Chong Guang Hospital

2.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Chong Guang Hospital

地址 :

No. 1039, Zhonghua Rd, Toufen City, Miaoli County, Taiwan 351

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 :
城市 : Miaoli County

No. 1039, Zhonghua Rd, Toufen City, Miaoli County, Taiwan 351
劉妍庭 on Google

我能體諒醫護人員的辛勞 也明白傷病患者優先處理的順序 但你們一句「人手不足、無法處理」 就請我退掛! 我是先掛了門診、護士跟我說醫生去做檢查要一小時才回來,無法等建議改急診、我也改掛急診!結果急診醫生跟我說忙不過來!叫我退掛!!?‍♀️?‍♀️ 為什麼一開始不先說?讓病人跟家屬在醫院轉來轉去,老人家已經很不舒服還這樣受折騰,如此醫德,看診要三思。
I can understand the hard work of the medical staff Also understand the order of priority treatment for injured patients But you said, "Insufficient manpower, unable to handle" Just ask me to hang up! I went to the outpatient clinic first, and the nurse told me that it would take an hour for the doctor to come back for the check-up. I couldn't wait for the suggestion to change to the emergency department, and I also changed to the emergency department! As a result, the emergency doctor told me that I couldn't be too busy! Tell me to hang up! ! ?‍♀️?‍♀️ Why didn't you talk about it in the first place? Let the patient and his family move around in the hospital. The old man is already very uncomfortable and tossed in this way, so medical ethics, you have to think twice about seeing a doctor.
林意茹 on Google

How is it? Everyone is sloppy and messy, you are busy with a card, and the job is empty! The whole world is waiting, how is it? Does the hospital have to arrange for the lack of staff to deal with it? Wouldn't it be too silly! ! ! ! ! The fire has been on fire since entering the door! ! !
小順 on Google

Is it convenient for doctors now? When I saw a doctor in the past, I didn't even have an examination, I said that it might be a disease, and then prescribed medicine? ? ? ? ? Is it so good to be a doctor? Isn't that convenient for pictures?
Justice Fang on Google

The blood-drawing technique is terrible. I talked to him while I was drawing. The needles were still going in and out. Bad technique, bad attitude, even if I get a piece of cotton after pumping, I won't help me put tape on it. I have to press the wound while riding, right? ?
Hsiuyi Li on Google

I don't think the service and attitude of the medical staff are very bad~ It's just that there are a lot of people, it's true, people who are impatient, don't go. PS: The medical staff are not only serving you, they also have a hard side. Be considerate.
陳龍華 on Google

頭份重光醫院特聘神經外科第一聖手王超然醫師主持竹苗國際脊椎微創中心並擔任醫療副院長,7月起每週一、四門診,可達更廣範服務竹苗鄉親。 王醫師在微創醫學鑽研數十年,學理鑽精、手術技巧精湛、執行微創手術數千例,在此領域可謂獨領風騷具有執牛耳之地位。 王醫師看診視病如親,耐心、專業、深入淺出的為病人說明病癥,醫病間都能建立良心的信任與互動關係,確實是一位仁心仁術的好醫師,百分百值得大力推薦。
蔡清福 on Google

Why don't you have partitions at your registration counter during these extraordinary times? In fact, partitions are used to protect patients and counter staff. After all, we are afraid of going to the hospital to contact medical staff. A little protection is always good. I sincerely give advice.
Devina gracia plaza-sung on Google

The hospital is very very slow service.I already have an appointment from last week but then when I arrived so early 8:20 before they start and i was waiting until 10 but still they haven't assist me yet..

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