巧麗鋁門窗企業社 - 優墅隔音窗 | 國田.信元氣密窗 | 通風門 | 防盜門窗 | 採光罩 | 鐵捲門 | 鐵棟 - Alley 1

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 巧麗鋁門窗企業社 - 優墅隔音窗 | 國田.信元氣密窗 | 通風門 | 防盜門窗 | 採光罩 | 鐵捲門 | 鐵棟

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Alley 1, Dahe 1st Ln, 1號巧麗鋁門窗企業社 - 優墅隔音窗 | 國田.信元氣密窗 | 通風門 | 防盜門窗 | 採光罩 | 鐵捲門 | 鐵棟

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 1
網站 : https://www.iyp.com.tw/0423112099/
城市 : st Ln

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Alley 1, Dahe 1st Ln, 1號巧麗鋁門窗企業社 - 優墅隔音窗 | 國田.信元氣密窗 | 通風門 | 防盜門窗 | 採光罩 | 鐵捲門 | 鐵棟
王柏璋 on Google

師傅做工細心,價格合理,又整潔環境,報價速度又快不拖延時間,真的很讚 大推
The master craftsman is attentive, the price is reasonable, and the environment is tidy, and the quotation speed is fast without delay. It is really awesome.
Aurora on Google

這次因鋁門窗塑膠滑輪破裂,在拆卸時玻璃也不小心破損了,載著鋁框,找了許多家五金行和鋁門窗滑輪製造商,都無法尋獲同規格的滑輪,很幸運找到林老闆,終於從他的百寶箱找出同尺寸的滑輪,當然玻璃也由他幫忙處理,包括回家將鋁門窗裝入窗框發覺滑輪旁的鋁片因較突出而無法順利安裝,再去找林老闆幫忙磨掉突出鋁片,他都充滿耐心與服務的熱忱,實在太感謝了! 雖然位處小巷弄間,但真的是專業服務、價格實在的好店家,林老闆的手藝也有兒子交棒了,所以我拿到的是年輕老闆的名片喔!
This time, the plastic pulley of the aluminum door and window was broken, and the glass was accidentally broken during the disassembly. With the aluminum frame, I found many hardware companies and aluminum door and window pulley manufacturers. I couldn’t find the pulley with the same specifications. Finally, he found the pulley of the same size from his treasure chest. Of course, he helped handle the glass, including going home to install aluminum doors and windows into the window frame Helping to rub off the protruding aluminum sheet, he is full of patience and enthusiasm for service, thank you so much! Although it is located in the alley, it is really a good store with professional services and real prices. Boss Lin’s craftsmanship also has a son, so I got the business card of the young boss!
Kawaii Coc201701 on Google

Great aluminum window and iron window construction, and thoughtful service
吳志輝 on Google

昨天剛完工,兩位師傅很專業做事也細心跟乾淨,報價迅速,價格也很合理,不會隨便抬高價錢,溝通也都很快跟有耐心,是有值得推薦的 廠商。
The work was just completed yesterday. The two masters are very professional and attentive and clean. The quotation is fast and the price is very reasonable. They will not raise the price arbitrarily, and the communication is quick and patient. They are recommended. Vendor.
蔡宏偉 on Google

The boss is very patient, our clay decoration project has been delayed for a long time, and we tirelessly help solve small problems again and again. I really appreciate it, the work is exquisite, the price is fair, and the work is very serious.
你今天正常嗎? on Google

I contacted the appraisal and said that it was enough to post the photos first, but in the end, the price of the photos was not estimated, and I didn’t contact if I wanted to see the scene. I contacted another one, and after reading the size of the photo, I came to the site to estimate the price the next day.
金古錐 on Google

很完善的技術及手工服務好,裝好後也很安靜,施工時還會放輕音量說話以免影響社區安寧。 比較可惜是:沒有做好室內保護措施。 因陽台施工要先鋸掉原有的扶手時沒有把落地窗的窗戶關起來,粉末飛入室內導致家俱及床單蒙上一塵灰,擦得半死! 雙方都沒有注意到這方面的缺失。
Very complete technology and manual services are good, and it is very quiet after installation. During construction, it will speak quietly so as not to affect the peace of the community. It is a pity that indoor protection measures have not been taken. Because the original handrails were sawn off in the balcony construction, the windows of the floor-to-ceiling windows were not closed, and the powder flew into the room, causing the furniture and sheets to be dusted and wiped to death! Neither party noticed the deficiencies in this regard.
小雁 on Google


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