Eweishan Trail

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Eweishan Trail

地址 :

Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111

電話 : 📞 +8879
城市 : Taipei City

Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
胡延平 on Google

Older and knee joints are not healthy!
曾家棋 on Google

好吧 on Google

The second half of the road is steep and muddy
蘇葎娟 on Google

The trees along the road are cool when there is wind, but you must pay attention to mosquitoes.
陳麗 霞 on Google

In Taipei for so long, I have never walked through such a long, ancient city, and it is cool and comfortable. It is worth a visit.
Shi Tony on Google

1、步道穿越農家聚落,菜園分佈,自然清幽不失秀雅,部份區段有些陡直,交通規劃尚稱完善。 2、賞櫻物語 二月 春城何處不飛花 平菁不見舞櫻花… 季節流轉 山頭翠綠輕點 多少春意正濃 一襲輕裝 一派悠閒 甜蜜賞櫻行 歡樂悄然上心頭… 山居農家閒 溪澗田野趣 向陽深處尋芳踪 幽林處 好春光 輕風徐徐正呢喃 桃花紛紛舞春風… 花有百媚千嬌 人有風情萬種 漫漫人生路 行行復行行 幽幽花語藏心間 涓涓心事欲抒箋 世間情 人生夢 情懷已似水 不飲也得醉… 寫于平菁鵝尾山步道
1. The trail crosses the farmhouse settlement, the vegetable garden is distributed, the nature is quiet and elegant, and some sections are steep and straight, and the traffic planning is still perfect. 2, cherry blossom story February Where does Spring City not fly? Ping Jing does not see the cherry blossoms... Seasonal circulation Hillside green light How much spring is strong Lightly loaded Leisurely Sweet cherry blossoms Joy quietly on my heart... Mountain home farmhouse Brook field Looking for the depths of the sun Jungle Good spring The breeze is slowly whispering Peach blossoms dance in the spring... Flowers have hundreds of charming People have a lot of style Long life path Recursive line 幽花花语藏心间 Desperate World situation Dream of life Feelings are like water You can get drunk without drinking... Written on the Pingjing Goose Hill Trail
Julia Chang on Google

Starting from the Pingxi Trail (Pingjing Road), it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to go downhill at the beginning. After a small bridge, it starts to gentle slope. Then some vegetable gardens can buy food, fresh and reasonable prices. Birds and butterflies are along the way. Super, not hot
葉培靈 on Google

在劍潭捷運站撘小19公車在平菁街鵝尾山等山口下車,經過一處小型社區先看到平溪步道。走著往下的階梯約15分鍾後,會看到一座橋,旁邊有一小小瀑布,水量還蠻豐沛,繼續往前行會經過一處梯田,不多久會看到路邊芒花盛開,平溪步道大概約四十分鍾走完。接著會看到至善路,走約十分鍾會看到標有往鵝尾山的路牌。鵝尾山剛開始是一路往上的泥土路,路較滑但有繩索可供遊客使用。半個鐘頭後進入竹林蚊子較多,落下竹葉將步道舖滿,走在上面蠻舒服。走約快一個鍾頭 看到山友貼的路牌,選擇往大崎頭步道,接上坪頂古道,經過清風堂涼亭 ,走下一連串石階,再經過幾棟民房,就看到小19公車站牌。
At Jiantan MRT Station, take bus No. 19 and get off at Pingjing Street, Eweishan and other mountain passes. After passing a small community, you will first see the Pingxi Trail. After walking down the stairs for about 15 minutes, you will see a bridge with a small waterfall next to it. The water volume is quite abundant. If you continue to move forward, you will pass a terrace, and soon you will see the roadside flowers blooming. The trail is about forty minutes to complete. Then you will see Zhishan Road, and walk for about ten minutes, and you will see a sign to Ewei Mountain. At the beginning, Ewei Mountain was a dirt road all the way up. The road was slippery but there were ropes for tourists to use. After half an hour, there are many mosquitoes entering the bamboo forest, and the trail is covered with bamboo leaves. It is quite comfortable to walk on it. Walk for about an hour and see the sign posted by Shanyou, choose to go to the Daqitou Trail, connect to the Pingding Ancient Road, pass the Qingfengtang Pavilion, walk down a series of stone steps, and pass a few private houses, and you will see the Xiao19 bus station Card.

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