CoCo Ichibanya St. Ignatius Plaza

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact CoCo Ichibanya St. Ignatius Plaza

地址 :

No. 8號, Zhongshan 1st Rd, Luzhou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 247

電話 : 📞 +8888
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城市 : New Taipei City

No. 8號, Zhongshan 1st Rd, Luzhou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 247
RUBY on Google

好吃,但不能訂位~要隨緣 環境好,也沒有用餐時間限制 服務好,會一直來幫忙加水 收盤子,也很注重衛生 食量大的可以加價加量 $30、$60、$90 有機會再去吃
It’s delicious, but you can’t make a reservation~ The environment is good and there is no time limit for meals Good service, will always come to help add water Take the dishes and pay great attention to hygiene If you eat a lot, you can increase the price $30, $60, $90 Have a chance to eat again
高苡軒 on Google

以前特別喜歡吃coco的咖喱,平價又好吃,CP值很高,當初徐匯店開的時候還很高興不用跑那麼遠,今天男友説想吃豬排咖喱,就馬上推薦他吃coco,跟他說要等也沒關係,一定要吃! 已經好幾年沒去了,到的時候已經13:00左右,雖然需要候位,但已經過餐期,所以沒有等很久,點了以前常吃的雞塊咖哩跟豬排歐姆蛋咖喱,雞塊一樣是六塊,但縮水到我以為在吃鹹酥雞?很多年沒去吃,漲價是必然,但漲了價雞塊卻變超小,要不要看看你們以前的雞塊有多大?炸的顏色還比以前黑,是油沒在換還是炸的時候沒在看時間? 餐點送上來的時候也沒餐具,站起來到處巡視以為現在餐具要自己拿,也沒一個服務員上前詢問,按了服務鈴,也沒問需要什麼,直接放了餐具就走,一句不好意思都沒有!最後都快吃完了水都沒有上,要不是我自己有帶水真的會被你們咖喱鹹死,一直到男友都吃完了才有一個女服務生上前詢問是不是沒有幫我們上送水?告知說會再跟新人講,因為今天比較忙她們也比較慌。但是不好意思!從帶位到送餐到比餐還晚送上來的餐具已經有三次!三次都沒發現客人桌上沒有水是神經多大條、眼睛多小顆?而且外場要時不時尋看看有沒有客人要加水這最基本的都不知道嗎?那請問你們服務費再收幾個意思的?就這種服務還好意思收客人服務費?還是貴店現在想跟別的餐飲店走不一樣路線,服務倒敘法,先出餐、再送餐具,最後才是水? 我也做過餐飲服務,明白餐飲服務的辛勞,今天我也沒有要店員需要服務態度很好,或是一定要一直保持笑容,但貴店員工的素質跟服務品質已經不是有待加強,而是連一個外場員工該有的基本素質都沒有,還想在社會混?不知道貴公司是如何篩選人才並教育員工的?我實在是不敢恭維!今天已經讓我們自己用手機線上點餐,貴店也不算大,我們用餐時間也已經過最忙的餐期,如果連這樣的來客數都Hold不住,最基本客人一入座先上水與餐具都做不到,那真的不要還去收服務費,我完全不知道今天被服務了什麼,還要被收服務費? 你們貴為日商,卻連日本的精神都沒有,連基本用日語喊的歡迎光臨都有氣無力愛喊不喊我聽了真的直接翻白眼,阿所以是歡迎還是不歡迎?可以乾脆不要喊好嗎? 點了兩道餐,加上服務費523,說實話coco現在這種餐點的味道跟服務523元我真的寧願捐出去,今天滿心期待要去用餐,最後在你們店裡受一肚子氣真的只有浪費而已! 我從未留過差評,也不會亂說話,希望徐匯店以及該品牌可以好好的思考coco壹番屋的經營理念跟發展是什麼,也看看你們雞塊咖哩飯的圖片跟實際出餐的雞塊差別有多大,以後不會再去用餐,同樣也不會推薦給身邊的人,因為真的不值得花這個錢去吃,以前的coco壹番屋真的很優質,但今天只有感受到coco壹番屋的消極,如果一直是這種出餐品質跟服務素質,臺灣市場早晚都會被淘汰掉,現在CP值真的不如去夜市吃或是自己買咖哩塊煮。 圖片是原相機拍無修圖,網友可以去官網自己看看菜單,幾年前的雞塊咖哩就跟圖片上一模一樣,今天在coco吃的不是咖喱,是一肚子火,謝謝貴店今天給我一個美好的用餐經驗!
I used to like to eat coco curry very much. It’s cheap, delicious, and has a high CP value. When the Xuhui store opened, I was very happy that I didn’t have to run so far. Today, my boyfriend said that he wanted to eat pork chop curry, so he immediately recommended him to eat coco and told him It doesn't matter if you have to wait, you must eat! I haven't been there for several years. It was around 13:00 when I arrived. Although I needed to wait for a table, it was already past the meal period, so I didn't wait for a long time. It was six pieces, but shrunk to the point where I thought I was eating salty crispy chicken? I haven't eaten it for many years, and the price increase is inevitable, but the chicken nuggets have become super small when the price has risen. Would you like to see how big your chicken nuggets were in the past? The color of frying is still darker than before. Is it because the oil has not been changed or did not check the time when frying? When the meal was delivered, there were no cutlery, so I stood up and looked around, thinking that now I have to take the cutlery myself, and no waiter stepped forward to ask, rang the service bell, and didn't ask what I needed, just put the cutlery and left, saying sorry nothing! In the end, I almost finished eating and didn't serve the water. If I hadn't brought water myself, I would have been salted to death by your curry. It was not until my boyfriend had finished eating that a waitress stepped forward to ask if she hadn't brought water for us? It was told that they would talk to the newcomers again, because they were busy today and panicked. But sorry! It's been three times since the table was brought to the delivery to the tableware that was delivered later than the meal! Three times I didn't notice that there was no water on the table. How big are my nerves and how small are my eyes? And the outside field has to check from time to time to see if there are any guests who want to add water. Don't you know the most basic thing? So what do you mean by the service fee? Would you like to charge a customer service fee for this kind of service? Or does your restaurant now want to take a different route from other restaurants, with a service flashback method, first serving the food, then delivering the tableware, and finally the water? I have also done catering services, and I understand the hard work of catering services. Today, I did not ask the staff to have a good service attitude or keep a smile all the time, but the quality of your staff and service quality is not to be improved, but even a Without the basic qualities that field employees should have, do you still want to be a part of society? Not sure how your company screens talent and educates employees? I really can't compliment! Today, we have let us order food online using our mobile phones. Your restaurant is not too big, and our meal time has passed the busiest meal period. If we can’t even hold such a number of guests, the most basic guests will be served with water and tableware as soon as they are seated. If I can't do it, then I really don't want to charge the service fee. I don't know what I'm serving today, and I'm still charged for the service fee? You are a Japanese businessman, but you don't even have the spirit of Japan. Even the welcome you call in Japanese is weak. I love to shout or not. I really rolled my eyes when I heard it, so are you welcome or not? Can you just stop shouting? I ordered two meals, plus the service fee of 523. To be honest, the taste and service of coco's current meal are 523 yuan. I would really rather donate it. It's really just a waste! I have never left a bad review, and I will not talk nonsense. I hope Xuhui store and the brand can think about the business philosophy and development of coco Yifanwu, and also look at the pictures of your chicken curry rice and the actual food. How different is the chicken nugget, I won't go to eat again in the future, and I won't recommend it to the people around me, because it's really not worth the money to eat, the previous coco Yifanwu was really high-quality, but today I only feel coco The negativity of Yifanwu, if the quality of food and service has always been this kind of quality, the Taiwan market will be eliminated sooner or later, and now the CP value is really not as good as going to the night market or buying curry cubes to cook. The picture is taken with the original camera without retouching. Netizens can go to the official website to see the menu for themselves. The chicken nugget curry from a few years ago is exactly the same as the picture. Today at coco is not curry, it is full of fire. Thank you for giving me one today. Wonderful dining experience!
Ivan on Google

很喜歡他們家的咖哩拉麵 湯頭超好喝的!!! 兒子喜歡兒童餐 份量剛好又什麼都有 想吃咖喱的時候一定會來這
I really like their curry ramen. The soup is super delicious! ! ! Son likes children's meals, the portion is just right and has everything Will definitely come here when craving for curry
kuoju liao on Google

店家提供數種素食咖哩, 套餐也可以作素的, 算是對素食友善的餐廳, 餐點美味, 中價位, 兩人含各一份套餐約台幣一千元左右.
The store offers several kinds of vegetarian curries, and the set menu can also be vegetarian. It is a vegetarian-friendly restaurant. The meals are delicious and moderately priced. Two people each include a set meal of about NT$1,000.
Andrew Johnston on Google

$ > ?
欸波Play Whaaat on Google

Suwida on Google

My favorite curry restaurant!
Michael M on Google

Pretty tasty Japanese chain restaurant for the popular Katsu and Curry with rice combination. You also get pickles and water for free. You can choose the level of spiciness and the amount of rice you'd like with your curry. Service is prompt and friendly. Probably not the most healthy choice or the most innovative recipes, but good if you like quick, tasty and uncomplicated food.

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