Deuchem Women and Children Hospital

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Contact Deuchem Women and Children Hospital

地址 :

No. 18, Jiuru 2nd Rd, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 807

電話 : 📞 +88798
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Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 18, Jiuru 2nd Rd, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 807
wieny ya on Google

感謝醫院讓產程一切順利,並且對寶寶的用心照顧。 月子期間一天六餐中可自選部分餐點,整體餐點口味都很不錯,也會依照產後週期搭配調理不同食材,讓產後媽媽可以好好搭配恢復及發奶哺育,棒棒的。 房務每天會清潔拖地,整理打掃乾淨,護士及房務人員都很友善,在這裡很舒適。
Thank you to the hospital for making the labor process go smoothly and for taking good care of the baby. During the confinement period, you can choose some of the six meals a day. The overall taste of the meals is very good, and different ingredients will be prepared according to the postpartum cycle, so that postpartum mothers can mix well with recovery and breastfeeding, which is great. The housekeeping will clean and mop the floor every day, tidy up and clean, the nurses and housekeeping staff are very friendly, and it is very comfortable here.
A-Chi Lin on Google

雖然我不是在德謙婦幼醫院生產,但是是在德謙月子中心坐月子,覺得這個決定是對的,因為德謙的環境很好。 第一週身體狀況不佳,可以直接在一樓掛號看診,地下室還有檢驗室可以立刻做檢查看報告;每天都有清潔人員打掃房間,一天三餐、三次點心加上早晚的熱茶,飲食相當充足;公共區域有飲水機和微波爐,根本就是「拎著一卡皮箱」就可以住進來的感覺。 硬體設備完善之外,月子中心的護理人員也都很親切,有問題可以撥打電話詢問,還有護理人員可以協助通乳問題。媽媽被照顧,嬰兒室也有醫師會定期檢查寶寶狀況並且告知媽媽,可以非常放心。
Although I did not give birth in Deqian Women's and Children's Hospital, I was confined in the Deqian Confinement Center. I felt that this decision was right because Deqian's environment is very good. In the first week, if you are in poor physical condition, you can directly register for a doctor on the first floor. There is also an examination room in the basement for immediate inspection and report; there are cleaning staff to clean the room every day, three meals a day, three snacks, and hot tea in the morning and evening. The food is quite adequate; there are drinking fountains and microwave ovens in the public area, which means you can live in with a suitcase. In addition to complete hardware equipment, the nursing staff in the confinement center are also very kind. If you have any questions, you can call and ask, and there are nursing staff who can assist with breastfeeding. The mother is taken care of, and there is also a doctor in the nursery who will regularly check the baby's condition and inform the mother. You can rest assured.
曾雅芳 on Google

在德謙產檢到生產 都是給院長吳振銘醫生 38週突然血壓飆高,被診斷妊辰高血壓,所以要剖腹,我超緊張的 但醫生很細心仔細 讓人很放心~~ 當天生產也是很優雅的去剖腹 過程完全不會痛,傷口還很漂亮哦! 非常謝謝吳振銘醫生讓我平安順利的生產☺️ 入住月中房間很乾淨又舒適 有專業的護理師 每天早晚都會來關心我的血壓 嬰兒室也很細心照顧寶寶(寶寶) 讓我不塞奶 每次擠奶量都很滿?? 送餐跟打掃的阿姨人也都很好 月子餐一天六餐加發奶茶 每天菜色都有變化,吃不膩 早餐還可以選中式或西式的喲!! 讓剛生產完的媽咪能夠好好休息~ ⭕️推薦吳振銘醫生????????
Production in Deqian It's all for the dean, Dr. Wu Zhenming At 38 weeks, my blood pressure suddenly soared, and I was diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension, so I was going to have a caesarean section. I was super nervous. But the doctor is very attentive and attentive, which is very reassuring~~ The day of delivery is also very elegant. The process of caesarean section is completely painless, and the wound is still beautiful! Thank you very much Dr. Wu Zhenming for giving me a safe and smooth delivery☺️ The room was clean and comfortable for staying in the middle of the month There are professional nurses Come every morning and night to take care of my blood pressure The baby room is also very careful to take care of the baby (baby) Let me not stuff the milk, I am full of milk every time?? The auntie who delivers and cleans is also very good Confinement meal six meals a day plus milk tea The dishes change every day, so you won't get tired of eating Breakfast can also be selected or Western-style! ! Let the mother who just gave birth can rest well~ ⭕️Recommend Dr. Wu Zhenming ????????
蔡承臻 on Google

肚子懷有大寶時,郭醫師就建議來德謙生,因為跟這邊的醫護團隊配合起來較有默契,生產後休息幾天就出院了,一直很懷念德謙的月子餐?!一知道懷上二寶,立馬來德謙下訂月子中心,選到新裝潢的木質房型,又大又舒適,連床都是電動床,追劇很方便,非常喜歡? 雖然是第二胎,躺在手術台上依然緊張,感謝郭醫師的開刀,讓我兩個寶貝都平安順利的出生,因二寶體重較輕羊水過少,郭醫師還特別請小兒科醫師再旁觀察寶寶的狀況!生產過程我記得麻醉師一直跟我說話,會告訴我接下來要做些什麼~進度到哪裡,讓我比較有安全感,剖腹過程我吸不到空氣想吐?麻醉師立刻幫我點通鼻器讓我舒服一點,護理師們也很專業,術前的準備以及安撫我的情緒,讓我又緊張又想笑? 德謙的醫師以及郭醫師和護理師,都會定時巡房,術後傷口也恢復的很好。 月子中心的餐點,一天六餐之外,還有兩大壺的熱茶,住了30天,可以感受到廚師做菜的用心,餐餐有變化每天吃飽飽?清潔阿姨跟送餐阿姨也都很親切? 嬰兒室的護士師,很佩服他們的耐心,每天都要面對咿咿啊啊的嬰兒,還要面對我們這些媽媽問東問西?每天最期待的就是親餵時間,除了可以抱抱女兒跟她說說話,還可以學習照顧寶寶的技巧,小兒科醫師也會定時打電話告知媽媽,寶寶的狀況?? 回到家我肯定會很懷念在德謙的日子,月子期間每天吃飽飽~睡飽飽~悠悠哉哉~身心舒服?超珍惜這樣的時光,因為回到家絕對是忙碌的開始,感謝德謙的每位醫護人員及工作人員們❤️
When he was pregnant with a big treasure, Dr. Guo suggested to come to Deqian to live, because he cooperated with the medical team here more tacitly. After a few days of rest after giving birth, he was discharged from the hospital. He has always missed Deqian's confinement meal ?! As soon as I knew I was pregnant with my second treasure, I immediately came to Deqian to book the confinement center. I chose the newly decorated wooden room type, which is large and comfortable. Even the beds are electric beds. It is very convenient to follow the drama. I like it very much ? Although it was the second child, I was still nervous while lying on the operating table. Thanks to Dr. Guo’s operation, both of my babies were born safely and smoothly. Because Erbao’s weight is lighter and there is too little amniotic fluid, Dr. Guo specially invited the pediatrician to observe. The baby's condition! I remember that the anesthesiologist kept talking to me during the delivery process and would tell me what to do next ~ where the progress is, which made me feel safer. During the caesarean section, I couldn’t breathe air and wanted to vomit. The device makes me more comfortable, and the nurses are also very professional. The preparation before the operation and calming my emotions make me nervous and want to laugh. ? Deqian’s physician, Dr. Guo and nurses will make regular rounds of the room and post-operative wounds. It has recovered very well. The meals at the confinement center include two large pots of hot tea in addition to six meals a day. After staying for 30 days, I can feel the chef’s dedication to cooking. The meals have changed and I am full every day ? Clean aunty and delivery The aunts are also very kind ? The nurses in the nursery admire their patience. They have to face the babbling babies every day, and we also have to face us moms asking questions. What we most look forward to every day is the feeding time, in addition to hugs our daughters Talk to her and learn the skills of taking care of the baby. The pediatrician will also call her mother regularly to inform her of the baby’s condition ?? I will definitely miss the days in Deqian when I come home. During the confinement period, I will eat and be full every day~sleeping and full~ leisurely~ comfortable physically and mentally ? cherish such a time, because returning home is definitely the beginning of a busy day, thank you for Deqian Every medical staff and staff member of ❤️
劉文琦 on Google

相隔六年的二寶報到,一樣選擇了專業又親切的吳振銘醫師,從產檢一直到生產後,總是非常細心不厭其煩地叮囑需注意的事項。 雖然沒有預約到新裝潢的房型,但是有阿姨每天兩次的環境整理、方便剖腹產後下床的電動床、一天六餐營養豐富的月子餐、一天兩壺幫助泌乳的茶飲、溫柔的病房護理師照護產後傷口、熱心的月子中心護理師協助乳腺疏通,以及嬰兒室護理師耐心的照顧寶寶,讓我可以享受到跟寶寶接觸的療癒時刻(疫情期間每天一次的親餵時段),也能得到充分的休息,很快恢復體力準備迎接和嫩嬰朝夕相處的日子。 一條龍式的服務,包辦從產檢到產後的大小事,無論是產後回診或是嬰兒的檢查照護都可以在同棟完成,非常方便省時也安心。
When Erbao reported six years apart, he also chose the professional and friendly Dr. Wu Zhenming. From the obstetric inspection to the postpartum period, he was always very careful and painstakingly instructing the matters that need to be paid attention to. Although I didn't make an appointment for the newly decorated room, there are aunts who clean up the environment twice a day, an electric bed for getting out of bed after a caesarean section, six nutritious confinement meals a day, two pots of tea a day to help lactation, and a gentle ward. The nurses take care of the postpartum wounds, the enthusiastic nurses in the confinement center assist in dredging the breasts, and the nurses in the nursery take care of the baby patiently, so that I can enjoy the healing moment in contact with the baby (the once-a-day breastfeeding period during the epidemic), You can also get enough rest, and quickly recover your physical strength to prepare for the days of getting along with the tender baby. One-stop service, from obstetric inspection to postpartum, whether it is postpartum visit or baby's inspection and care can be completed in the same building, very convenient, time-saving and peace of mind.
Eliza Wang on Google

初期懷孕就詢問過幾間月子中心,高昂的費用真的是會讓人打退堂鼓?‍?朋友知道後立馬推薦「德謙醫院」說院長跟醫護人員都很熱心親切,重點價格親民,第一次看診二話不說就下訂月子中心了?整個產檢過程一路綠燈,還有院長跟衛教師的細心檢查與講解,不會是冷冰冰的Q&A 生產當天痛到不行,還好助產士時常在身邊關切跟講解生產時需要注意及配合的事項,讓第一次當媽的我安心不少,推進產房不到10分鐘小公主呱呱落地,老公還很訝異?給院長跟助產士大大的讚?? 進月子中心後,環境乾淨整潔,防疫工作也做的相當完善??每天3餐3點心!還餐餐魚蝦肉!不怕吃不飽,就怕吃撐?還有專業的哺乳及擠奶的教導,塞奶了也不怕臨時找不到人求助!專業的出院衛教,新生兒室的護理人員也很用心,寶寶被照顧的很好??感謝德謙的院長及所有的醫護人員,如果有打算要二胎還是會繼續選擇德謙❤️
In the early stage of pregnancy, I asked about a few confinement centers. The high cost will really make people discouraged ?‍? My friend recommended "Deqian Hospital" immediately after knowing about it. The director and the medical staff are very warm and friendly, and the key point is that the price is close to the people. First, I ordered a confinement center without saying a word for the second visit? The whole birth inspection process was green light all the way, as well as the careful inspection and explanation by the dean and teacher Wei, it will not be a cold Q&A It was so painful on the day of delivery, but fortunately the midwife was always by her side and explained the things that you need to pay attention to and cooperate with during delivery, which made me feel at ease as a first-time mother, and it took less than 10 minutes to advance the delivery room. Surprised ? Big thumbs up to the dean and the midwife?? After entering the confinement center, the environment is clean and tidy, and the epidemic prevention work has been done quite well ?? 3 meals and 3 snacks every day! Also eat fish and shrimp meat! I’m not afraid of not being full, but I’m afraid that I can’t eat enough. There are also professional breastfeeding and milking teachings, and I’m not afraid that I can’t find anyone for help when I’m stuffed with milk! Professional discharge health education, the nurses in the neonatal room are also very attentive, the baby is taken care of very well??Thanks to the dean of Deqian and all the medical staff, if you plan to have a second child, you will continue to choose Deqian ❤️
黃婷玉 on Google

原本產檢在一般醫院,尋找月子中心意外發現德謙,評價非常好並且月子餐豐富(紅蟳?),價錢在預算之內又可以住很好的房型cp值超高,馬上付訂轉到這裡產檢及生產。 月中在過年期間擔心嬰兒有問題,但德謙也有小兒科根本不用擔心,醫師每週都會回報寶寶的狀況,這裡的護理師都很有耐性照顧baby和產婦,當初生完後第四天突然秘乳導致乳暈塞住有硬塊,求助護理師每天幫忙疏通,真心覺得護理師擠一小時手超強的都不會痠!? 這裡月子餐一天六餐每天都超豐盛,還有兩大壺茶,口味都很適中,很合我的胃口每餐吃光光!每天都有阿姨來幫忙打掃、清潔房間,垃圾一天收兩次,每天都像在度假! 這次是給吳振銘醫師看診,非常專業並且經驗足夠,讓我這位容易擔心的媽媽給安心的答案。 若有下一胎依然選德謙啦~ 這次小小遺憾是因遇過年紅蟳量不夠沒吃到,不過也補了鰻魚也不錯喔❤️
Originally, the maternity checkup was in a general hospital, and I was looking for a confinement center. I accidentally found Deqian. The evaluation was very good and the confinement meals were rich (red 蟳?). The price is within the budget and the room type is very good. The CP value is very high. Go here for inspection and production. In the middle of the month, I was worried about the baby's problems during the Chinese New Year, but Deqian also has a pediatric department, so don't worry about it. The doctor will report the baby's condition every week. The nurses here are very patient to take care of the baby and the mother. The breast caused the areola to be blocked with hard lumps. I asked the nurse to help clear it every day. I really feel that the nurse will squeeze for an hour and the hand will not be sore! ? The confinement meal here is very rich every day, six meals a day, and there are two large pots of tea. The taste is very moderate, which is very suitable for my appetite to eat up every meal! Every day, there are aunties who come to help clean and clean the room. Garbage is collected twice a day. Every day is like a vacation! This time, I saw Dr. Wu Zhenming. He was very professional and experienced enough to let me, a worry-prone mother, give me a reassuring answer. If you have the next child, still choose Deqian~ It's a little regretful that I didn't eat it because of the lack of red crickets during the Chinese New Year, but it's not bad to make up for eel too ❤️
joe Chen on Google


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