三德中醫診所-|視訊醫療|後遺症門診|清冠一號|長新冠|淨冠方|室外門診|失眠|自律神經失調|顏麻中風|面癱|頭痛|焦慮|鼻過敏|調體質|轉骨壯陽豐胸|FACE美顏針十大名醫|新莊推薦中醫| - Xinzhuang District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 三德中醫診所-|視訊醫療|後遺症門診|清冠一號|長新冠|淨冠方|室外門診|失眠|自律神經失調|顏麻中風|面癱|頭痛|焦慮|鼻過敏|調體質|轉骨壯陽豐胸|FACE美顏針十大名醫|新莊推薦中醫|

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Section 2, Fuxing Rd

電話 : 📞 +88998
Postal code : 2
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/sande130712

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Section 2, Fuxing Rd
Wild Vincent on Google

平日來都好多人,等了2個多小時,手機玩到快沒電了.. 不過小姊姊好漂釀,我給五顆星星好啦。
There are many people on weekdays. After waiting for more than 2 hours, the mobile phone is almost dead .. But the younger sisters are good at brewing. I ’ll give five stars.
透透 on Google

在這種草木皆兵的情況下 還願意冒險看診、真是仁心良術 辛苦醫生及櫃檯人員了、加油
In this kind of situation Also willing to take risks to see a doctor, really benevolent Thank you doctor and counter staff, come on
Jill Lee on Google

The doctor is very patient in answering every question I have. He will not be perfunctory because of the number of patients, and he is also very careful when he sees the doctor~~Super recommended~Like
錡慧如 on Google

醫師看診細心有耐心 用藥精準果效好 重感冒 筋骨痠痛 一包水藥就見效 針灸治療效果佳 大推
Physician attentive and patient Precise and effective medication Severe cold sore muscles A pack of water medicine is effective Acupuncture and Moxibustion big push
Devon Lee on Google

The nursing staff are quite nice and the doctor's very careful consultation has made my allergies improve a lot. It is a good clinic worth recommending??
Katrina Lee on Google

In the absence of Qingguan No. 1, I was fortunate to obtain the anti-epidemic prescription of your hospital from a friend. After taking it, my body really got a lot of help, which made people feel more at ease under the severe epidemic.
Ann Kuo on Google

誠心感謝醫術精湛的許醫師還有貼心的護理人員,在疫情嚴峻的當下,提供最即時有效的協助,再加上貼心的服務態度,真的讓人安下一顆心。 以往對視訊看診打問號,但許醫師透過手機小小的螢幕依然精準的問診,真的令人佩服。 ~由衷感謝仁心仁術的三德全體醫師護理人員,謝謝你們,有你們真好~
I sincerely thank Dr. Xu, who has superb medical skills and caring nursing staff, for providing the most immediate and effective assistance in the severe epidemic situation. Coupled with the caring service attitude, it really makes people feel at ease. In the past, there was a question mark about the video consultation, but Dr. Xu still made accurate consultations through the small screen of his mobile phone, which is really admirable. ~ Sincerely thank all the doctors and nurses of Sande who are benevolent and benevolent, thank you, it is great to have you~
Sandy Chen on Google

算三德的新朋友,持續看診僅兩個多月時間,不過大致上重點醫療都已經嚐試過一輪,現在持續調養身體中。 祛風(治感冒)跟龜鹿(顧筋骨)水藥真心推薦,不能說一包見效,但是第一包下去就很有感。SSP低週波治療搭配頭部針灸(針灸非必要~我個人狀況比較糟),治療後人馬上活過來一半,再搭配睡前的安神藥粉,狀況改善不少。 建議有看診需求都要預約,每日有限診人次,避免等太久或者根本掛不到號。
As a new friend of Sande, he has only been seeing a doctor for more than two months, but in general, he has already tried one round of key medical treatments and is now continuing to recuperate his body. Expelling wind (to treat colds) and turtle deer (gujingu) water medicine is really recommended. I can't say that one pack is effective, but the first pack is very impressive. SSP low frequency treatment combined with acupuncture on the head (acupuncture is not necessary ~ my personal condition is relatively bad), half of the person's life will be recovered immediately after the treatment, and then combined with the calming powder before going to bed, the condition has improved a lot. It is recommended to make an appointment if you need to see a doctor. There are limited number of consultations per day, so as to avoid waiting too long or not being able to register at all.

Write some of your reviews for the company 三德中醫診所-|視訊醫療|後遺症門診|清冠一號|長新冠|淨冠方|室外門診|失眠|自律神經失調|顏麻中風|面癱|頭痛|焦慮|鼻過敏|調體質|轉骨壯陽豐胸|FACE美顏針十大名醫|新莊推薦中醫|


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