宇平診所 | 高雄心臟內科診所、EECP體外反博治療 - Qianzhen District

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宇平診所 | 高雄 心臟內科、EECP體外反搏治療推薦 | 劉中平院長 - Drheart.com.tw


Contact 宇平診所 | 高雄心臟內科診所、EECP體外反博治療

地址 :

806, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Qianzhen District, Zhongshan 2nd Rd, 46號宇平診所 | 高雄心臟內科診所、EECP體外反博治療

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 2
網站 : https://www.drheart.com.tw/
城市 : nd Rd

806, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Qianzhen District, Zhongshan 2nd Rd, 46號宇平診所 | 高雄心臟內科診所、EECP體外反博治療
蔡小嘉 on Google

心臟不太舒服後,每天都很焦慮、恐慌。 來到宇平診所看診後,深深覺得一位好的醫生都比什麼都重要‼️因為健康無價‼️ 謝謝劉醫生細心教導及耐心看診的態度,讓我的心臟越來越好,真心推薦給大家~~?
After the heart is not very comfortable, I am anxious and panic every day. After visiting Yuping Clinic, I deeply felt that a good doctor is more important than anything else‼ ️Because health is priceless‼ ️ Thank you Dr. Liu for his careful teaching and patient attitude, which made my heart get better and better. I sincerely recommend it to everyone~~?
吳怡青 on Google

因為連續的寒冷,造成心臟不適,每天經過這家診所,都是一堆人, 診所外的標語加上裡面的裝潢,讓沒去過的我滿心期待,專業,溫馨,關懷 下午進去掛號, 看到裡面護理師的晚娘面孔,一副又要忙的態度, 這就是所謂的溫馨?? 量血壓口氣也很不客氣,測血糖也是很不耐煩,這就是對待病患的關懷方式 到二樓遇到醫生,也很商業化的大約敷衍了事,畢竟第一次心臟的不舒服,想多問一句似乎醫生很趕時間 這就是所謂的專業與關懷?? 整體來說,整個讓人不開心 初診掛號費200,下次掛號要230 裡面的藥劑師,與護理師,缺乏對病患的耐心,或許很累吧!我不會再去受氣的,心臟不舒服都很害怕了,還要讓自己情緒更不好
Because of the continuous cold, causing heart discomfort, there are a lot of people passing by this clinic every day, The slogan outside the clinic and the decoration inside make me full of expectations, professional, warm and caring. Go in and register in the afternoon. Seeing the nurse's late mother's face inside, with a busy attitude, Is this what you call kindness? ? It is also very impolite to measure blood pressure, and it is also very impatient to measure blood sugar. This is the way of caring for patients. When I met the doctor on the second floor, it was very commercial and perfunctory. After all, it was the first time that my heart was uncomfortable. I wanted to ask more questions. It seemed that the doctor was in a hurry. Is this what we call professionalism and care? ? Overall, the whole thing is unpleasant The initial registration fee is 200, and the next registration fee is 230 The pharmacists and nurses inside lack patience with patients, so they may be very tired! I won't be angry anymore, I'm scared if my heart doesn't feel good, and I have to make myself feel worse
鄭品廷 on Google

陳玉玫 on Google

劉醫師非常的專業且親切。 過去兩三年來,我奔波於三大醫學中心, 找不到合適的治療方式, 在劉醫師這裡, 很快的讓血壓不穩定與心絞痛的症狀大幅改善且穩定。 名片上還附上醫師的電話, 可以用line諮詢用藥或身體狀況。 疫情期間,不方便南下看診, 劉醫師還親自打電話給我, 指導用藥狀況。 非常的感謝。
劉醫師非常的專業且親切。 過去兩三年來,我奔波於三大醫學中心, 找不到合適的治療方式, 在劉醫師這裡, 很快的讓血壓不穩定與心絞痛的症狀大幅改善且穩定。 名片上還附上醫師的電話, 可以用line諮詢用藥或身體狀況。 疫情期間,不方便南下看診, 劉醫師還親自打電話給我, 指導用藥狀況。 thank you very much.
劉委 on Google

Grandma is very unhappy every time she goes to the doctor, because she has to wait for a long time, but since she changed to Yuping Clinic, she will take the initiative to remember the time to return to the doctor? She has been seen by Dr. Liu for half a year, and the heart problem It's getting more and more stable, I'm really touched to see that grandma is healthy and happy, thank you Dr. Liu and the nurse ❤️
Heather Defsoul on Google

診所設備齊全、醫師專業、環境舒適、氣氛良好。 一開始原本想看劉醫師但是真的排長龍,護士建議先看李醫師的診。 發現李醫生根本專業到一個不行,看診也完全不馬虎(不像一般診所看了20秒就起來被請出去等拿藥,已遇過另外兩家診所這樣,不曉得是不是疫情關係醫生特別不想病人久留診室。) 對診所最滿意的是:不是那種看病、拿藥就走的診所,首先會請病人先用血壓機量血壓、再去測心電圖(讓醫生更好判斷)、上樓醫生會細心詢問病患症狀,非常耐心的解釋為何會有這些症狀。病患問的問題都可以一一解答、還會告知病人藥物的選擇/藥物調整情況等。 醫師會看狀況請病人驗血以便可以更深入了解症狀原因。 早點發現病因才可以更提早根治。 謝謝醫師、護士及藥師~~~~
陳永霖 on Google

看了網路上的正面敘述,滿懷期待的帶著年邁的母親來看診⋯初診,護理師團隊及接待人員們都非常客氣且和善,先在一樓作了心電圖的檢查,之後拿著62號的掛號單上到了2樓的候診室,還需等候18個叫號⋯心想,應該真的是個仁心仁術的好醫師吧⋯這麼多人在等?,滿懷期待並跟老媽細心的安撫,約莫等了一個小時,終於輪到我們了⋯進了診間,向醫師說明了母親有重聽,吳醫師就明顯不想與母親交談,直接問了我為什麼來看心臟科, 我回答說因為去看復健科時,復健科的醫師聽診時說母親心臟有異音,建議我們能去心臟科看診⋯吳醫師看了一眼心電圖,說心律有些微不整,開藥吃就好⋯前後應該不到一分鐘吧⋯連異音的聽診都沒有⋯唉⋯也許依醫師專業能看圖知病,然而,那種從頭到尾沒有ㄧ丁點兒、想大聲說ㄧ句話讓就診患者本人能聽見的想法表露無遺⋯ 80歲的患者了,排了一個多小時的隊,也許就只是想聽到醫師跟她說聲,心臟聲音小事而已,吃藥就好了,不用擔心? 個人認為⋯又是一個裝潢漂亮,設備先進,對賺錢有理想又有熱誠的開藥機器人? 加油⋯機器人⋯你ㄧ定能賺到很多錢的? 2顆星都是給護理師及工作團隊的⋯⋯至於醫生~滾??
After reading the positive description on the Internet, I brought my elderly mother to see the doctor with great anticipation... At the first consultation, the team of nurses and the reception staff were very polite and kind. First, I did an electrocardiogram on the first floor, and then took the number 62. My registration form is in the waiting room on the 2nd floor, and I have to wait for 18 calls... I thought, I must be a good doctor with benevolence and benevolence... So many people are waiting ?, full of expectations and careful comfort with my mother I waited for about an hour, and finally it was our turn... Entering the clinic, he explained to the doctor that my mother had a hard hearing. Doctor Wu obviously didn't want to talk to my mother, and directly asked me why I came to the cardiology department. I replied that because when I went to the rehabilitation department, the doctor in the rehabilitation department said that my mother had abnormal heart sounds during auscultation, and suggested that we go to the cardiology department to see a doctor... Physician Wu took a look at the electrocardiogram and said that the heart rhythm was slightly irregular, so he prescribed medicine to take it. It's good... It should be less than a minute before and after... I don't even have auscultation for the abnormal sound... Alas... Maybe depending on the doctor's profession, you can see the disease by looking at pictures, but, from the beginning to the end, there is no such thing as a little bit, and you want to say a word out loud. Let the patient's own thoughts be heard clearly... The 80-year-old patient has been in line for more than an hour, maybe she just wants to hear the doctor tell her, the heart sound is just a trivial matter, just take the medicine, don't worry ? Personally, I think it's another drug prescribing robot with beautiful decoration, advanced equipment, ideal and enthusiasm for making money? Come on...robot...you will definitely make a lot of money? 2 stars are all for the nurses and the work team... As for the doctor~go away??
Steve Wright on Google

This clinic is outstanding. Staff are very professional, helpful and efficient.The doctor is dedicated and highly skilled, particularly with heart related illness. Cannot praise the doctor and staff enough.

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