for brunch! #spanish garlic shrimp Force Bobo to serve, the outer edge is very hot and don't touch it. There is French toast attached, and the peeled shrimp are sizzling in the pan, which is very suitable for taking pictures ~ about 8-9 fresh shrimp, full of plump and big ones, suitable for eating with the attached French bread. ! The prawns absorb a little oil to make the whole more flavorful, and the teeth are Q-like, which is a very special dish. #basque cheesecake, #tiramisu Different from the desserts of ordinary cafes, this one is very careful with the presentation! Both desserts are beautiful and delicious, highly recommended for those who like to take pictures. Tiramisu is rich in flavor, with a layer of crunchy texture in the middle. The bittersweet chocolate powder on the upper layer and the refreshing mint leaves neutralize the whole sweetness very well, and you can have an obvious layered experience when you eat it in one bite. Basque cheesecake is quite common, but this one is amazing. The upper layer is slightly burnt, and sprinkled with a little biscuit crumbs to add to the taste, the middle layer is a dense explosion of cheesecake, and the cream pours like a waterfall, it is really sinful and happy to eat it in one bite XD #classic latte A decent latte goes well with meals, and the gradation layer is also good for taking pictures, but remember to stir it before drinking, otherwise the bottom will settle and it will be more bitter. The portion of the meal is full, and I also like the drinks and desserts. The desserts are full of special, and you can feel the owner's attentiveness. Some of the ingredients in the meal are also carefully selected and specially made by the restaurant, which is very appetizing.
Justin Daley on Google

Nice for coffee and cake.
Nick Cincotta on Google

I usually don't drink coffee, but theirs is amazing. Decided to also come for brunch one day and was very impressed! The homemade bread and desserts are unique and delicious!
Suskriti Khan on Google

My friend and I work around the area and found this amazing place. The service was great as the staff here was very attentive. She also explained the menu as everything was in Chinese. We had to wait for a bit for our pasta, and she apologized and gave us a free cup of coffee. Wasn’t expecting that but shows how they care about their customers. Definitely coming back here, a mini escape from work! Try their desserts! The one we had was a lime wine cheesecake! It was flavorful!
Ann Wong on Google

Dedicated chief and quality food. Been there many times. Hopefully the cake lady who’s opened her own business will bring back her tasty treats occasionally. Please do well and continue to stay in my hood ?

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