Datong Elementary School

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Datong Elementary School

地址 :

No. 51, Dalong St, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103

電話 : 📞 +8897
網站 : http://www.ttps.tp.edu.tw/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 51, Dalong St, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
小姐 on Google

The school environment is beautiful, the teachers teach seriously, and there is a well-equipped leisure sports center next to it.
Yi-Ting Chen on Google

I have been updating my alma mater, which is not allowed to fall behind, and the elephant slide. It is very convenient to have a sports center and a library nearby.
褚明福 on Google

此校曾有位杜秋圓女恩師,有一年教師節当時都用印有孔聖夫子的袋子,老師叫我過去,就拿一個紙袋給我,教我裡面放几張衞生紙•明來上學時交給老師便可,雖然沒讀完小畢, •至今仍憶念著此位好導師。 願杜老師•身體康健事事如煮。
There was a female teacher Du Qiuyuan in this school. One year on Teacher’s Day, she used a bag printed with Master Kong Sheng. The teacher asked me to go there and gave me a paper bag and taught me to put some toilet paper in it. The teacher can do it, although I haven't finished the Xiaobi, • I still remember this good mentor. May Mr. Du's health and health be like cooking.
johnny tan on Google

住附近的就雖洨要被一直吵 平日要聽老師罵小孩 老師會對學生說你腦袋裡面裝什麼 週日一大早還有人在打鼓⋯⋯⋯
People living nearby will be noisy all the time Listen to the teacher scolding the child on weekdays The teacher will tell the students what is in your head There are still people playing drums early on Sunday morning...
ChaoChang Chu on Google

學校完美師長熱心 同學歌唱樂無比 我們要實現世界大同 給人人都歡喜'
School perfect teacher enthusiastic Classmates sing so much music We want to achieve world unity Happy to everyone'
吳思寒 on Google

On-street parking is "very" convenient
Hana on Google

Near MRT Zhonghe Xinlu Line Daqiaotou Station, Exit 2. The holiday campus is a good place for skating, basketball, walking, running and stretching exercises, as well as family exercise together.
啟民翁 on Google

校史:1937臺北市圓山公學校設于今蘭州國中校地,1941圓山國民學校,1946大同國民學校,1951遷往現址,1968大同國民小學。 校園特色: 1.校舍穿堂佈置80周年校慶裝飾,旁邊有孔子塑像。 2.校園内有古典的大象溜滑梯,圓弧形升旗臺旁豎立有國父與蔣公塑像并列。 3.校園有兩件公共藝術作品---夢想起飛(校門旁)及來運動吧(運動中心門口)
School History: 1937 Taipei Yuanshan Public School is located in this Lanzhou Guozhong Campus, 1941 Yuanshan National School, 1946 Datong National School, 1951 moved to the current site, 1968 Datong National Primary School. Campus features: 1. The school building is decorated with 80th anniversary decoration, and there is a statue of Confucius next to it. 2. There is a classical elephant slide on the campus. There is a statue of the founding father and Jiang Gong standing next to the arc-shaped flag-raising platform. 3. There are two public art works on the campus---the dream takes off (next to the school gate) and comes to the sports bar (the entrance to the sports center)

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