泰廚 Chefs Thai 泰式料理 - Chiayi City

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 泰廚 Chefs Thai 泰式料理

地址 :

600002, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, 康樂街310號泰廚 Chefs Thai 泰式料理

電話 : 📞 +88789
網站 : https://piggy20642001.pixnet.net/blog/post/463854347
城市 : West District

600002, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, 康樂街310號泰廚 Chefs Thai 泰式料理
陳楷軒 on Google

朋友的介紹得知這家開在低調巷子內的泰式料理店,菜色口味真的很道地,是我目前為止吃過最好吃的泰式料理,招牌菜咖哩蝦球必點! ! !值得再訪發掘更多道地招牌菜
HR JANE on Google

There are not many places, but the environment is still elegant, and the speed of serving food is not fast. 5 people will first serve a water spinach in a bucket of rice. After the dish is eaten, the second dish can't be seen! The taste of the tossed pig was not enough, the rice was too bland, the moon prawn cake was very thick, but unfortunately there was no ? flavor, the steamed lemon seabass had a layer of cabbage under it, which was quite novel, and the Pacha chicken was good and spicy enough. Overall it's okay
Niya Hsieh on Google

連續兩週週末都從台南開到嘉義吃飯❤️❤️ #嘉義泰式 #嘉義必吃泰國料理 #泰廚 - 因為疫情的關係已經兩年沒有出國,知道這裡廚師是道地的泰國人,特別開車來外帶母親節晚餐 第二週是有了上週經驗之後想來吃現場的 辣度都可以依照個人口味請店家調整 像我們家人不是全部都吃辣的話,店家也另外提供給我們泰國辣椒醬自己添加!檸檬酸味搭配魚露跟辣椒,超級好吃? - 假日晚餐建議先訂位,疫情的關係感覺店家為了室內安全距離有調整座位 - 推薦菜色 ?咖哩蝦-看起來像是咖哩蝦子炒蛋,整個蛋液吸收了咖哩的香味,超級下飯超好吃❤️不管內用還是外帶都必點 ?月亮蝦餅-有分大小份,超級厚很實在的月亮蝦餅,搭配酸甜的醬汁!感覺內餡應該是店家手工製作的❤️超級推薦必點. 我外帶跟內用都有過,但外帶回去自己熱起來跟現場吃好吃程度還是有差 ?打拋皮蛋-鹹香下飯,冷掉也很好吃 ?蝦醬空心菜-油亮香脆,魚露超提味,吃起來不會過鹹 ?酸辣海鮮湯-爸媽看到海鮮的份量都覺得很超值❤️還加了很特別的泰式小茄子 - 店家位置位於菜市場旁邊,停車可以停到對面巷子裡的停車場,過個馬路走過來就到了
許延章 on Google

The food is very delicious! I will come back the restaurant! I love it.
FI Lin on Google

Mike W on Google

Cheap and authentic taste, clean and comfortable dining area but under staffed so reservation is a must.
Ya Tsai on Google

I liked the food very much, my cup of tea. The senior waitress was not mean. She was from Thai, just loud.
taipeimichael on Google

Call ahead but oh so worth it. Ask for Thai spicy if that’s your thing. You won’t be disappointed.

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