Da-Ann Exploration Park

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Da-Ann Exploration Park

地址 :

741, Taiwan, Tainan City, Shanhua District, 350號 Da-Ann Exploration Park

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/788258464534342
城市 : Shanhua District

741, Taiwan, Tainan City, Shanhua District, 350號 Da-Ann Exploration Park
馬士俊 on Google

Real organic pesticide-free strawberries, delicious, sweet, light strawberry aroma, strawberry ice is also delicious, it is worth a try
水霖兒 on Google

Very suitable for parents to pick strawberries, pay attention to the indicators when you go, otherwise it is easy to go wrong Feel relieved
flower huang on Google

想給10顆星?這家草莓真的大推連我家寶貝都愛❤️?️, 這是一個有機的農場 非常大, 老闆超級用心在顧所有作物,大家看照片就可以知道老闆有多用心每顆草莓都紅通通很漂亮又大又甜 吃的也安心 拔起來洗一洗就可以吃了, 除了草莓還有玉蜀黍、絲瓜、番茄可以採, 也都是稱重的。??? 外面只要不是有機的農場都會灑農藥 農藥在草莓上如果沒有仔細洗乾淨是很容易殘留吃下肚的,而且有灑農藥的草莓也比較沒那麼健康 跟這間的比起來絕對有差還差很多。雖然單價比較高但為了健康吃的也安心大家還是要慎選草莓園。 聽老闆講解還有照顧草莓的過程真的真的很不容易也非常辛苦。 老闆還有做很多相關產品像草莓香腸、草莓汁、冰淇淋、草莓饅頭、草莓果醬。全部都超推因為真的沒在唬爛很好吃又健康。希望大家幫這件草莓園推廣下去 因為他的入口不是很明顯 大家常常只會看到他的正前方另一間草莓園。有機會一定要開進去裡面 你會發現新大陸!!!
I want to give 10 stars ?This strawberry is really a big push, even my baby loves it ❤️?️, this is an organic farm is very big, the boss is super attentive to all the crops, you can see how much the boss is attentive to each Strawberries are all red and very beautiful, big and sweet, and you can eat them after you just pull them out and wash them. In addition to strawberries, corn, loofah, and tomatoes can be picked, and they are all weighed. ??? As long as the farms outside are not organic, they will sprinkle pesticides on the strawberries. If they are not carefully cleaned, it is easy to eat them, and the strawberries with pesticides are not as healthy. Compared with this one, it is definitely worse and much worse. . Although the unit price is relatively high, you should choose the strawberry farm carefully for healthy eating. Listening to the boss's explanation and the process of taking care of the strawberries is really not easy and very hard. The boss also makes many related products like strawberry sausage, strawberry juice, ice cream, strawberry buns, strawberry jam. All of them are super-preferred because they are really delicious and healthy. I hope everyone can help promote this strawberry garden because his entrance is not very obvious, and people often only see another strawberry garden right in front of him. You must drive inside if you have the chance, you will discover the new world! ! !
Lin Flyer on Google

No pesticides, fresh... red, sweet and big. The boss is very attentive
jmes J on Google

Great place to pick strawberries, organic, safe and hygienic
嘉嘉林 on Google

現採草莓?多汁鮮甜~有機栽種~ 2/13時價每斤460元
Freshly picked strawberries?Juicy and sweet~Organic cultivation~ On 2/13, the price is 460 yuan per catty
CL K on Google

老闆很親切,友善。 主角草莓很多大顆的(比50元大),也很香! 園區是有機草莓,沒噴藥,有高架也有地上的,採摘過程有蟲經過難免(兒子女兒看到很多蜜蜂蜘蛛什麼的?)。 以有機草莓加上他的整體環境來說,我覺得價格可以接受(480/斤),因為感受的到老闆的用心還有園內品質,當然如果很介意價格,隔壁的草莓園也可以去(差別在有沒有有機而已)。 大安這邊還可以採番茄跟其他作物(需要事先詢問老闆有什麼),我們今天去還有採黃金番茄(150/斤),相較之下,我覺得番茄更適合小孩採收,比較沒有難度。 園區後面還有一片大空地可以給孩子們活動。 如果追求有機草莓的話,這個園區很推喔~ (園內也有販賣草莓冰淇淋、果乾)
The boss is very kind and friendly. The protagonist has many large strawberries (larger than 50 yuan), and it is also very fragrant! The garden is made of organic strawberries, without spraying, and there are elevated and ground ones. During the picking process, it is inevitable that insects will pass by (my son and daughter saw a lot of bees, spiders, etc.). In terms of organic strawberries and his overall environment, I think the price is acceptable (480/catties), because I feel the owner's intentions and the quality of the garden. Of course, if you care about the price, you can also go to the strawberry garden next door ( The difference is whether there is organic or not). You can also pick tomatoes and other crops here in Daan (you need to ask the boss what you want in advance), we are going to pick golden tomatoes (150/catties) today. In contrast, I think tomatoes are more suitable for children to harvest, and it is not difficult. . There is also a large open space at the back of the park where children can play. If you are looking for organic strawberries, this park is very popular~ (Strawberry ice cream and dried fruit are also sold in the park)
施士仁 on Google

Good place for holiday

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