Dadi Sushi Breakfast Restaurant

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Dadi Sushi Breakfast Restaurant

地址 :

No. 18號, Alley , Yuping Lane 76, Section 3, Duxing St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220

電話 : 📞 +8887
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday 5:30–11:30AM
Thursday 5:30–11:30AM
Friday 5:30–11:30AM
Saturday 5:30–11:30AM
Sunday 5:30–11:30AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 5:30–11:30AM
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 18號, Alley , Yuping Lane 76, Section 3, Duxing St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220
Yu Chen on Google

這家外表不起眼的店家 裡面卻滿滿好吃的早餐 尤其是油飯還有麵線羹 在這裡我吃到小時候的味道 而且三明治一律都20元 根本是佛心店家!!! 讓學生、上班族花點小錢就能吃到美食
This unremarkable store But it's full of delicious breakfast Especially oily rice and noodle soup Here I have the taste of my childhood And the sandwiches are all 20 yuan It's a Buddha Heart Store at all! ! ! Let students and office workers spend a small amount of money to eat delicious food
Yu Chen on Google

換了新老闆後 店面都煥然一新了! 新的環境讓人覺得很特別 而且現在還多了許多菜色 口味竟然出乎我預期的好吃? 可惜的是目前還沒開放內用....
After a new owner, the store is completely new! The new environment makes people feel very special And now there are many more dishes The taste is unexpectedly delicious ? It's a pity that it is not yet open for internal use...
Mars He (時潮馬斯) on Google

The friends in the forest area are really blessed, the food is delicious, the price is fair, and the service attitude is good. It is worth visiting again.
Alice Chou on Google

The store is very nice polite, cakes and hot dogs to eat well, next time I try to eat anything else, it wants to reclaim the bucket a little over ?
Mignon Tsai on Google

有打開看過三明治嗎?只有表面有料,一點點番茄、小黃瓜,蛋很厚,是一小條…可以接受漲價,不能接受這種表面滿料的三明治?️ 花$25都在吃白吐司而已啊
Have you ever opened a sandwich? There is only the surface material, a little tomato, cucumber, the egg is very thick, it is a small strip...Can accept the price increase, can not accept this kind of surface-filled sandwiches ?️ Just spend $25 on white toast.
janus chen on Google

When young people are in charge on weekdays, regardless of the speed and quality of the meals, they are generally good, but on holidays, when only a few seniors are in charge, the meals will be chaotic and the speed will be very slow. Make a mistake, you have to make sure
小四 on Google

換了幾波人經營了吧?現在是第二還是第三?因為我們家去那裏不順路,早上又很早上班所以沒辦法常常去買(怨念)。可是我覺得現在的經營團隊非常的讚! 因為第一代的經營者好像是一對中年姊妹,應該也是有信仰的,可是他們對客人態度很好,對幫忙的鐘點工(看過有中年婦女跟年輕的工讀妹妹)態度卻很差,在客人面前喔就很差喔!雖然因為早上生意都比較趕時間,很忙,但是我在那裡買東西看那樣的態度真的營養早餐吃起來都不開心了,我朋友也一樣有這種感覺。 可是這一代的經營團隊也許是人比較多,但是生意一樣非常的忙,可是他們對客人或他們彼此之間的講話語氣,都讓我感覺忙中有序,心平氣和。兩相比較我真的覺得現在去他們那裡買營養早餐,是真的吃的到營養了。看他們這樣忙碌,在那邊等,我也覺得很歡喜,因為氣氛真的很不錯,不像之前那對中年姊妹讓人在那邊等,聽他們兇鐘點工,我心裡都直皺眉頭了?。 所以我一直很想跟現在的經營團隊說:加油! 請繼續保持這樣良好的團隊工作精神!這樣才是真的讓我們顧客吃到營養早餐?。 另外在補充,強推:豆漿(紫菜豆腐)味噌湯!營養滿分!超級好喝!我真想每天都可以喝到,只可惜我上班很早,那邊又不順路,只能放假的時候才能去買?
How many people have changed the business, right? Is it second or third now? Because our family is not on the right way to go there, and we work very early in the morning, we can't buy it often (resentment). But I think the current management team is very good! Because the first-generation operators seem to be a pair of middle-aged sisters, they should also have faith, but they have a good attitude towards customers, but they have a very bad attitude towards the part-time workers who help (I have seen middle-aged women and young working-study sisters). It's bad in front of guests! Although business is in a hurry in the morning and it is very busy, but when I buy things there, I really feel unhappy eating a nutritious breakfast, and my friends feel the same way. However, the management team of this generation may have more people, but the business is also very busy, but the tone of their speech to the guests or to each other makes me feel orderly and calm. Compared with the two, I really think that going to them to buy a nutritious breakfast now is really nutritious. Seeing them so busy waiting there, I also feel very happy, because the atmosphere is really good, unlike the middle-aged sisters who were waiting there before, listening to their fierce hours, I frowned. ?. So I always wanted to say to the current management team: Come on! Please continue to maintain such a good team spirit! This is what really allows our customers to eat a nutritious breakfast?. In addition, in addition, strongly recommend: soy milk (seaweed tofu) miso soup! Nutrition full score! Super delicious! I really want to be able to drink it every day, but unfortunately I go to work very early and the road is not right there, so I can only buy it during the holidays?
旅人腳步Traveler footprint on Google

新老闆接手後第一次來消費,我看到同一雙手收客人給紙鈔零錢來做三明治漢堡。重點是,沒洗手,沒噴酒精,沒帶手套(天呀!也太衛生了吧) 建議另外拿一個寬鬆的手套收錢。 或是請處理麵線的奶奶來算錢。 一雙手收過n個客人的錢再來做餐點真的很恩湯。目前基於衛生的問題,扣一顆星,以後應該只會點本丸了....等下次再來拜訪時有改進再補回星星 生意很好,現場5個人在做,一堆人打電話訂餐,現場也等蠻久的。能夠立刻帶走的餐點不多,看到豆干,涼拌木耳。建議先打電話來不用等 服務態度很好,分工細但現場跟打仗一樣溝通好像有點不良?! 以下是餐點的評語: 無糖黑豆漿(30)好喝。不會太淡。喝的到豆香味。 忙到忘記放起司的總匯吐司(65) 一片素排,一片火腿,一片生菜,一點番茄醬沙拉醬,幾絲小黃瓜。外加10元半熟荷包蛋。整體美味濕潤但若不是我有加點荷包蛋,真的很單薄。起司找不到... 忙到忘記放起司的煎蛋吐司(35) 跟總匯吐司一樣美味。吃起來也很心酸,加點起司怎麼翻都找不到,難道融化再蛋裡了? 基於太忙碌,兩個餐點都少放起司,也扣一顆星。 牛蒡本丸(35),米粒Q彈,菜脯爽脆,油條蠻香的,整體滿分。 蘿蔔糕+蛋(25)辣油不會辣口,香香的。醬油膏不死鹹,可能我的口味比較重,醬油膏今天吃沒什麼鹹。煎的恰恰。 香椿抓餅(30)麵香鹹鹹香香的。煎的焦香但沒有抓過所以吃起來是硬的不鬆軟。可以直接叫香椿餅了XD。(冷掉之後也好吃。) 薯餅(30),2片,中規中矩,也煎的鹹香。讚。
The new owner came to consume for the first time after taking over, and I saw the same hands accepting customers to give money and change to make sandwiches and burgers. The point is, no hand washing, no spray of alcohol, no gloves (Oh my God! It’s too hygienic) It is recommended to take a loose glove to collect money. Or ask the grandma who handles the noodles to calculate the money. It's really nice to make a meal after taking the money from n guests with both hands. At present, due to health issues, one star is deducted, and I should only order the pill in the future....I will pay for the star if there is improvement when I visit again next time. The business is very good. There are 5 people working on the spot, a bunch of people call to order food, and the scene has been waiting for a long time. There are not many meals that can be taken away immediately. I saw dried bean curd and cold fungus. It is recommended to call first without waiting The service attitude is very good, the division of labor is fine, but the communication on the scene is a bit bad like a war? ! The following is a review of the meal: Sugar-free black soy milk (30) is delicious. Not too light. It smells like beans. Too busy to forget to put the cheese toast (65) A slice of vegetarian steak, a slice of ham, a slice of lettuce, a bit of tomato sauce and salad dressing, a few shreds of cucumber. Plus 10 yuan half-boiled poached eggs. The whole is delicious and moist, but if I hadn't added some poached eggs, it was really thin. Can't find cheese... Busy enough to forget to put the cheese omelette toast (35) It's as delicious as the total toast. It tastes very sad, even if you add some cheese, you can't find it. Is it melted in the egg? Because of being too busy, both meals are less cheese, and one star is also deducted. The burdock pill (35), the rice grains are Q bombs, the dried vegetables are crispy, and the fried dough sticks are quite fragrant. The overall score is full. Turnip cake + egg (25) spicy oil will not be spicy but fragrant. Soy sauce paste is not too salty, maybe my taste is heavy, soy sauce paste is not salty to eat today. Fried exactly. Toon Zhuabing (30) noodles are salty and fragrant. It's burnt and fragrant, but it hasn't been caught, so it tastes hard and not soft. It can be called toon cake XD directly. (It's delicious even after it's cold.) Potato cakes (30), 2 slices, quite satisfactory, and salty and fragrant when fried. great.

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