
4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact DingTaxi叮叮包車

地址 :

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Alley 31, Lane 115, Taiyuan Rd, DingTaxi叮叮包車

電話 : 📞 +8897799
網站 : https://www.dingtaxi.com/
城市 : Tàiyuán Rd

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Alley 31, Lane 115, Taiyuan Rd, DingTaxi叮叮包車
Jing Chang (Maruko) on Google

Yiwei Wang on Google

Thank you for your kindness to DingTaxi.
Polar Mouse on Google

Very good service. The driver is very punctual, will assist in arranging the itinerary, and is very professional. Next time you go to Japan, you must also find Ding Ding Chartered Car!
Yen Tseng on Google

I went to charter a car with my family in Tokyo, Japan. Their consultants answered our questions patiently and provided first-class service
wei chen on Google

really thankful! Customer service help arrange the trip together! At first, I was afraid that after seeing the driver, I felt that the service was really good! The car has water for our family! Thank you, Driver Hu!
VY H on Google

轉至爆料公社 黃雅雯 【DingTaxi(叮叮包車)「尊榮自由行車隊」事件 2017.12.30】 #DingTaxi叮叮包車 #尊榮自由行車隊 #惡劣的機場接送車隊 #司機爽約不守時沒帶安全座椅 #事後向車隊謊稱買新的 #誣蔑栽贓乘客貪便宜 呼籲跟我一樣重視兒童安全和自身安全的父母和乘客們,使用DingTaxi(叮叮包車)的 「尊榮自由行車隊」之前請三思。 我這次回台找了DingTaxi(叮叮包車)接機和送機,經驗非常不好。 我回台三週前就在網路上預訂機場接送,2017/12/9接機當天,【DingTaxi(叮叮包車)的「台灣優選包車旅遊機場接送」車隊,負責人是趙×棠先生(0926-556-xxx),司機是何先生(車牌RAM-97XX)。】卻發生我抵台找不到司機,安全座椅壞掉,孩子的安全帶根本無法扣入鎖扣中(見附檔照片),高速行駛中司機又一直在接聽電話,討論司機調度和乘客接送的問題 。後來DingTaxi(叮叮包車)承諾改進,它們主動退還我安全座椅費用(NT$200)並承諾將該車隊下架。原本我認為這是司機個案,也不想再追究。但後來送機(DingTaxi不同車隊來服務)卻被司機放鳥爽約,司機匆匆趕來又忘了安全座椅,讓我忍無可忍。所以我決定要公開我個人經驗,控訴DingTaxi(叮叮包車)管理散漫,也希望大家不要再遇到相同的遭遇。 2017/12/30,我們要前往桃園機場。這次負責的是DingTaxi(叮叮包車)「尊榮自由行車隊」,負責人謝×宏先生(0920-663-xxx),司機是周先生(車牌RAS-16XX)。 1. 12/30當天我們預定晚上8:00出發到機場,(我在線上已預付訂金450元車資)。前一天(12/29)星期五晚上我主動打電話給領隊和司機(周先生 ,車牌RAS-16XX),(見附檔照片)再次向他確認接機時間、家裡地址、九人座和兒童安全座椅 。司機先生也確認了我的行程。結果,12/30當天晚上7:30,我們陸續將行李推到樓下一樓。我們認為機場接送司機通常會提早到,我們擔心司機久等,所以很早開始準備。 2. 我在7:54,打電話給司機,詢問他是否找得到巷道。結果司機竟然茫然的說:「是今天嗎?我以為是明天。」我一聽,差點腦溢血(難道我昨天是跟靈魂出竅的軀殻通電話!?)司機承諾五分鐘趕到。我再問他兒童安全座椅,他說「那個不好坐啦,我車上有一個壞掉的,不好坐,孩子用抱的就好了。」那麼讓人傻眼的對話結束,我再次打電話給負責人謝×宏先生,請他更換司機和提供安全座椅,他說他已經請司機途中購買一個新的安全座椅,請我們再多等十分鐘。 就這樣,我們一家老小站在一樓等了五分鐘,再十分鐘,再五分鐘,再十分鐘,就在我們決定分坐兩輛計程車前往機場,司機才姍姍來遲。 想當然爾,車上一個安全座椅都沒有! 就這樣,我預定的兒童安全座椅再次不翼而飛。 這次我將孩子抱在懷裡,用安全帶緊緊綁住我們倆。而且,可以想見的,司機遲到了,所以司機全程在高速公路上急速奔馳。 3. 我的孩子在沒有安全座椅的保護下,又再一次上了高速公路。我內心非常怨恨,我不知道自己還能怎麼做來保護自己的孩子,接機、送機時我都事先訂購了安全座椅,但是司機帶來不堪使用的,或是根本沒有帶。而且,我已經在前一天主動聯絡司機,提醒接機送機時間地點,但司機還是爽約 。我很無奈,我們乘客的人身安全和權益到底被放置於何處? 我在極度心痛懊惱之際,決定將我個人慘痛經驗分享給大家,讓大家知道 DingTaxi(叮叮包車)的「尊榮自由行車隊」 的管理疏失和不負責任,卻由我們乘客承擔後果。我們擔心受怕,我們將全家人放置在一個有安全隱憂甚至危及生命的環境中,而它們完全無視乘客安全和服務品質,一而再,再而三出錯。而且我萬萬沒有想到,這件事竟然還有後續發展。 #意外總是來得猝不及防 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ #傲慢無理的謝姓領隊 #流氓無賴惡質車隊 #不負責任的車隊退出旅遊交通界 #不要再出來害人了 【DingTaxi(叮叮包車)「尊榮自由行車隊」事件更新 2018.1.1】 我於美國西岸時間2018/1/1凌晨兩點與DingTaxi(叮叮包車)線上客服(JANE)聯繫,我請她給我客戶評價的連結,讓我可以留下評價。同時也向她抱怨,司機遲到以及沒有提供安全座椅一事。JANE說他們的資料顯示,司機當天已購買一個新的安全座椅。(見附檔照片) 我當下感到不可思議(因為車上根本沒有安全座椅),我請她轉告領隊負責人謝×宏先生和司機周先生 ,請他們務必給我一通電話說明始末(我留了美國電話)。 等了許久, 客服說謝×宏先生沒有辦法打電話給我,請我主動打電話給謝×宏先生。 然後我就見識到「尊榮自由行車隊」負責人謝×宏先生的傲慢與無理。 ------------------------------- 1. 電話中,我說,謝先生,請問你為什麼遲遲不打電話跟我解釋清楚。到底安全座椅是怎麼回事? 謝先生說,你們人在美國,我沒有辦法打國際電話給你們。你們賺得比較多,比較有錢,所以應該是你們打國際電話給我。(他到底在說什麼!?我都要以為我聽錯了,怎麼可能是那麼傲慢的態度,真讓人髮指) 2. 我又說,車上明明沒有安全座椅,你們為什麼回報給DingTaxi(叮叮包車)說購買了新的安全座椅,這是公然說謊。 謝先生說,司機這樣回報給公司我有什麼辦法。而且司機說當時,你們電話裡一直嚷著說時間來不及了,要他快一點,再去買就來不及了,所以他才沒去買。(所以, 我們時間來不及是誰的錯?沒帶安全座椅是誰的錯?) 這位謝×宏先生完完全全就是流氓行徑,一直在找理由推拖責任。 3. 我再也忍不住,開始大聲咆哮,我說,我前一天才打電話向司機確認過行程,他卻爽約,而且沒帶安全座椅,你竟然怪我們不讓你去買安全座椅!? 謝先生說,那又怎麼樣,我們不也8點多就到了。(所以我們要求司機準時是很過份的要求!!??) 我當下覺得自己快腦溢血了 。 我更氣自己竟然被一個無賴激怒了。我真沒想到自己會在新年第一天遇到這麼蠻橫無理,不認錯又強詞奪理的人。 4. 謝先生後來更離譜了,他說,司機說你們只給一千元。你們為什麼少付錢? 我說,你在指控我們什麼,我們問司機多少錢,司機說一千,我們給一千元,我們連一毛錢沒少給。 謝先生用嘲諷的語氣說,你們應該付$1100,司機說你們只給$1000。妳回去查查訂單,明明就應該付$1100 (我當下怒不可抑,我們竟然被指責坐了霸王車!!我們忙著拿行李抱小孩,我公公忙著掏錢包付錢,我們竟然被指責沒有看清楚訂單就付錢,而且司機說$1000,我們應該給$1100 !?)。事後回想,司機因為自己失職心虛而收取$1000,竟然成了謝×宏先生指控我們的罪狀!而且司機先生惡人先告狀,竟然拿這$1000指責我們佔他便宜! 太誇張了,我身為消費者,我善盡職責。我事先預訂安全座椅,前一天電話提醒司機。結果司機爽約,不守時,擔誤我們時間。孩子沒有安全座椅可以坐,我擔心受怕。而我事後還被一個流氓領隊和司機指責我們坐霸王車。這真是超越我的理解範圍,謝先生電話裡還不斷說:「不然你們想要怎麼樣?」 我只是想要一個道歉,而且不要說謊你們買了新的安全座椅讓我們使用。 結果我受了一肚子氣。 ------------------------------------------------ 掛上電話,凌晨三點半,新年第一天,我竟然遇到了流氓。 我氣到身體發抖,吼到喉嚨疼痛,我試著悍衛自己的權益,卻徒勞無功。 從他第一句話,充滿嘲諷,我就應該知道,這種人不會把顧客權益看在眼裡。跟這種人有理說不清,他從頭到尾一句道歉也沒有,只是一直找理由推諉責任,擔誤乘客寶貴時間他不以為然,孩子沒有安全座椅他也不以為意,我還在跟他浪費口舌。我還指望他道歉。我真是瘋了。 所以我要呼籲跟我一樣重視兒童安全和自身安全的父母和乘客們,使用DingTaxi(叮叮包車)的 「尊榮自由行車隊」之前請三思。他們態度惡劣差勁,爽約遲到不負責任,沒帶安全座椅枉顧乘客安全,還指控乘客佔便宜,而且完全不認錯!它是台灣機場接送的不肖業者,大家千萬不要上當受騙。
Go to broke news Huang Yawen 【DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car) "Reverend Free Tour Team" event 2017.12.30】 #DingTaxi chartered car # 尊荣 自由行 队 #Poor airport shuttle fleet #Driver is not on time and does not bring a safety seat #Little to the team afterwards to buy a new one # 謬 覬 訂 設 車 客 買 吃 钱 I appeal to parents and passengers who value child safety and their own safety as much as I do, please think twice before using DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car). I went back to Taiwan this time to find the DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car) pick-up and drop-off, and the experience was very bad. I booked the airport transfer online three weeks before I returned to Taiwan. On the day of the pick-up on December 9, 2017, the "DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered)" "Taiwan Preferred Chartered Tour Airport Transfer" fleet was in charge of Mr. Zhao Xtang (0926-556-xxx), the driver is Mr. He (license plate RAM-97XX). 】 It happened that I could not find the driver when I arrived in Taiwan, the safety seat was broken, the child ’s seat belt could not be buckled into the lock (see the attached photo), the driver kept answering the phone during high-speed driving, discussing driver scheduling and passenger transfer The problem. Later, DingTaxi (Dingding Chartered Car) promised to improve, and they actively refunded my seat cost (NT $ 200) and promised to remove the team. Originally, I thought this was a driver case, and I didn't want to pursue it anymore. But then the airport (DingTaxi different teams came to serve) was released by the driver, and the driver hurried over and forgot the safety seat, which made me unbearable. So I decided to disclose my personal experience and complained that DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car) was loosely managed, and I hope you will not encounter the same experience again. On December 30, 2017, we are going to Taoyuan Airport. This time it was DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car) "Honorable Freedom Motorsport Team". The person in charge was Mr. Xie Xhong (0920-663-xxx) and the driver was Mr. Zhou (license plate RAS-16XX). 1. We are scheduled to depart to the airport at 8:00 pm on the day of 12/30 (I have prepaid 450 yuan fare online). The previous day (12/29) I took the initiative to call the team leader and driver (Mr. Zhou, license plate RAS-16XX) (see attached photo) to confirm the pick-up time, home address, nine-seater and child safety seat again with him chair. The driver also confirmed my itinerary. As a result, at 12:30 on the evening of 7:30, we successively pushed our luggage downstairs. We think that the airport pick-up driver usually arrives early. We are worried that the driver will wait a long time, so we start preparing very early. 2. At 7:54, I called the driver and asked if he could find the alley. As a result, the driver said blankly, "Is it today? I thought it was tomorrow." When I heard it, I almost had a cerebral hemorrhage (Is I talking on the phone with my soul-struck body yesterday?) The driver promised to arrive in five minutes. I asked him the child safety seat again, and he said, "That ’s not easy to sit in. There is a broken one in my car. It ’s not easy to sit. The child just needs to hold it." Then the dumbfounded conversation ended and I again Called the person in charge, Mr. Xie Xhong, to ask him to change the driver and provide a safety seat. He said he had asked the driver to buy a new safety seat on the way. Please wait another ten minutes. In this way, our old family stood on the first floor for five minutes, then ten minutes, then five minutes, then ten minutes, when we decided to take two taxis to the airport, the driver was late. Of course, there is no safety seat in the car! In this way, the child safety seat I booked was missing again. This time I held the child in my arms and tied us tightly with a seat belt. Moreover, it is conceivable that the driver was late, so the driver rushed on the highway all the way. 3. My child went on the highway again without the protection of the safety seat. I am very resentful in my heart. I do n’t know what else I can do to protect my children. I have ordered a safety seat in advance when picking up and sending off the aircraft, but the driver brought it unbearable or did not bring it at all. Moreover, I have taken the initiative to contact the driver the day before to remind the time and place of pick-up and drop-off, but the driver still agreed. I am helpless. Where are the personal safety and rights of our passengers placed? When I was extremely upset and annoyed, I decided to share my personal painful experience with everyone and let everyone know DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car) 's "honored free travel fleet" management negligence and irresponsibility, but our passengers bear the consequences. We are afraid of fear. We have placed the whole family in an environment with safety concerns and even life-threatening conditions. They completely ignore passenger safety and service quality, and make mistakes again and again. And I never imagined that there was a follow-up development in this matter. # Accidents are always unexpected ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ #Arrogant unreasonable leader Xie #Gangster rogue rogue team #Irresponsible convoy exits the travel and transportation industry # Don't come out and hurt anymore 【DingTaxi (Ding Ding Chartered Car) "Reverend Free Tour Team" Event Update 2018.1.1】 I contacted DingTaxi (Jane) online customer service (JANE) at 2 a.m. on the west coast of the United States on January 1, 2018. I asked her to give me a link to my customer evaluation so that I can leave a comment. She also complained to her that the driver was late and did not provide a safety seat. JANE said their information showed that the driver had purchased a new safety seat that day. (See attached photo) I feel unbelievable at the moment (because there is no safety seat in the car), I asked her to tell the team leader Mr. Xie Xhong and the driver Mr. Zhou, and they must give me a phone call to explain the beginning and end (I left the US phone). Waited a long time, The customer service said that Mr. Xie Xhong had no way to call me. Please call me to call Mr. Xie Xhong. Then I saw the arrogance and irrationality of Mr. Xie Xhong, the person in charge of the "Honorable Freelance Team". ------------------------------- 1. On the phone, I said, Mr. Xie, why did you not call me to explain clearly. What is going on in the safety seat? Mr. Xie said that you are in the United States and I have no way to call you internationally. You earn more and are richer, so you should call me internationally. (What the hell is he talking about ?? I think I heard it wrong, how could it be such an arrogant attitude, it is really maddening) 2. I also said that there are obviously no safety seats in the car, why did you report to DingTaxi (Dingding Chartered Car) that you bought a new safety seat, which is an open lie. Mr. Xie said that there is no way for the driver to return this to the company. And the driver said that at that time, you had been clamoring on the phone that the time was too late. Ask him to hurry up, and then it would be too late to buy, so he did n’t buy it. (So, whose fault is our time too late? Who's fault if we don't have a safety seat?) This Mr. Xie Hong is completely a hooliganism, and he is always looking for reasons to blame. 3. I couldn't bear it anymore and started roaring loudly. I said that I only called the driver the day before to confirm the itinerary, but he agreed and didn't bring a safety seat. Seat! ? Mr. Xie said, what about that, we don't arrive at more than 8 o'clock. (So ​​it ’s too much for us to ask the driver to be on time !!!?) I now feel that I am about to have cerebral hemorrhage. I was even more angry that I was irritated by a rogue. I really did not expect that I would meet such an unreasonable and unreasonable person on the first day of the New Year. 4. Mr. Xie was even more outrageous afterwards. He said that the driver said that you only gave one thousand yuan. Why do you pay less? I said, what are you accusing us, we asked the driver how much money, the driver said one thousand, we gave one thousand yuan, we did not even give a dime. Mr. Xie said in a mocking tone that you should pay $ 1100, and the driver said that you only pay $ 1000. You go back and check the order, you should pay $ 1100 (I'm so angry right now, we were accused of riding in a king car! We were busy carrying luggage to hold the child, my father-in-law was busy pulling out his wallet to pay, we were accused of paying without seeing the order, and the driver said $ 1000, should we give $ 1100 !?). In retrospect, the driver charged $ 1000 for his guilty conscience, which turned out to be a crime accused by Mr. Xie Hong! And Mr. Driver, the wicked, first complained, even accusing us of taking this $ 1000 to take advantage of him! It's too exaggerated. As a consumer, I do my duty. I reserved a safety seat in advance and called the driver the day before to remind the driver. As a result, the driver agreed, not punctual, and took our time. The child does not have a safety seat to sit in, and I worry about it. Afterwards, I was accused by a rogue leader and driver of us riding in a bully. This is really beyond my understanding. Mr. Xie kept saying on the phone: "Otherwise what do you want?" I just want an apology, and do n’t lie. You bought a new safety seat for us to use. As a result, I was upset. ------------------------------------------------ Hang up the phone, at 3:30 in the morning, on the first day of the new year, I actually encountered a rogue. I was so angry that my body shook and I sore my throat. I tried to defend my rights and interests, but in vain. From his first sentence, full of ridicule, I should know that this kind of person will not take customer rights into perspective. I ca n’t explain clearly to this kind of person. He did n’t apologize from beginning to end. He just kept looking for reasons to blame him. He took the precious time of passengers. He did n’t take it for granted. He did n’t take care of the child without a safety seat. Tongue. I also count on him to apologize. I'm crazy. So I want to appeal to parents and passengers who value child safety and their own safety as much as I do, please think twice before using DingTaxi's "Honorable Freedom Motorcade" They have a bad attitude and are irresponsible for being late for appointments. They did not bring safety seats in vain to protect passengers. They also accused passengers of taking advantage of them, and they did not admit their mistakes at all! It is an unscrupulous operator of airport transfers in Taiwan, and you must not be fooled.
Justin Kuo on Google

非常謝謝叮叮包車DingTaxi 客服小姐,協助我詳細的計畫這次去日本的行程,原本不太懂到底怎麼排那麼多日的日本行程,經他們幫忙後,都知道怎麼安排了!!是非常完美的行程啊哈哈 這次的旅程我是和朋友還有家人一起去的,包車的過程中一切也讓我們十分滿意,加上懂國語的導遊姐姐一起,溝通上一點問題也沒有,而且姐姐也十分健談,司機在駕駛上也十分穩定令我們很安心,特別是我這種跟爸媽一起的人,讓我們全家都可以玩得很簡單舒適安心,不用讓老人家走來走去太操勞 行程方面也有專業的團隊,開車方面有優質司機,真是省卻了我不少煩惱,重點是還不貴!比起我們很累得坐公車跟地鐵轉車,這樣包車服務,不只舒適可以多玩幾點,價錢也沒差多少~ 而且,單買日本機場接送,甚至比我們一堆人去坐快線列車還便宜,總括來說,下次再跟爸媽出國的話也會繼續使用叮叮包車DingTaxi的服務!! I went to Japan with my family. We are tired to keep walking and taking train in this big city, especially to the suburbs like Fuji Mountain. Therefore, we think why not hire a car instead and spare ourselves any trouble? With a DingTaxi driver of our own for a whole eight hours, we were set for the day's itinerary. We really suggest the service of DingTaxi. Select from one of two rental rides: a car for parties of six, or a van for groups of up to 10 and you will be met with a driver who is not only professional, but will also tell you more about Mauritius. I will also use DingTaxi service in other country in the future
Thank you very much, Miss DingTaxi from DingTaxi, for assisting me in planning the trip to Japan in detail. I did n’t know how to arrange the Japan trip for so many days. With their help, I knew how to arrange it! !! It's a perfect itinerary I went with my friends and family on this journey. During the chartered car, everything made us very satisfied. Together with the tour guide sister who understands Mandarin, there was no problem in communication, and the sister was very talkative. The driver was at The driving is also very stable, which makes us feel at ease, especially people like me and my parents, so that our whole family can play very easily and comfortably, without having to let the elderly walk around There is also a professional team in terms of itinerary, and there are high-quality drivers in driving, which really saves me a lot of worry, the point is not expensive! Compared to we are very tired to take the bus and the subway to change trains, this chartered car service, not only comfortable, can play a few more, the price is not much worse ~ Moreover, it is even cheaper to buy a Japanese airport shuttle than it is for a group of us to take the express train. In short, the next time I go abroad with my parents, I will continue to use the service of the DingTaxi charter service !! I went to Japan with my family. We are tired to keep walking and taking train in this big city, especially to the suburbs like Fuji Mountain. Therefore, we think why not hire a car instead and spare ourselves any trouble? With a DingTaxi driver of our own for a whole eight hours, we were set for the day's itinerary. We really suggest the service of DingTaxi. Select from one of two rental rides: a car for parties of six, or a van for groups of up to 10 and you will be met with a driver who is not only professional, but will also tell you more about Mauritius. I will also use DingTaxi service in other country in the future
Amy Wang on Google

Quick and efficient customer service. Clean and comfort vehicles driven by well experienced drivers make our journey smoother and enjoybale. We highly recommend it.

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