小FAN桶 和食家庭料理 - Xinyi District

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Contact 小FAN桶 和食家庭料理

地址 :

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 5 of Zhongxiao East RoadSection 5 of Zhongxiao E Rd, 508-2號小FAN桶 和食家庭料理

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 5

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 5 of Zhongxiao East RoadSection 5 of Zhongxiao E Rd, 508-2號小FAN桶 和食家庭料理
Marx on Google

今日餐點 咖哩豬排 羊蔥肉堡 鮭魚 主食可選擇,白飯是茶泡飯,會額外給鰹魚高湯。另外可+10元換菜飯,菜飯是牛蒡絲,有時候是毛豆,嚼久了有香味,滿特別的,洋蔥肉堡好吃?? 整間店很溫馨,老闆娘說話很溫柔,好像回到家吃飯一樣輕鬆,可以來品嚐看看
today's meal Curry Pork Chops Lamb Onion Burger Salmon The main food is optional, the rice is tea soaked rice, and there will be additional bonito stock. In addition, +10 yuan can be exchanged for vegetable rice. The vegetable rice is burdock shreds, sometimes edamame. After chewing for a long time, it is fragrant and full of special. The onion meat burger is delicious?? The whole store is very warm, the proprietress speaks very softly, as easy as coming home for dinner, you can come and have a look
Tess Lee on Google

2/7(ㄧ)第一次來吃,之前搜尋一下永春站附近沒有吃過的美食?就看到這間? 進店老闆娘就很熱心介紹,先倒了熱的麥茶給我們喝?麥茶沒有咖啡因很適合飲用! 我們點了一份蘋果薑燒豬肉定食 & 烤秋刀魚定食。 我會選薑燒豬肉是因為1.這是日本家庭內家常主食的定番2.我今天不想吃炸的?(下次再試試看炸雞塊或炸牡蠣) 先從除了主菜之外的東西說起 1.米飯-飯本身就很好吃,加上店家建議的吃法,先灑上有山葵口味的茶泡飯粉+熱水,變成山葵茶泡飯這樣吃,也很好吃! 2.配菜有三種 1)燉蘿蔔《也是通常日本家常定番的配菜,口味很剛好,蘿蔔也有入味又軟》 2)洋芋蛋沙拉類《這個很有味道,跟我們一般家常的洋芋蛋沙拉不一樣》 3)醃漬高麗菜《這感覺是用柚子醃漬的高麗菜(或者是清爽的柑橘之類的),味道很爽口很好吃》 3.玉子燒 是非常日本家常口味的甜味?台灣人會吃的比較不習慣,玉子燒對日本人來說在家裡都會做,會有高湯+砂糖的美味???我覺得很好吃 4.味噌湯 有加蘿蔔下去一起煮,蠻好吃的,不過我比較不習慣裡面有蔥? 主菜1.烤秋刀魚,真的很好吃,烤的很剛好,只是秋天的秋刀魚真的比較肥嫩好吃?冬天的真的就會比較瘦~因為媽媽想吃魚的關係,還是點了秋刀魚,下次想吃看看鯖魚看看☺️☺️☺️ 主菜2.蘋果薑燒豬肉,我覺得口味很剛好,雖然對台灣人來說也是有一點鹹,但我覺得很下飯,加上燉煮入味的生薑&洋蔥 真的好吃? 最後是裝盛的盤子&碗都有很大的巧思,很用心在搭配,是一間很溫暖的小店,老闆跟老闆娘都很友善、服務很好?美味的餐點是需要一點時間烹飪的,希望大家能明白店內只有兩個人製作是很辛苦的☺️ 是間很像日本小食堂感的小店,推薦?一定會再來回訪??? 推薦指數????
2/7 (ㄧ) This is my first time to eat. I searched for the food that I haven’t eaten near Yongchun Station before? and saw this ? When we entered the store, the proprietress was very enthusiastic about introducing it. First, he poured hot barley tea for us to drink ? Barley tea has no caffeine and is very suitable for drinking! We ordered an apple ginger pork set meal & grilled saury set meal. I choose ginger roast pork because 1. This is a staple in Japanese households 2. I don't want to eat fried ones today? (try fried chicken nuggets or fried oysters next time) Let’s start with things other than the main course 1. Rice - rice itself is delicious, plus the restaurant's recommended way of eating, first sprinkle with wasabi-flavored tea rice powder + hot water, and eat it as wasabi tea rice, which is also delicious! 2. There are three kinds of side dishes 1) Stewed radish "It is also a side dish that is usually used at home in Japan. The taste is just right, and the radish is also delicious and soft." 2) Potato Egg Salad "This is very tasty, it's not the same as our ordinary potato egg salad" 3) Pickled cabbage "This feels like pickled cabbage with yuzu (or refreshing citrus or something), it tastes very refreshing and delicious" 3. Tamagoyaki is a very sweet Japanese home-style taste ? Taiwanese are not used to eating it. Tamagoyaki is made at home for Japanese, and it will have the deliciousness of soup + sugar ??? I think it is delicious 4. Miso soup is cooked with radish, it's delicious, but I'm not used to having green onions in it? Main course 1. Grilled saury, it's really delicious, the grilling is just right, but the autumn saury is really fat and delicious ? The winter one is really thinner~ Because my mother wants to eat fish, I still order it Saury, next time I want to eat it, take a look at mackerel☺️☺️☺️ Main course 2. Apple and ginger roast pork, I think the taste is very good, although it is a little salty for Taiwanese, but I think it is very delicious, plus the stewed ginger & onion is really delicious? Finally, the plates & bowls are packed with great ingenuity, and they are carefully matched. It is a very warm shop. The owner and the wife are very friendly and the service is very good. Delicious meals take a little time to cook. Yes, I hope everyone can understand that only two people in the store make it very hard☺️ It's a small shop that looks like a Japanese canteen. Recommended? I will definitely visit again??? Recommended index ????
Jeremy Lin on Google

Dr. Eko Shakespeare皇家英語學苑 on Google

Nice place with authentic Japanese family food. Perfect for a lunch break!!
Teddy T on Google

I am glad to find a great Japan restaurant which is clean and no MSG! Highly recommend their pork menus ??
謝孟芸 on Google

Very tasty!! If you're looking for traditional Japanese dishes there you go. Nothing fancy but my body loves the food here ?
Johan Tong on Google

I ordered to go but was so hungry that I asked for the soup first. The lady boss is so kind that she gave me some food to fill my stomach first. Definitely recommend this restaurant.
Vincent on Google

Nice Japanese home cooking All set come with Ochazuke!!! It also come with big pot of rice

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