Coco 都可茶飲

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Coco 都可茶飲

地址 :

No. 62號, Wenhua 2nd Rd Section 1, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 244

電話 : 📞 +88888
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10:30AM–9:45PM
Thursday 10:30AM–9:45PM
Friday 10:30AM–9:45PM
Saturday 10:30AM–9:45PM
Sunday 10:30AM–9:45PM
Monday 10:30AM–9:45PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–9:45PM
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 62號, Wenhua 2nd Rd Section 1, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 244
周筱修 on Google

點餐妹妹沒啥耐心喔! 啊!可是後面又沒有別的顧客
My sister has no patience to order! what! But there are no other customers behind
Alex Huang on Google

杯子越來越細,漲價看得到。 再漲,杯底就要變尖的了。
The cup is getting thinner and thinner, and the price increase can be seen. If it rises again, the bottom of the cup will become pointy.
番文品 on Google

I bought 3 drinks at around 3 pm on December 16, 110. It was a tattooed female clerk who ordered the food. Even if the attitude was so bad, even if she talked to him, she didn't care about it, and felt like she owed him money. Asking questions would have to be asked more than 3 times before answering. Really blind
張昕睿 on Google

秋老虎發威的季節~ 買了3杯不同口味的手搖飲, 冰涼飲料好喝,瞬間提神醒腦⋯爽? 速度神快,服務態度佳, 來按個讚加油ㄧ下⋯?????? 順便慶祝一下今天是雙十國慶日⋯ ??????
The season of the autumn tigers I bought 3 cups of different flavors of hand shake, The cold drink is delicious, and it’s refreshing and refreshing. Fast speed, good service attitude, Come and press it. By the way, celebrate today is the National Day of the 10th National Day. ??????
joseph hsu on Google

Beef is unpalatable, fried chicken is ok, curry is not very good
潘昱云 on Google

The service attitude of the night shift staff (short hair) is super bad. The drinks are clearly made with five points of sugar. There is no sugar at all. I am so dumbfounded that I will not come here after the explosion. The service of Coco at Chang Gung Hospital is better.
One Lee on Google

Feel like when I see it, always need something to drink
YAN on Google

Its coco. Good tast, but not my most favorite

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