
1.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact DNA專業快速剪髮內壢

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, 450號DNA專業快速剪髮內壢B1

Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–9:30PM
Thursday 10AM–9:30PM
Friday 10AM–9:30PM
Saturday 10AM–9:30PM
Sunday 10AM–9:30PM
Monday 10AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–9:30PM
城市 : Zhōnghuá Rd

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, 450號DNA專業快速剪髮內壢B1
陳俊翰 on Google

Yesterday I went to cut my hair. I met a man with a bad attitude, and he seemed to owe him millions. Although 100 cuts can’t compare the skills with professional ones, basic skills are still needed. As a result, the length of the hair varies. The head portrait is the same as the dog chewing. If it hadn’t been for the two Vietnamese 100-cutters on the opposite side of Neili Elementary School yesterday, I wouldn’t want to find a shop to cut them.
國賢 on Google

我剪過目前最差的百元理髮,服務我的為一名男性店員,態度沒有說很好就算了,剪髮過程從頭到尾頂多6分鐘,裡面有4分鐘再跟其他同事聊天。 我的要求只有簡短打薄,過程感覺就是隨便刮一圈,剪髮前有翹翹的頭髮、剪完後它還在那,你不跟我講結束了我還以為你在跟我開玩笑。 不知道大家感受怎麼樣反正我是不會再去了。
I have cut the worst one-hundred-yuan haircut so far. The one serving me is a male clerk, and the attitude is not very good. The haircut process lasts 6 minutes from beginning to end, and there are 4 minutes to chat with other colleagues. My request is only a brief thinning, the process feels like a random shave, there is curled hair before the cut, and it is still there after the cut, if you don't tell me it is over, I thought you were joking with me. I don't know how everyone feels, anyway, I won't go again.
Andy Wu on Google

莊明勳 on Google

今天是2021年10月14日,我到內壢成章二街的家樂福超市的快剪(是這家DNA管轄的分店),之前的理髮師都很不錯,但今天卻遇到一個高個男,感覺超級差。 1、說話語氣很差,好像別人欠他錢。 2、動作粗魯,搞得頭皮疼痛。 3、我說剪五分或六分,他說那是理平頭,問我要剪一半還是三分之一。我說剪一半,他卻說這樣會很短,只好依他建議剪三分之一。結果剪完真的太長,就請他能否剪短一些,他責怪說,“那你要說剪一半呀!”我聽了真是無語,我開始就說剪一半呀! 4、經過他粗魯潦草再剪短一些,然後也不問意見,直接隨便亂吸就說結束。我看鏡子感覺歪歪的,下椅子後還一直撥頭髮,因為跟沒吸一樣到處是頭髮屑。 因為查不到電話反應,只好網上留言,若DNA能看到,還請珍惜你們的商譽,儘快改善,別讓某些糟糕的理髮師,破壞了客戶的良好印象。 當然,或許有人覺得100元理髮不太需要商譽,但是,服務態度是最基本的,相信家樂福選擇商業夥伴也會注重,畢竟還有很多100元理髮做的不錯。
Today is October 14th, 2021. I went to the quick cut of the Carrefour Supermarket on Chengzhang 2nd Street in Neili (this is a branch under the jurisdiction of DNA). The barbers before were very good, but today I met a tall man. It feels super bad. 1. He speaks badly, as if someone owes him money. 2. Rude movements make scalp pain. 3. I said to cut five or six points. He said that it was straightening the head and asked me whether to cut half or one third. I said to cut it in half, but he said it would be very short, so he had to cut it by a third according to his suggestion. It turned out that the cut was really too long, so I asked him if he could cut it shorter. He blamed, "Then you have to say cut it in half!" I was speechless when I heard it, and I said cut it in half at the beginning! 4. After he was rude and scribbled, cut it short, and then he didn't ask for opinions, and just said it was over. I looked in the mirror and felt crooked, and I kept pulling my hair after getting off the chair, because there was hair dandruff everywhere like I didn't suck it. Because I couldn't find the telephone response, I had to leave a message online. If the DNA can be seen, please cherish your goodwill and improve it as soon as possible. Don't let some bad hairdressers ruin the good impression of customers. Of course, some people may think that a 100 yuan haircut does not require goodwill, but the service attitude is the most basic. I believe that Carrefour will also pay attention to choosing a business partner. After all, there are still many 100 yuan haircuts that do well.
Child King on Google

Yesterday, I went to your store for a haircut. Like the comment section, there was a male clerk who likes to slide a mobile phone. I also had my hair cut by him. The comment section is really pertinent. The service of the man is really bad. He has cut so many times. Hundred Yuan Barbershop has never been to such a bad shop, and those who come should think twice.
Mos on Google

單純就男性角度分享,男性只推左右兩邊跟後面簡單100元完事,CP值還不錯。撿了幾次服務態度也沒有到這麼差,但還是有不爽過。 追求造型或舒適度的就可以不要考慮來這剪,很多3、4百洗加剪還有頭肩按摩舒服的更多。
Just sharing from a male perspective, the male only pushes the left and right sides and the back is simply 100 yuan to finish the job, and the CP value is not bad. The service attitude has not been so bad after picking it up a few times, but I am still unhappy. If you are looking for shape or comfort, you can don't think about cutting here. Many 3 or 4 hundred washes plus cutting and head and shoulder massage are more comfortable.
Sorry Chang on Google

今天帶小孩去剪髮,抽到一位男設計師,之前沒看過他。 給設計師看了想要的髮型照片,剪到一半命令我:「過來幫忙,他一直亂動我沒辦法剪。」「妳要固定好不要讓他亂動,扶著脖子沒有用啊。」當我是你學徒嗎?我主管叫我做事還會說個「請」欸。 後來又問我:「上面要剪短嗎?」我說:「要。」他竟回:「所以他到底要剪怎樣?」 今天你技術差剪的比我這個業餘的爛就算了,沒禮貌理解能力又差真的讓人覺得這一百塊我不如拿去旁邊扭個蛋也比浪費在你身上強。
Today I took my child to get a haircut, and found a male designer, whom I hadn't seen before. He showed the stylist a photo of the hairstyle he wanted, and ordered me halfway through the cut: "Come and help, I can't cut it because he keeps moving around." When I was your apprentice? My supervisor asked me to do things and said "please". Later, he asked me, "Do you want to cut it short?" I said, "Yes." He actually replied, "So what exactly does he want to cut?" Today, your skills are poor and your cutting skills are worse than that of an amateur like me. It's rude and comprehensible. It really makes people feel that I might as well take this hundred dollars and twist it next to you. It's better than wasting it on you.
chris chiu on Google

其實對於百元剪髮,我不會指望要像設計剪髮一樣,但服務態度是基本吧? "打薄"應該是基本剪髮語言吧? 之前的經驗,儘管剪髮沒有達到預期,但只要剪髮員有盡力,態度佳,我從來沒有刁難,畢竟才10分鐘100元,不需要為難人家。 5/28, 2022, 大約8:00pm, 我的號碼牌33,當時購完票我往內看號燈"32", 有個男剪髮員約165-168公分高, 淺藍色polo衫 (也沒依照公司規定穿圍裙保持衛生),位置已空但一直在滑手機,一邊跟隔壁的女剪髮員聊天 (我的觀感是: 上班玩手機不敬業,被他剪到的客人應該蠻衰的... ) 他向外看了我一眼,繼續滑手機,我等了約2分鐘才讓我進去,我心裡開始有不祥的預感。一如往樣,我說: 剪短打薄,剪個層次就可以了。我同意他兩側及後側可推高,快速推過後... (其實被剪髮的人是可以感受得到剪髮員的剪髮方式,他是用食指無名指齊式剪頭上的部分,我以為他會再修),結果..... 他花了"不到五分鐘,問我可以嗎? (我有點錯愕....) 我看了之後,表明這不是打薄吧..... 他臉色一變,回我: 你的頭髮本來就這樣,這就是打薄。我回: 我一開始有說要有層次,目前感覺就是左右兩邊推高,上面所謂的"打薄"看起來是齊式剪短。他非常不悅地回: 你就是捲髮,打薄就是這樣! 我回: 那你幫我再打薄一點,剪個層次吧? 我通常都會抓髮雕。他看我沒有準備離開 (我覺得我是合理要求,因為我這頭好像被剪不到五分鐘啊???),他很不悅地再幫我剪了幾刀 (我可以感覺那幾刀是帶著個人情緒的.....),不超過1分鐘,再問我可以嗎? 我從鏡中可以看到他的臉色,週邊也還有其他客人及做清潔的剪髮員,我覺得再溝通下去可能會變"狗啃頭"...... 雖然還是覺得不太對,我說: 可以了。(因為我真的很怕他手中的剪刀.............。) 收尾時,我從鏡中看到他撕紙頸墊時 - 大動作"甩在地上" (我可以感受到他想表達他的不爽)。如往常一樣,都會有個吸落髮的清潔動作,他無奈地吸了兩側及後側跟額頭 (頭頂沒有吸),他很不情願地說了謝謝。我知道他的無奈,也是禮貌性地回了一句謝謝。也許他想表明他有多不甘願,在我站起來拿我櫃中的東西時,他"立馬"拿出他的手機滑了起來 (我此時才領悟,原來是他剛剛可能看影片、朋友聊天、或是玩手遊,被我的來訪給打斷了,服務過程的急躁是想趕緊結束,繼續玩手機)。我推門出去再回頭,他的雙眼依然在手機上,並沒有立刻清潔消毒。我對著娃娃裡的鏡子,再摸摸我的頭頂.... 抓出一大把沒被吸掉的落髮 =.=" 我自己念書時打工也做過服務業,我知道服務客人的無奈,我也不是奧客,不想影響貴公司的生意 (與他搭班的女剪髮師應該可以當作目擊證人,貴司也可以調閱監視錄影紀錄求證)。 任何職業都是需要被尊重的! 但有兩點真的要建議貴公司,1. 員工的行為是公司的門面,生意都上門了,讓客人等的原因竟是在客人面前玩手,,真的誇張。2. 服務業就是服務客人,技術其次,態度是必備的,如果不喜歡,建議就換個工作吧,不要委屈自己來上班,再給客人臉色看,進而影響公司的形象。 我尊重各行各業,今天的事件我是客觀地陳述事實。 之前有次也請貴司其他剪髮員再多剪一點,結果雖然也沒有太合心意,但溝通過程態度佳。 我會給1顆星絕對不是抱怨髮型,而是此次剪髮員的態度 (如果是因為髮型問題,我不會是今天刷評價)。 不否認,我是捲髮,但就是因為捲,才希望能夠剪短、打薄、打層次,平常上班會上髮雕..... 希望剪髮員不要歧視捲髮的客人......... 附上今天剪的頭 (左圖) ,(右圖)是今年3月份同間快剪的另一位女性剪髮員剪的,有比較就知道,責怪客人是捲髮而無法打薄、剪層次的理由真的太牽強了!
In fact, for a hundred-yuan haircut, I wouldn't expect it to be the same as designing a haircut, but is the service attitude basic? "Thinning" should be the basic haircut language, right? In previous experience, although the haircut did not meet expectations, as long as The haircutters did their best and had a good attitude. I never made things difficult for me. After all, it was only 100 yuan for 10 minutes, so I didn't need to make things difficult for others. 5/28, 2022, about 8:00pm, my number plate is 33, when I bought the ticket, I looked inside and looked at the number "32", there was a male hairdresser about 165-168 cm tall, a light blue polo shirt ( I didn’t wear an apron to maintain hygiene according to the company’s regulations), the seat was empty but I kept skimming my mobile phone while chatting with the female haircutter next door (my impression is: Playing on a mobile phone at work is disrespectful, and the guests he cuts should be pretty bad The... ) He glanced out at me and continued to slide his phone. I waited for about 2 minutes before letting me in, and I started to have an ominous premonition in my heart. As always, I said: cut short and thin, just cut a layer. I agree that his sides and back can be pushed up and pushed quickly after... (Actually, the person being cut can feel the way the hair cutter cuts the hair. He cuts the part of the head with the index finger and the ring finger. Thought he would fix it again), it turned out.....he spent "less than five minutes asking if I can? (I'm a bit stunned....) After I read it, it shows that this is not a thinning... .. His face changed, and replied to me: Your hair is like this, this is thinning. I replied: I said at the beginning that there should be layers, but now I feel that the left and right sides are pushed up, the so-called "thinning" above It looks like a short cut. He is very displeased: You have curly hair, that's how thinning is! I replied: Then you can help me thin a little more and cut a layer? I usually grab hair carvings. He looks at me Not ready to leave (I think my request is reasonable, because my end seems to be cut in less than five minutes???), he cut a few more cuts for me very unhappy (I can feel that those cuts were taken with Personal emotions...), no more than 1 minute, can you ask me again? I can see his face in the mirror, and there are other guests and haircutters around, I think we need to communicate Going down may turn into a "dog biting head"... Although I still feel that it is not right, I said: ok. (Because I am really afraid of the scissors in his hand...  ...) At the end, I saw in the mirror when he was tearing the paper neck pad - a big "throwing on the ground" (I could feel him trying to express his displeasure). As usual, there will be a cleaning action of sucking and falling hair. He reluctantly sucks the sides, back and forehead (no suction on the top of the head), and he reluctantly says thank you. I know his helplessness, but also politely replied with a thank you. Maybe he wanted to show how reluctant he was that he "immediately" took out his phone and slid it as I stood up to pick up the items in my closet (I only realized at this point that he might have just watched a movie, a friend Chatting, or playing mobile games, was interrupted by my visit, and the impatience of the service process was to end it quickly and continue playing mobile phones). I pushed the door out and looked back, his eyes were still on the phone, and he hadn't cleaned and disinfected immediately. I looked at the mirror in the doll and touched the top of my head.... I grabbed a bunch of hair that wasn't sucked out =.=" When I was studying, I worked part-time and also worked in the service industry. I know the helplessness of serving customers. I am not an Austrian customer, and I don’t want to affect your company’s business (the female hairdresser who works with him should be a witness, and your company can also adjust See surveillance video records for verification). Any profession needs to be respected! But there are two points that I really want to suggest to your company. 1. The behavior of the employees is the face of the company. exaggeration. 2. The service industry is to serve customers, technology is second, and attitude is necessary. If you don't like it, it is recommended to change jobs. Don't feel wronged to come to work, and then show the customer's face, and then affect the company's image. I respect all walks of life, and today's event is an objective statement of the facts. I also asked other haircutters in your company to cut a little more before. Although the result was not very satisfactory, the communication process was good. I will give 1 star definitely not complaining about the hairstyle, but the attitude of the hairdresser this time (if it was because of the hairstyle, I would not be reviewing today). I do not deny that I have curly hair, but it is because of the curling that I hope to be able to cut short, thin, and layer. I usually have haircuts at work... Hope the haircutters don't discriminate against guests with curly hair...   Attached is the head cut today (picture on the left), (picture on the right) was cut by another female hairdresser who was in the same fast cut in March this year. If you compare it, you can know that you blame the guest for curly hair and cannot thin and cut layers. The reason is really far-fetched!

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