Donghaigaoji High School

3.1/5 基於 8 評論

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No. 12號, Lane 93, Section 3, Zhongxiao Rd, Sanchong District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 241

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城市 : New Taipei City

No. 12號, Lane 93, Section 3, Zhongxiao Rd, Sanchong District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 241
Xuan Pan on Google

在東海學習三年,只要你肯學肯努力,收穫一定滿滿。 先不談其他科系,先談餐飲科 東海丙級證照方面要求:中餐、餐服、麵包、蛋糕、中點、西餐 而現在也有烘焙乙級和中餐乙級的培訓班 平時課程也會請到一些大廚、外師來教課 這些難道不是很好的資源嗎? 其他科系也不差, 像汽車科有全國金牌的殊榮、北區金牌等等, 電訊科也有金手獎、全國優勝等等 動畫科也有全國優勝、學生美展獲獎等等 餐飲科也有金手獎、全國優勝等等 這些都是肯努力就會有的成果 我覺得有些事情是換個角度 就能明白為什麼要這樣要求你 像要求7:20前到校,是為了培養守時習慣 家裡離學校較遠者,學校也有遠程證的方案 像器具損壞要賠償,不是最基本的嗎? 愛惜公物,妥善使用,怎麼會有需要賠償之說? 我相信每間學校一定都會有需要改進的地方 在每個學校都會有不同的同儕問題 這些都是自己該克服的問題 東海的老師都很願意付出 不論是各種競賽、證照、學業等等 只要有不懂 老師們都很願意教導!! 重點在於 你願不願意學 願不願意努力 願不願意付出 !!!
Studying in Donghai for three years, as long as you are willing to learn and work hard, you will be full of rewards. Let’s not talk about other departments, let’s talk about the catering department Requirements for the East China Sea Grade C license: Chinese food, meal service, bread, cake, mid-point, western food And now there are also training courses for Baking Level B and Chinese Food Level B Usually, some chefs and foreign teachers will be invited to teach Are these not good resources? Other departments are not bad, For example, the automobile department has the national gold medal award, the North District gold medal and so on, The telecommunications department also has the Golden Hand Award, national winners, etc. The animation department also has national awards, student art exhibition awards, etc. The Food and Beverage Division also has the Golden Hand Award, National Winners, etc. These are the results of hard work I think some things are a different angle I can understand why I ask you like this Like the requirement to arrive at school before 7:20, it is to cultivate punctuality habits For those whose home is far away from the school, the school also has a remote ID program Isn’t it the most basic thing to compensate for damage to equipment? Cherish the public property and use it properly, how can it be said that compensation is needed? I believe that every school will have areas for improvement There will be different peer problems in every school These are the problems that I should overcome Teachers in Donghai are willing to give Whether it’s all kinds of competitions, licenses, studies, etc. As long as they don’t understand, the teachers are willing to teach! ! The point is whether you are willing to learn, are willing to work hard, are willing to contribute! ! !
李柏賢Kevin Li on Google

求學生涯的回憶與意義對於每個人來說都是不同,你們還在爭論學校爛不爛的時候,有多少人是沒有學校在羨慕你們的。 我認同在東海裡一定會遇到一些不開心、不順心的事情,你或許會碰到和你頻率不搭的老師,但更美好的事情不就是你和旁邊的同學一同成長、一起度過難關嗎?長大本來就是這麼一回事,對於男孩來說,東海就像當兵前的適應,規定、約束多,就是學校想花心力在讓你們自律,學會了自律你走到哪裡都可以堂堂正正的做人。對於女孩來說,東海就像工作職場前的鍛鍊,學會自律自愛,甚麼階段可以做甚麼事情,真的要自己碰到了才能夠體會。 我畢業於東海高中第三屆餐飲科,在我那個時期的餐飲科,考照還沒有這麼的完善健全,畢業也是拿到3張丙檢而已,看到現在學弟妹在求學階段,不停的磨練自己,每個人畢了業至少都有拿到4~6張丙檢,最多甚至可以拿到7張,還有不少人可以拿到乙級證照,看到這些成績,我知道你們都辛苦了,或許這不是你們願意的,但相信我,終有一天你回首會發現當初的努力和堅持沒有白費。 對於網路上的這些謾罵,我只是覺得,今天你有本事你就不要讀,就離開學校。你有選擇,請你去更好更棒更不爛的地方,而你現在只敢躲在螢幕後面敲鍵盤來攻擊學校,我也只能祝福你,希望過了5年之後,你還敢拿你當初打的這篇洋洋得意的去和其他人炫耀,有人說,學校真的好的話,負面評論不會這麼多,我認同,所以我現在站出來分享。
The memories and meaning of the school career are different for everyone. When you are still arguing about whether the school is rotten, how many people are not envious of you. I agree that in the East China Sea, you will encounter some unhappy and uncomfortable things. You may encounter teachers who do not match your frequency, but the better thing is not that you grow up with the classmates next to you, and go through the difficulties together. Is this the same thing as growing up? For boys, the East China Sea is like an adaptation before serving as a soldier. There are many regulations and constraints. That is, the school wants to put effort into making you self-discipline. You have learned self-discipline. Be human. For girls, Donghai is like exercising before work, learning self-discipline and self-love, at what stage you can do something, you really have to meet it before you can realize it. I graduated from the third catering course of Donghai High School. In the catering course of my period, the exams were not so perfect and perfect. I also got 3 C exams for graduation. I saw that my younger siblings are now in the schooling stage. To hone myself, everyone has at least 4 to 6 C exams after graduation, and can get up to 7 at most, and many people can get Class B certificates. Seeing these results, I know you all It's hard work, maybe this is not what you want, but believe me, one day when you look back, you will find that your efforts and perseverance were not in vain. Regarding these abuses on the Internet, I just think that if you have the ability today, don't read it and leave school. You have a choice, please go to a better, better and not bad place, and now you dare to hide behind the screen and hit the keyboard to attack the school, I can only bless you, I hope that after 5 years, you dare to take The one you played was proud to show off to others. Some people said that the school is really good, and there will not be so many negative comments. I agree, so I stand up and share it now.
王雪奈 on Google

It is suggested that your school should hold military song competitions as little as possible, which is really not helpful for teaching and students' moral cultivation.
許承宗 on Google

此篇獻給正在觀看評論的您~ 我是108年餐飲科畢業生,目前就讀弘光科技大學 餐旅管理系。 好的學校值得我們推薦,推薦給正在迷惘的學弟妹們~ (皆為發自內心、真實感受、歡迎指教。) 東海哪裡好? 哪裡值得推薦? 東海能帶給我什麼?請看~~ 當年爸爸媽媽看上在地就學這點,也因為自己國中技藝班時對東海有很好的印象,才選擇就讀東海餐飲來培養自己的一技之長,過去的日子告訴我,老師是讓自己堅持走下去很大的力量,高中也許是很多人的最後求學階段,所以學習一技之長固然非常重要,為了能讓我們擁有可以帶著走的技術與經驗,東海師長不辭辛勞,將自己所擁有的技術不藏私地傳授給我們,老實說剛上高一的那一年非常迷惘,沒有方向,但因為有師長們的鼓勵與支持,同時給自己立下目標,在高二時積極參與校外競賽,累積比賽經驗與實戰力,透過課外活動增強自己不一樣的能力,也協助學校辦理多場大型活動,非常有趣也懷念...高三時不斷朝著目標努力,在畢業前夕站上全國性比賽的舞台來檢核自己過去的努力,很幸運地獲得不錯的成績。 東海校園很小,但卻能提供學生有規模有深度的資源, 東海規矩不少,但卻能讓我們在畢業後有好品德、好習慣, 最兼具年輕、活力、有質感的學校,大家真的不能只有看看而已,用親身經歷帶給大家最真實的感受。 我喜歡東海,因為它讓我的人生不一樣了,推薦東海給大家。
This article is dedicated to you who are watching the comments~ I am a graduate of Catering Department in 108 years and I am currently studying in the Catering and Travel Management Department of Hongguang University of Science and Technology. A good school is worthy of our recommendation, and recommend it to students who are bewildered~ (All from the heart, true feelings, and welcome suggestions.) Where is the East China Sea good? Where is it worth recommending? What can the East China Sea bring to me? Please see~~ When my parents wanted to learn this from the local area, and because they had a good impression of Donghai in their junior high school skills, they chose to study Donghai Catering to cultivate their skills. The past days told me that the teacher let me stick to it. A lot of power, high school may be the last stage of many people’s studies, so learning a skill is of course very important. In order to allow us to have the skills and experience we can take with us, Master Donghai has worked tirelessly and will not hide the skills we have. To be honest, the first year of high school was very confused and there was no direction, but because of the encouragement and support of teachers and teachers, at the same time, I set goals for myself and actively participated in off-campus competitions in the second year of high school, accumulating experience and competition. Practical ability, through extracurricular activities to enhance one's own different abilities, and also assisting the school to handle many large-scale activities, very interesting and missed... In the third year of high school, we constantly strive towards our goals and stand on the stage of a national competition on the eve of graduation to check For my past efforts, I was fortunate to get good results. The Donghai campus is small, but it can provide students with large-scale and in-depth resources. There are many rules in the East China Sea, but they can make us have good morals and habits after graduation. The most youthful, energetic, and high-quality school, you really can't just look at it, and use your own experience to bring you the most real feelings. I like Donghai because it makes my life different. I recommend Donghai to everyone.
紅茶綠茶 on Google

到底哪個天才想到把帽踢帽子塞進運動服裡 真的有夠醜 可以不要秀下限嗎 還有褲管做的有夠寬又那麼長 還不讓人改 看看其他學校校規怎麼訂的 再看看貴校 真的有待加強
Who the hell thinks that putting a hat into a sports suit is really ugly enough to not show the lower limit? Also, the trousers are made wide enough and long enough not to be changed. Let's see how the school rules of other schools are set. Your school really needs to be strengthened
茶紅 on Google

有駕照騎機車卻被記大過 學校爛成這樣 還有某位鐘先生 拖地沒脫好就罵 罵到我懷疑是不是太無聊再搞學生 沒脫好還要放學留下來 上次拖到7點才回家 磁磚都是要沒有任何的灰塵 才可以算乾淨 進東海請三思!!!
I have a driver's license to ride a motorcycle, but I've been deceived and the school is so bad When I go home, the tiles must be clean without any dust. Please think twice before entering the East China Sea!!!
oliver chen on Google

以學校氣氛很容易判斷是為了賺錢還是教育,不跳脫框架只會把人才變人力。 我是畢業生。就學期間的氛圍還有每個老師獨特的情緒勒索下,九成五以上同學都參加了(不彈性課後輔導),學習時數拉這麼長,不見得每位學生都能汲汲營營的學習與 吸收。 勇氣與團結的軍歌比賽,訓練模式提前幫孩子訓練奴性 辦教育有教育方的立場,但一切攤開來談,徵收課後輔導費用,拉長學習時數想進而增加平均分數,這一切是為了什麼?
It is easy to judge whether it is for making money or education based on the school atmosphere. If you do not escape the framework, it will only turn talents into human resources. I am a graduate. Due to the atmosphere during school and the unique emotional blackmail of each teacher, more than 95% of the students have participated (inflexible after-school tutoring). The study hours are so long that not every student can study hard. with absorption. The military song competition of courage and unity, the training mode helps children train slavery in advance There is an educational side's position in running education, but everything is discussed, after-school tutoring fees are levied, and the number of study hours is extended to increase the average score. What is all this for?
biozzl lily on Google

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