Chang Jung Senior high school - East District

3.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Chang Jung Senior high school

地址 :

No. 79號, Section 2, Linsen Rd, East District, Tainan City, Taiwan 701

電話 : 📞 +8887
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城市 : Tainan City

No. 79號, Section 2, Linsen Rd, East District, Tainan City, Taiwan 701
Jung Yi Wang on Google

長榮中學於1885年(清光緒十一年)由英國基督長老教會創辦臺灣第一所中學,當時校名『長老教中學』。 1939年6月21日通過正式立案為「長榮中學校」。設校初期僅招收男生,直至1971年首次增招女生。1980年奉省教育廳令由「臺灣省臺南市私立長榮中學」改為「臺南市私立長榮中學」 目前擁有建物:行政大樓(榮華館&資訊科大樓)、實習大樓(製圖科大樓)、綜合大樓、第一教學大樓(國中部大樓)、第二教學大樓(高中部大樓)、第三教學大樓(商業群及電機科)、資訊大樓(設計群大樓),及大禮堂、音樂館(小禮拜堂)、校牧室等較早期建築物,其中音樂館和校牧室已被列為臺南市的市定古蹟。全校大部分建築物皆以巴洛克式風格建成。 除了擁有完善的教育設備(如全民英檢指定語言教室)外,並設有「校史館」、「文物館」、「化石館」、「礦物館」、「貝類館」及「蝴蝶館」等,往往成為外校學生觀摩或教師研習的重要據點。該校亦為全臺首個擁有室內攀岩場的中學。
Evergreen Middle School founded the first middle school in Taiwan by the British Presbyterian Church in 1885 (Eleventh year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty). The school name was "Elderly Middle School" at that time. On June 21, 1939, it was formally filed as "Evergreen Middle School". At the beginning of the establishment of the school, only boys were recruited. Until 1971, the first increase in girls was recruited. In 1980, the Provincial Department of Education changed the order from "Tainan Private Evergreen High School in Taiwan Province" to "Tainan Private Evergreen High School" Currently has buildings: Administration Building (Ronghua Building & Information Section Building), Practice Building (Cartography Building), Comprehensive Building, First Teaching Building (Central China Building), Second Teaching Building (High School Building), Third Teaching Building (Commercial Group and Electrical Branch), Information Building (Design Group Building), and earlier buildings such as the Great Hall, Music Hall (Small Chapel), and School Pastoral Room, among which the Music Hall and School Pastoral Room have been listed as Tainan ’s City monuments. Most buildings in the school are built in Baroque style. In addition to having complete educational equipment (such as the language classroom designated by the National People's Government of Britain), it also has "School History Museum", "Cultural Heritage Museum", "Fossil Museum", "Mineral Museum", "Shellfish Museum" and "Butterfly Museum" Etc., often become an important stronghold for foreign students to observe or teacher study. The school is also the first high school in Taiwan with an indoor climbing field.
披著虎皮的貓 on Google

I am from the middle school and I like this school very much. There are few classmates, the teaching quality is excellent, and the classmates are very friendly and will not bully others. The teacher is really attentive in class and will help us after class, especially In the third year of the third year, the teacher really gave me a hand to let me get good grades in the test, but there is a disadvantage, that is, the equipment is abnormally broken, otherwise the computer will explode, and the curtains are really dirty, century-old curtains, There's chewing gum on it, but it doesn't matter too much, oh oh, there is also the third grade exam every day, but if they don't review some of them, it's okay to post a detailed explanation, it's better to have one for each person, don't It is shared by the whole class. If I review the exam, it will be a fart, but I really like this school.
Sam Chen on Google

身為校友,相當懷念高中三年在長榮中學求學的一切,和同學在籃球場上揮灑汗水、參加夜輔一起K書、合作社阿婆的長榮麵、禮拜三的晨禱聽牧師分享故事。 可以說高中這三年在我的青春中是美麗的篇章, 也感念當年老師的教導,讓我後來考上不錯的國立大學 還有美麗的校園也令人懷念,廣闊的草地以及哥德式和巴洛克式的建築,彷彿置身在歐洲的古老貴族學校(當時還真的幻想過自己像哈利波特在霍格華茲學院讀書) 我想在這樣美好的環境中求學,無形之中自然潛移默化,形塑良好的氣質和人格。 現在回過頭看,很幸運曾經在長榮中學讀過書,也希望長中能持續保有往日的光榮 我以身為長榮人為傲
As an alumnus, I miss everything about studying in Changrong Middle School in the three years of high school. I sweated on the basketball court with my classmates, participated in night assistants with K-books, shared the story with the co-op grandma's Changrong face, and listened to the pastor's morning prayer on Wednesday. It can be said that the three years of high school have been a beautiful chapter in my youth. I am also grateful for the teacher’s teaching that made me admitted to a good national university The beautiful campus is also nostalgic. The vast grassland and the Gothic and Baroque buildings are like being in an old aristocratic school in Europe (I really imagined myself like Harry Potter studying at Hogwarts College) I want to study in such a beautiful environment, invisible naturally and imperceptibly, shaping a good temperament and personality. Looking back now, I’m very lucky to have studied at Evergreen Middle School, and I hope that Evergreen can continue to maintain its glory in the past. I am proud of being an evergreen person
杯弱 on Google

The school spirit is corrupt. Some teachers are not in class at all. They go into the classroom to chat with the students, play games, and pawn everyone at the end of the semester. Then, on the student side, there are a bunch of dead 8+9 students in the class all day long without studying at all. The atmosphere, if I could go back to three years ago, I would definitely not choose this concentration camp
SX N on Google

某些教師素質有夠爛。如果要讀這間請慎選根本就是在吃錢。第一學期剛開學時參加學校加開的電腦X圖夜輔,第一學期學期末時問了電腦X圖夜輔的老師說:下學期還會繼續嗎? 老師說:要看教務處他們那邊怎麼覺得欸我也不知道 第二學期開學問了班導:電腦X圖可以退選嗎? 班導說:當然不行啊!從你們剛開學選擇的時候就不能退選了,通知單那個時候就有寫夜輔為2個學期(理直氣壯) 我很納悶錢明明就都還沒繳為什麼不能退選?還強迫學生上夜輔而且老師說詞不一,麻煩你們出來解釋一下這是怎麼回事嗎?根本就是在騙學生,真心想跟你們這間學校槓上 要讀長榮拜託大家慎選!!!
The quality of some teachers is bad enough. If you want to read this, please choose carefully, you are eating money. At the beginning of the first semester, I participated in the computer X-map night assistant provided by the school. At the end of the first semester, I asked the teacher of the computer X-map night assistant and said: Will it continue next semester? The teacher said: I don't know how they feel at the Academic Affairs Office. At the beginning of the second semester, I asked the class guide: Can the computer X map be withdrawn? The class guide said: Of course not! You can't withdraw from the election since the beginning of the school year. At that time, the notice stated that the night supplement was for 2 semesters (justifiably) I wonder why I can't withdraw from the election even if I haven't paid the money yet? He also forced students to go to the night assistant and the teacher said different words. Could you please come out and explain what's going on? It's just cheating students, I really want to have a fight with your school If you want to read Evergreen, please choose carefully! ! !
Christine Shu on Google

beautiful historic campus
Julie Chiu on Google

Heard some good and bad news here, even I’m not a student here. I’ll say the school area itself is big and had lots of sources that most of the school didn’t, the the most important was how the professor and the college was.
Jack Chen on Google

It had been a rough day. Things hadn't gone as planned and that meant Hannah got yelled at by her boss. It didn't even matter that it wasn't her fault. When things went wrong at work, Hannah got the blame no matter the actual circumstances. It wasn't fair, but there was little she could do without risking her job, and she wasn't in a position to do that with the plans she had. It has been said that it was would like to thank you for your interest and the I have am not going to happen to have a great time to get to the bottom of point of view ? to be able to do this in the mind and heart disease to a new report level of the and a half years old ?, and the I was a in the first half of of the most popular important to note ? the same first time and money effort and the other is not a bad thing is that it is the only way I can see the same time thing that is the case.

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