Changhua County Public Health Bureau

1.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Changhua County Public Health Bureau

地址 :

No. 162號, Section 2, Zhongshan Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan 500

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 :
城市 : Changhua County

No. 162號, Section 2, Zhongshan Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan 500
Kagamine on Google

The attitude of the staff at the door is bad enough. The temperature has shown green after many times. I was talking to others over there, but I told the people that I said I can go up, and the health insurance card will not be turned over? What kind of attitude is this? Civil servants treat the public so badly without any courtesy. What do you mean when you speak so fiercely there? Do we the public have a bad attitude? It’s good to make you fierce, but I didn’t let you know that I was in a bad mood along the way. You must comment on the matter online. The quality of the Changhua County Health Bureau is really sad.
Sisyphus on Google

I can't get through on the phone, and the efficiency is much slower than other counties and cities. Although Changhua's maternity benefits are great, I still hope that the speed of handling the epidemic can keep up with the metropolis. There are more confirmed cases than us, and they can be received quickly
謝易家 on Google

The service attitude of the outdoor staff is very poor. After the diagnosis, I need to ask about something, but the phone can't get through. How can I ask this? How long has the epidemic been going on? I can't even get a customer service on the phone. Pay taxes to support you bureaucratic civil servants.
Aileen Hsieh on Google

There are typos in the title and address of the book Ju Ge. I have said it twice and it will be changed. Finally, the name is correct, but the address is wrong. I just called someone to wait for it. After waiting for a long time, the result is still wrong. I want to ask What are you waiting for? I know that my business is busy during the epidemic, but I have to correct it when I receive a mistake? Even more than one mistake, is it really busy or caused by myself? How to serve the people
林炤全 on Google

打了5分鐘 一直重撥就是打不進去 不是假消息,今天本人實測 有人接通了的話請順便跟他說我要申請集中檢疫 抱歉這時候大家都辛苦了,但連電話都弄不好就不要怪中標的大家生氣 請你們長官直接來接才不會把脾氣發錯對象
詹佳燕 on Google

就是不懂現在改來改去⋯居隔到底怎麼填 打電話詢問態度很不好 一樣確診者⋯我女兒收到簡訊是確診第三天 我朋友女兒確診隔天收到簡訊 還有衛生所每天的電話⋯還叫她去領快篩劑和藥 我只是問城鄉有差距嗎⋯叫我自己去問 我上星期問1922⋯1922叫我問彰化衛生局 衛生局的小姐ㄧ直回我⋯我問的問題電視新聞都有 我很想回她如果沒在看新聞的不就該死 我就是不在看新聞的⋯才打電話 其實應該一顆星都沒有 要選舉了⋯王縣長妳不管一下她們得態度嗎
黃昱欣 on Google

從我確診4月底的時候到現在,我家人完全沒收到居隔單,這兩個月左右我一直打電話進去,至少打了4、5百通電話,裡面的人員每次都有跟我留家人的資料說會請人員補給我,結果前天打去家裡附近的衛生所,他們幫我查資料後說,上傳的資料只有確診者,還附註並無同住者,我就問當初電話疫調的時候,問有無同住者是問心酸的???,後來人員也跟我確定我有沒有寫自主回報疫調表單,我強烈的表示我確診的時間是初期還沒到很嚴重的時候..,當初人員也並未傳表單給我填寫,那時候還是10+7同住者或接觸者要3+4,當時那兩個月中我每次打電話去,我得到的答案都是一樣,說會幫我處理,結果一拖再拖拖了兩個月…,還叫我上數位健康網站自己申請就可以了,線上申請是5/1確診之後才可以欸,我就已表示我4月底確診了,是要叫我怎麼申請??昨天更誇張還叫問衛福部?? 啊衛福部推給衛生局,衛生局在推給衛福部,到底是有完沒完啊?!啊今天去的時候外面的人員,還問我有沒有寫表單,我又跟他表示我確診時間很初期,並未有表單填寫,他有跟我說表單上有一個選項是有打滿三劑的話那會變成0+7,我直接跟他說,我當初就是沒有,我那時候強烈規定是10+7,麻煩趕快幫我處理??
Chih Sung on Google


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