Chunghwa Telecom Guishan Service Center

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Chunghwa Telecom Guishan Service Center

地址 :

No. 359號, Zhongxing Rd, Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 33346

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 359號, Zhongxing Rd, Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 33346
Asert Gao on Google

拿手機去解鎖付過錢了 去拿又叫我們再付一次..?硬要說沒付?
I took the phone to unlock it and paid for it. Go and get it and ask us to pay again..? I have to say I didn't pay ?
李星兒 on Google

Good service, polite staff
無趣母女的耍廢人生 on Google

7/15 晚上手機掉進水槽。 7/16 下班趕緊去辦手機,因為沒現貨,女店員協助調貨,當晚就到貨了。 7/17 手刀領貨。 感謝女店員的協助~~❤️❤️
The phone fell into the sink at night on 7/15. 7/16 I hurried to get a mobile phone after get off work, because there was no stock, the female clerk helped to adjust the goods, and the goods arrived that night. 7/17 Pick up the goods with a hand knife. Thanks for the assistance of the female clerk~~❤️❤️
潮田渚 on Google

以前年底買支手機說要年終盤點 那麼你們盤點是要盤點多久?我記得等了整整2星期 都還沒有消息......
I bought a mobile phone at the end of the year and said it would take a year-end inventory So how long is your inventory taking? I remember waiting for a full 2 ​​weeks No news yet...
Aaron Hsiao on Google

人多時互相體諒一下 專員有限,多耐心等待一些。 服務我覺得不錯??
People often understand each other Commissioners are limited, please be patient. I think the service is good??
張耀仁 on Google

門市服務人員搞不清楚狀況也不問 在那邊亂回答 難道門市教育訓練是這樣做的? 網路上說明的規定也不看清楚 客人比店員還知道規定 還要我親自打過去本公司確認 每個分公司都這樣搞 本公司不是累死
The store service personnel do not ask if they are not sure about the situation Random answer over there. Is this what the education and training of the store does? The rules stated on the Internet are not clear The customer knows the rules better than the clerk I also need to call the company to confirm. Every branch does this, the company is not exhausted
吳敬文 on Google

江Mt. on Google

Try avoid the peak hour especially if you need a long talk. They are very kind and patient. But short of staff when ppl queuing for pay the over deadline bills.

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