Dakeng Trail No 5 - No. 279斜頭巷 Beitun District

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Dakeng Trail No 5

地址 :

號, No. 279斜頭巷 Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406

城市 : Taichung City

號, No. 279斜頭巷 Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406
張子忠(新曜哥) on Google

I went up from the No. 1 trail to the top of the No. 5 trail, which is very close to the No. 5 entrance. There is a rest pavilion here to take pictures of the far-end scenery for everyone to see.
吳偉帆 on Google

步道非常舒服? ⚠️要小心 大坑這很多蚊蟲 猴子野生動物 毛毛蟲切勿觸碰
The trail is very comfortable? ⚠️Be careful, there are a lot of mosquitoes, monkeys, wild animals in Da Hang Do not touch caterpillars
violin7519 on Google

延著山稜線走不難爬 開頭的地方可以選擇走一段坡道去接步道 如果不想5上5下可以從黑松亭附近接5-1下 要走五號的缺點是 開到能停車的地方路很窄,會車不易 建議七八點前去爬,晚了可能沒有位置停車
It’s not difficult to climb along the ridge of the mountain At the beginning, you can choose to take a ramp to pick up the trail If you don’t want 5 ups and 5 downs, you can pick up 5-1 downs from near Heisongjeong The disadvantage of going to number five is Drive to a place where you can park the road is very narrow, it is not easy to get a car It is recommended to climb before 7 or 8 o'clock, there may be no place to park when it is late
邱坊榮 on Google

It is a good place to train physical fitness. Generally, it can be used with one of the No. 1-4 trails. Be careful when you reach the top. Missteps, minor injuries, severe ones down the valley!
Ken Chen on Google

大坑5-1號上、5號步道下順登頭嵙山 今天要挑戰大坑5-1號步道上接5號步道到頭嵙山,再從5號步道下山回停車場。從新社的斜頭巷起登,5-1步道登山口,總長1.6K,除了有距離木樁一旁還有周末不定時導覽牌,一開始的原始道路走沒多久後就接上圓枕木階梯上坡了,之後抵達電塔後,變成石頭階梯與原始道路的組合,行走一段時間後,又再度回歸到圓枕木與階梯組合的路段中。5-1步道並非全程都是圓木棧道圓木棧道,是原始山徑, 土徑....交錯,步道兩側有林蔭,頗能遮日,從0.3K之後的路徑,平緩好走,步道沿途,設置許多植物解說牌,來到二嵙山,沒有基石,設有~慶祝台中市建府90周年登山活動紀念碑,抵達二嵙亭,行走在頭嵙山與二嵙山的稜線上,沿途有不錯的展望,來到城中亭,常見山友聚在此品茶談天說地。抵茶歇亭,沿途的亭子建置不少,個人覺得從5-1號步道上,高低落差不大,來到黑松亭,黑松亭是個滿大型的休息涼亭,連接5號跟5-1號步道,除了涼亭可以休息,還有露天座位區享受遼闊視野,亭子前有碩大的台灣五葉松,稜線上的視野極佳,在黑松亭轉接5號步道,我們要繼續前往頭嵙山頂,晚點再折返回來這邊,沿途中也有設置許多座位可以在這邊休息看風景,5號步道爬起來不算難,風景視野都不錯,CP值很高,抵達高峰亭,看到太陽逐漸露臉,開始熱起來了,繼續向上爬抵達大坑3號步道終點站,不過這邊沒有休息涼亭,看要繼續往前頭嵙山頂或剛剛前面的涼亭休息都可以,差沒幾百公尺就可以登頂了,在這邊也聽到山頂上面熱鬧的聲音,抵達頭嵙亭,在頭嵙亭的前方為頭嵙山三角點,頭嵙山高859m,有一編號:1120號二等三角點,及編號:003號的內補一等三角點,頭嵙山為小百岳#041號,山頂展望點除了可以看到新社花海,還可以看到鳶嘴山跟雲海,休息結束原路折返下山,回程至黑松亭轉接5號步道,從5號步道前進獅子亭的方向下山,110公尺圓木棧道後來到獅子亭,前方怡樂亭,提供山友遮風避雨的好地方,抵達大坑2號步道的終點休息站,這裡比剛剛寬敞許多,周末假日也有不少山友在這聚會休息,這邊有1號, 2號, 3、4號登山步道的岔路口這裡完全看不到5號步道指標,實際是要往1號登山步道方向走,步道上下起伏多,但不會太硬,也算是個滿輕鬆的路線,往前走抵達行易亭,簡單搭建的一個小涼亭,也是有不少人在這泡茶聊天,續走到達1號登山步道叉路,往左為1號登山步道,直行往逍遙亭前進,抵達逍遙亭,也是大坑一號步道終點站,這邊觀景點有不錯的展望點,退回到步道上,循右側下山,回到5號步道登山口,再沿著產業道路回到停車處,費時3小時。 5-1號及5號步道,除了圓木步道,還有不錯的林相,稜線展望也不錯比起1-4號步道,多為圓木步道,走起來步步為營,5-1號及5號步道相對和緩許多, 也是另一種選擇。 全程4.26k,費時1小時58分。
Veronika Lorencová on Google

Beautiful nature
Reed Ponce on Google

Different experience in hiking.. need to make strong legs and knees yo finished the trail.
Sean Liu on Google

Although trail No.5 is still good, it somehow has less astonishing view than trail No.3 and No.4 other than the second part of the trail. There are several pavilions for you to rest and you can reach the top either from No.5-1 or No.5 as trail No.5-1 will merge into trail No.5 around half of the way. Trail No.5 also connects trails No.1, 2, 3, 4, so you can plan your suitable journey based on your starting point. Trail is also well-maintained and clearly labeled.

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