Cartier(新光三越西門店) - Section 1

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Contact Cartier(新光三越西門店)

地址 :

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Section 1, Ximen Rd, 658號Cartier(新光三越西門店)

電話 : 📞 +8887888
網站 :
城市 : Ximen Rd
Description : Luxury brand founded in 1847 specializing in high jewelry, jewelry, timepieces & accessories.

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Section 1, Ximen Rd, 658號Cartier(新光三越西門店)
安瑤華 on Google

感謝再感謝西門店EVA CHANG冷靜協助本人卡地亞戒指遺失之處理步驟! 感謝原因 1、告知本人卡地亞每個戒指都有獨立編號,他們會通知台灣的櫃位,如果發現容易找回! 2、Eva說通常遺失後打電話給她的客人,後來都有找到戒指,這句話很安慰失主的心,結果我的戒指真的很快就找到,太神奇了! 3、在警局備案的過程,Eva也告訴我要提供什麼資料給警局,不會讓我手忙腳亂! 4、卡地亞Eva專業熱誠的服務態度讓人肯定與感動! 謝謝卡地亞,謝謝Eva,失而復得的心情果然很好!
Thanks again to EVA CHANG Ximendian for calmly assisting me in handling the lost Cartier ring! Thanks reason 1. Tell me that each ring of Cartier has an independent number, they will notify the counter in Taiwan, if it is found, it is easy to retrieve it! 2. Eva said that the customers who called her after the loss usually found the ring. This sentence comforted the owner's heart. As a result, my ring was found really quickly. It was amazing! 3. In the process of filing at the police station, Eva also told me what information to provide to the police station, so I won't be in a hurry! 4. Cartier Eva's professional and enthusiastic service attitude is affirmed and moved! Thank you Cartier, thank you Eva, the mood of losing and recovering is really good!
Queenie on Google

到台南旅遊剛好碰上週年慶,抱著看看的心態進店,結果在接待人員(Vivian 陳小姐)的詳細介紹下決定購買。 Vivian不只態度親切,解說也非常詳細,且會依照客戶的需求及預算提出建議,不會強迫推銷 。如有到此店購買,非常推薦請她服務唷!
Traveling to Tainan just happened to be on the anniversary, and I entered the store with the mentality of having a look, and finally decided to buy under the detailed introduction of the receptionist (Ms. Vivian Chen). Vivian is not only friendly, but also very detailed explanations, and will make suggestions based on customer needs and budgets, and will not force sales . If you have to buy at this store, I highly recommend asking her for service!
BoJing Liao on Google

公關妹妹接待時 當下並沒有依我的穿著打扮 進而辨別分類客群 詢問商品過程 會提供消費者言語形容 可能需要的款式 並不會憶測您是否會購買的行爲 選擇服務的等級 親自會幫您佩戴戒指 在VIP室時也會再次提醒商品保養等專業資訊等 最後遞上她個人的line名片 隨時有任何問題可以line她 整體感覺為您量身訂作 雖然後面預算不夠沒有購買 也沒因此無耐心 親切有禮 但對卡地亞留下了良好的印象
At the time of reception, the public relations sister did not dress according to my dress and distinguished the customer group. The process of inquiring about the product will provide consumers with words to describe the style that may be needed, and will not recall whether you will buy. Choose the level of service. Personally will help you wear the ring In the VIP room, we will also remind you of professional information such as product maintenance again Finally, handed her personal line card. If you have any questions at any time, you can line her. The overall feeling is tailor-made for you. Although the budget is not enough, there is no purchase and no patience, kind and polite, but it leaves a good impression on Cartier.
黃碩偉 on Google

那天本來想去看戒指,想說手上兩個戒指順便清潔,結果店員一臉不耐煩,推託說要等好幾個小時,要我們週年慶過後再來。 可以體諒週年慶比較忙碌,試問如果當下要結帳,也會是一樣態度嗎?!
I wanted to see the ring that day. I wanted to say that the two rings on my hand were cleaned by the way, but the clerk looked impatient and said that he would have to wait for several hours and asked us to come back after the anniversary. I can understand that the anniversary celebrations are busy. If you want to check out now, will you have the same attitude? !
林昀儀 on Google

因為最低只能1星,不然我半顆星都不想給 服務人員態度完全對不起Cartier 這個品牌,對客戶完全不理不睬,甚至在剛進門的地方就一直大聲講電話,差點以為在菜市場 其他人員寧可發呆或是摸東摸西也不願意開口詢問服務
Because the minimum is only 1 star, otherwise I don’t want to give it half a star The attitude of the service staff was completely sorry for the Cartier brand, and completely ignored the customers. They even talked loudly when they first entered the door, almost thinking that they were in the vegetable market. Other staff would rather be in a daze or feel frustrated than asking about the service
許吟彰 on Google

今天跟女友去挑戒指,因為沒做功課所以問店員哪些是年輕人比較常挑的款式,店員回:「都有人挑啊。」,之後選了兩只戒指向店員詢價,店員報完價後說:「還是你們先回去看官網看有沒有喜歡的款式,上面也都有價錢。」 對不起,我不知道沒做功課不能進實體店面問,我應該在官網選好款式後再到你們那直接結帳的。
Today, I went to pick a ring with my girlfriend. Because I didn't do my homework, I asked the clerk which styles are more often picked by young people. The clerk replied, "Some people choose it." After that, I chose two rings and asked the clerk for a price, and the clerk quoted the price. Afterwards, he said, "You should go back to the official website to see if there are any styles you like, and there are prices on them." I'm sorry, I don't know that I can't enter the physical store without doing my homework to ask. I should choose the style on the official website and then check out directly at your place.
Liu Kelly on Google

真的要推薦 Uni 服務真的很到位,任何小細節都讓我們很舒服也超專業,後來回台北101跟新光A9看,銷售人員都讓人不舒服,最後決定專程到台南找Uni買,真的不負如此車程奔波,挑選到心中完美的婚戒,滿滿的感動和幸福!
I really want to recommend Uni. The service is really in place. Every little detail makes us very comfortable and super professional. Later, when I went back to Taipei 101 to see the Shin Kong A9, the sales staff were uncomfortable. Finally, I decided to make a special trip to Tainan to find Uni to buy it. I live up to the rush and choose the perfect wedding ring in my heart, full of emotion and happiness!
CH Samson Sung on Google

Cartier boy, Xmas sweet.

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