Datong 108 - OR Booksroom

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Datong 108 / OR Booksroom

地址 :

No. 108, Datong Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300

網站 : https://readmore.com.tw/
城市 : Hsinchu City

No. 108, Datong Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300
on Google

還不錯有小展覽可以看 店員親切
Not bad there is a small exhibition to watch The clerk is kind
間諜狐狸 on Google

Bringing my son to participate in holiday activities, I was very careful, and the books in it were also quite rich, mostly about the history of bamboo moats. . .
簡彥成 on Google

The appearance is unremarkable, but the introduction of the old urban area of ​​Hsinchu is very careful, similar to the practice of Taichung Central District.
張若瑜 on Google

The building was originally the famous "Xin Tao Fang Restaurant" in Hsinchu. Exhibitions related to the history of the old city of Hsinchu are launched from time to time, and a small bookstore is stationed, and the space upstairs is also open for lease. I hope that this Hsinchu version of URS can slowly drive more people to pay attention to the stories of the old city, replacing simple "renewal" with a diverse "regeneration" model!
Sig Chen on Google

むかしの史跡をリノベーションして、いまは本屋である。 「或者シリーズ」の小さい書店で、主に地方の歴史や建築に関する本を販売する。二階はよくキャンペーンを開催し、フェースブックで確認できる。 自分は村上春樹の『女のいない男たち』を買ったが、ここの領収書はやや古い形で(手で書く)、或者シリーズのポイントを貯めることができない。店員さんによると、ここはほかの店舗と違うので、営業の状況も違うんだ。
It is now a bookstore after renovating the historic sites of the past. A small bookstore in the "Someone Series" that mainly sells books on local history and architecture. The second floor often holds campaigns and can be confirmed on Facebook. I bought Haruki Murakami's "Men Without Women", but the receipt here is a little old (written by hand), and I can't collect points for the series. According to the clerk, this is different from other stores, so the sales situation is also different.
Peter Pan on Google

今天下午參與文史前輩康鍩錫,在新竹或者文史書房舉辦的新書發表會!他窮盡一生的巨著-空中看古厝,利用空拍機從空中的視野,從北到南紀錄了幾十幢傳統建築,相當精彩,讓我們從不同的角度看古厝古宅古建築! 老家在新竹、父母親都在新竹市國小擔任老師的康鍩錫。在書的自序文中說明:在這條探索古建築的路上走了近四十年,旅途頗孤單,幸而有名師李乾朗與楊仁江的教導,以及志同道合好友的切磋與打氣,才能堅持繼續走下去。 感謝好友下班後熬夜幫他畫透視圖,使本書內容更充實而家人的支持與鼓勵。他説:老屋是歷史的見證,是先人們曾經走過的實體記憶,如無存留,如何令後人緬懷追念呢? 試想每座老屋都是引领我們走入時光隧道的媒介,帶我們回到歷史某個時空,體會古人的生活情境。 他以不同時期興建的宅屋,見證到不同的形式與規模,不同的時代、建築的材料,表現著老屋的個性與格調,失去了這些,台灣曾有的文化藝術史,將永遠難彌補這塊空缺。希望藉此書,開啟後人的另一視界,為維護保存古盡點心意。 他將已消失的古厝介紹出來,包括新竹市的西門潛園和溫家太原第,把他們被拆除前後對照,讓大家看到他們的美好與殘跡!語氣中充滿遺憾,真是性情中人。 交流中,發現他曾經看過我搭直升機拍攝的新竹縣市地景地貌,認為是有價值的影像。會中也認識陪同康大哥參加分享會的貓頭鷹出版社的小芳,我們也有互動! #飛行大新竹
This afternoon, I will participate in the new book launch conference held by the predecessor of literature and history, Kang Yunxi, in Hsinchu or in the literature and history book room! The masterpiece of his life-looking at the ancient house from the sky, using the aerial view from the air, he recorded dozens of traditional buildings from north to south, which is quite exciting. Let us look at the ancient houses and ancient buildings from different angles! Kang Yunxi, whose hometown is in Hsinchu, and whose parents both work as teachers in Hsinchu Elementary School. It is stated in the preface of the book: I have been walking on this road of exploring ancient architecture for nearly 40 years, and the journey is quite lonely. Fortunately, the teaching of famous teachers Li Ganlang and Yang Renjiang, as well as the discussion and encouragement of like-minded friends, can continue to go on. . Thanks to my friend who stayed up late after get off work to help him draw the perspective, which makes the content of this book more substantial and the family's support and encouragement. He said: The old house is a testimony of history. It is the physical memory of the ancestors. If there is no remaining, how can it be remembered by future generations? Imagine that every old house is a medium that leads us into a time tunnel, takes us back to a certain time and space in history, and experiences the life situation of the ancients. He has witnessed different forms and scales, different eras, and building materials that express the personality and style of the old houses in the houses built in different periods. Without these, Taiwan’s cultural and artistic history will never be able to make up for it. This vacancy. I hope that this book will open up another vision for future generations, and make every effort to preserve and preserve the past. He introduced the ancient homes that had disappeared, including Ximen Qianyuan in Hsinchu City and Wen's Taiyuandi, and compared them before and after they were demolished, so that everyone can see their beauty and remnants! His tone is full of regrets, and he is truly a man of temperament. During the exchange, I discovered that he had seen the landscape and landforms of Hsinchu County and cities I took by helicopter and thought it was a valuable image. During the meeting, I also met Xiaofang from Owl Publishing House who accompanied Kang to participate in the sharing meeting, and we also interacted! #飞大新竹
johnny wu on Google

No air condition, very hot!
Joseph Chen on Google

Still need time to improve and add more exhibition. Currently there is almost no exhibition, and guide is very not clear. We miss the spot completely, until one volunteer actively ask if we are looking for the exhibition. The promotions are already published but look like not yet ready for visitors.

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