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Contact EDS床墊睡眠評估館

地址 :

237, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanxia District, Xuecheng Rd, 153號EDS床墊睡眠評估館1樓

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://www.eds-sleep.com/
城市 : Xuecheng Rd

237, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanxia District, Xuecheng Rd, 153號EDS床墊睡眠評估館1樓
Kelly Chen on Google

店內很安靜,只有冷氣運轉聲、馬路傳來的車聲, 店長(?)幫看走路姿勢、躺姿...等來判斷床墊及枕頭適不適合客人
The store is very quiet, only the sound of the air conditioner running and the sound of cars coming from the road. The store manager (?) will help you to check your walking posture, lying posture, etc. to judge whether mattresses and pillows are suitable for customers
milk chiu on Google

The boss will recommend a suitable mattress according to each person’s posture, and observe whether there is a place to adjust the mattress when lying down. The whole trial lying process makes people feel full of professionalism and super push?
ShannieeeHuang on Google

店家不同以往的床墊專賣店、傢俱店的介紹模式!非常特別~ 需要親自體驗過才能明白他們店家特別的點 經由老闆的詳細解說 我也更了解自己的身體! 而且躺著躺著就睡著了⋯⋯立馬下定!
The store is different from the introduction mode of mattress stores and furniture stores in the past! very special~ You need to experience it yourself to understand the special points of their store Through the detailed explanation of the boss, I also know more about my body! And I fell asleep while lying down... Immediately make up my mind!
陳希玠 on Google

老闆超專業超有耐心,會依照你的身型、骨骼、睡眠習慣去介紹適合妳的床墊 老闆娘聲音甜甜的,超可愛
The boss is super professional and patient, and will introduce the mattress that suits you according to your body shape, bones and sleeping habits The lady boss has a sweet voice and is super cute
Sh Z on Google

從一進門就很細心的介紹和符合我們的床墊 老闆很專業的依照我們的身型和舒適度幫我們選擇適合的床墊和枕頭 非常建議有需求買床墊和枕頭的人 可以來嘗試不一樣的買床體驗
From the moment you enter the door, you are very careful to introduce and match our mattresses The boss is very professional to help us choose suitable mattresses and pillows according to our body shape and comfort It is highly recommended for those who need to buy mattresses and pillows You can come and try a different bed buying experience
孫顯宗 on Google

非常棒的購物經驗 年輕帥哥老闆以物理治療師的角度,設計評估最符合身形的床墊 床墊非常的舒適 價格也非常實惠 CP值絕對完勝各大名床
great shopping experience From the perspective of a physiotherapist, the handsome young boss designs and evaluates the mattress that best fits his body shape Mattress is very comfortable The price is also very affordable The CP value is absolutely superior to the major beds
Lola Zheng on Google

因為從三峽搬家回板橋需要購買枕頭,結果遇到床墊媒人婆兼人體骨骼肌肉專家(老闆),離開時直接連床墊一起買了。舊床墊偏軟起初躺起來還算舒服,以至於使用多年捨不得丟,殊不知舊床墊根本不符合自己身體睡眠時所需的支撐度,長時間使用下來就算有睡滿8小時,起床時反而全身痠痛、肩頸緊繃,真的是越睡越累,想到要拖著這個痠痛的身體去上班,就感到萬念俱灰焦慮到想請假。 去現場挑新床墊時,老闆會從走路的姿勢,體態、頸椎長短、脊椎有沒有歪斜、骨盆傾斜程度,各種綜合評估後,仔細挑選適合每位客人的床墊,就連我平常慣性使用左肩背負包包,而導致左右肩有些許高低差老闆都能點出來。 試躺的時候先試著正睡十分鐘,老闆會看床墊的下陷程度、支撐腰部的地方、是否符合,他們很貼心還幫我關天花板的燈,老闆娘更貼心還問我會不會冷,要不要蓋棉被,我以為試完正面睡覺就結束直接買床了,老闆說再來試側睡十分鐘,結果習慣側睡的我差點直接睡著,讓我想一路睡到EDS打烊再回家,不誇張,直接黏上去不想下來。 評估的過程因為需要觸碰到腰部肌肉與肩膀,才能知道緊繃的程度或是放鬆的程度,難免會有一些身體上的碰觸,老闆真的超級有禮貌很親切,都會事先告知提醒,不會讓人家突然嚇一跳。 換掉舊的床墊就跟換掉前男友一樣,明知道不適合卻又捨不得換,真的強烈建議大家,趕快斷捨離換一個,省得自己身心靈不舒服,下一個會更好,不要以為可以磨合,結果只是在消磨彼此的身心靈,就跟床墊一樣,好險有遇到EDS睡眠評估館,不然還要繼續腰痠背痛睡舊床。 每天都要躺下來休息的床墊千萬不要馬虎,良好的睡眠品質很重要,隔天才有力氣去賺錢,人生苦短對自己好一點及時行樂,錢沒有變不見,它只是變成床墊每天陪我入睡,老闆的專業度與親切感會讓你覺得CP值很高,沒有壓力的購物經驗不強迫推銷有耐心,老闆娘處理客戶資料也很細心,聯繫送貨時間、付款方式、估價單字超美看了就舒服~ EDS床墊睡眠評估館有Line ID可以加@358jaaeu,三峽北大的住戶快點用新台幣來支持一下台灣在地優良店家,老闆用心對待每一位客人,用心經營門市~
張小明 on Google

The boss is a physiotherapist who is very friendly and professional. Before purchasing, he will assist you in tailoring a mattress that suits you. It is really important to choose a good bed, highly recommended!

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