Fangjian Study

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Fangjian Study

地址 :

No. 58, Houcaiyuan St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220

電話 : 📞 +889
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 58, Houcaiyuan St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220
陳雨晨 on Google

Within Banqiao Lin Family Garden - Building View
Nana Cat on Google

昔日讀書看戲地方,齋前鑿池中設有戲臺。「對景」 - 齋前軒亭與戲亭隔水相對,互見水中倒影。
In the old days of reading and watching theater, there was a stage in the Chichi pool before Zhaiqian. "Opposite Scenery"-Xuan Pavilion and Xi Pavilion in front of Zhaiqian face each other across the water, with reflections in the water.
jean-pascal on Google

C'est un des endroits fréquenté du parc... Il faut dire que le kiosque avançant sur l eau est beau, et le petit pont sur le côté avec la roche est magnifique (mais interdit d'accès). La coursive extérieure mérite elle aussi 4 étoiles pour les gravures présentent.
It is one of the popular places in the park ... It must be said that the kiosk advancing on the water is beautiful, and the small bridge on the side with the rock is magnificent (but forbidden to access). The outer passageway also deserves 4 stars for the engravings present.
陶博威 on Google

There is a scene in the water, there is water in the scene, across the water, I forget two things!
Yingting Shih on Google

An attraction in the Lin's garden has a pond and a gazebo on it.
游文龍 on Google

The square pond is like a mirror, surrounded by small bridges, corridors, stage, rockery, weeping willows, and water lilies. In the place where I used to study, the host would chant poems and make countermeasures here, make friends with literary works, talk about poems, and watch Chinese operas.
黃姿蓉 on Google

很有古代風情的一處,每一個景都超級好拍,很多網美會換上cosplay的衣服來這邊拍美照。坐在旁邊聊天或沈思或畫畫,真的還蠻詩情畫意的。 官網資訊: 方鑑齋,為昔日讀書之所,平時亦是騷人墨客,吟詠唱和之處。 齋前鑿池,池中設有戲臺,凸出於方鑑齋對岸水域之中。齋右側依壁,假山層疊,沿假山有小徑可通往戲臺。戲亭備有太師壁,夜間清歌抑揚,饒富生機。 本區域以水院為中心,周圍布置屋舍、戲亭、迴廊、曲橋與假山,齋前軒亭與戲亭隔水相對,互見水中倒影,是傳統園林設計「對景」的技巧,不但景致變化豐富,而且封閉水院的音響效果極佳。
There is a place with ancient style, every scene is super easy to shoot, many net beauty will change into cosplay clothes to take beautiful photos here. Sitting next to chatting or meditating or painting is really quite poetic. Official website information: Fang Jianzhai is a place for reading in the past, and it is also a place for people to chant and sing. Chisel a pond in front of Zhai, and there is a stage in the pond, protruding out of the waters on the opposite bank of Fang Jianzhai. There is a wall on the right side of the house, with rockery cascading, and there are paths along the rockery leading to the stage. The theater pavilion is equipped with the Taishi wall, and the night songs are mellow and full of vitality. This area is centered on the water courtyard, surrounded by houses, theater pavilions, corridors, curved bridges and rockeries. Zhaiqian Pavilion and theater pavilions face each other across the water, reflecting each other's reflections in the water. It is a traditional garden design technique of "opposite scenery", not only The scenery is varied, and the sound effect of the enclosed water courtyard is excellent.
kevin lieou on Google


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