Fayang French Cuisine

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Fayang French Cuisine

地址 :

No. 30號文心南六路21巷 Nantun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 408

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 : https://inline.app/booking/-N1hAofxNY5EI7XF7qUc:inline-live-2/-N1hAovk82Bn-1zC9H9W
城市 : 北區 Taichung City
Description : Upmarket restaurant serving innovative French dishes & desserts in an understated setting.

No. 30號文心南六路21巷 Nantun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 408
christin wang on Google

The birthday meal is given to the private room. It is highly secretive. Except for the salad, every dish is quite delicious. The main course lamb chops is the most amazing, without the lamb flavor, but also delicious. The truffle soup is super recommended. The flaw is , If the bread is used up, you can clean up the crumbs, and then the next dish will be more intimate. The drink after the meal is also delicious. The chef said after the meal, the next time you are not used to the dish, you can change it to the first. Other species
黃大帥 on Google

<無菜單料理>⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 非常強力推薦 ?非常專業的廚師? 可以跟師傅討論 有甚麼不吃的 #1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣9️⃣這個價位說實在 到米其林一顆星還吃不太到 真的很佛心加食材也是很頂級新鮮 烤麵包外皮很酥脆 內心鬆軟 香菇搭螺肉這道菜很特別 白蘆筍,黑松露層次分明 青菜蛤蜊,很特別味道 主菜肉質外酥內軟 裡面湯汁都鎖住。真的很厲害。 吃完真的很感動 覺得我們彷彿在法國高級餐廳用餐了。
<No menu dishes>⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ very strongly recommended ?Very professional chef ? Discuss with the master what not to eat #1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣9️⃣This price is true You can't even get one Michelin star It's really Buddha-hearted and the ingredients are also top-notch fresh The toast is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside Mushroom and snail meat is a very special dish White asparagus with layers of black truffle Vegetable clams, very special taste The meat of the main dish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the soup inside is locked. Really great. Really impressed after eating It felt like we were dining at a fine French restaurant.
知天命 on Google

巷弄裡的法式料理美食法漾法式餐廳。預約制,無菜單料理。 用餐空間溫馨,服務週到,菜色多樣,口感鮮甜,處處可以感受主廚吳師傅的用心。
The French cuisine in the alleys is the French restaurant Fayang. Reservations only, no menu dishes. The dining space is warm, the service is thoughtful, the dishes are diverse, and the taste is fresh and sweet.
HT Chen on Google

因為生日而前往用餐 剛好在情人節附近因此有情人節限定套餐 很喜歡當天搭配麵包的心型奶油 還有肋眼以及伊比利豬 都很好吃 還有整個餐廳的氣氛很不錯~ 不過因為原本以為法式餐廳不會有生魚片這種日式料理,所以沒有特別提及,只告知了印象中法菜所不吃的可能出現的食材 當天用餐時有點驚訝會碰到2道生魚片的料理 算是自己誤解法菜而沒有告知的疏失 也提醒大家會有法式料理範圍以外的食材出現 吃生魚片的男友覺得上腹黑鮪魚非常好吃 可惜不吃生魚片的我是無法體會只能憋氣吞下 再來是沒有五星的原因: 一直以來我自己對食材的接受度都算蠻廣 那天第一次吃到鴨肝 非 常 油 膩 吃完第一塊以後停下很久, 希望讓自己能吃完整道菜 但聞到那個又特別又油膩的味道,第二塊真的吃不下去只好請男友幫忙吃掉 他說我的這塊比他的油很多 才知道不完全是我的味蕾接受度太低 希望店家未來能讓食材更加穩定(-1) 最後是我感受最差的部分 因為當天確實有告知用餐目的是慶生 不過有上一個盤子上面卻寫著happy Valentine’s Day 感受挺差的,即使是情人節套餐 但有另外告知用餐目的,以為能客製化的無菜單料理餐廳都會特別針對每組顧客做改變 看著自己的生日遠不如情人節 連那個盤子的照片都沒有拍 真的蠻失落的(-1)
Dine in for a birthday It is just around Valentine's Day, so there is a Valentine's Day limited package I love the heart-shaped cream that goes with the bread of the day And the rib eye and Iberico pigs are delicious And the atmosphere of the whole restaurant is very good~ However, because I originally thought that there would be no Japanese food such as sashimi in French restaurants, I did not mention it in particular, but only informed the possible ingredients that French dishes do not eat in my impression. I was a little surprised that I came across two sashimi dishes during the meal that day It is a mistake that I misunderstood the French cuisine without telling it. Also remind everyone that there will be ingredients outside the scope of French cuisine. Boyfriend who eats sashimi thinks black tuna is very delicious It's a pity that I can't understand if I don't eat sashimi, I can only swallow it Then there is the reason why there are no five stars: I have always been quite receptive to ingredients. I ate duck liver for the first time that day very greasy Stop for a long time after eating the first piece, Wish I could eat a whole meal But smelling that special and greasy taste, I really couldn't eat the second piece, so I had to ask my boyfriend to help me eat it He said mine is more oil than his Only then did I know that it was not entirely because my taste buds were too accepting Hope the store can make the ingredients more stable in the future (-1) The end is the worst part for me Because it was told that the purpose of the meal was to celebrate the birthday But there was one plate that said happy Valentine's Day on it. The feeling is quite bad, even if it is a Valentine's Day set meal, but the purpose of the meal is separately informed, thinking that the non-menu restaurant that can be customized will make changes especially for each group of customers Looking at my birthday is far less than Valentine's Day I didn't even take a picture of the plate, I'm really disappointed (-1)
鄭羽良 on Google

整體來說,環境還不錯,不過從外面看還真看不太出來是餐廳,因為是住家改成餐廳的 東西好吃,雖說不是每一道都是喜愛的口味,但每一道的巧思有感受到 甜點基本都是烤布蕾,女生不一樣,是照片中的紅色蛋糕,也是好吃,但我個人愛烤布蕾甜甜的口味,紅色蛋糕是酸的
郭豐銘 on Google

結論是會再去品嚐 一開始的前菜品嚐,怎麼這麼的清淡,真的是讓我翻起網路的分享,懷疑這真的是法式料理嗎? But,到了湯品時整個味覺的衝擊以及豐富的美味讓我開始享受這一趟的午餐,不過,太享受的下場就是照片沒有保留,都是吃到了第三四口才想到沒有拍照。 微微說嘴的地方,就是無菜單料理就是讓你無法選擇,如果說讓人可以在一開始(或是訂位)可以做一些挑選,那就更完美了(但似乎就缺少那種對未知的探險的趣味了)
The conclusion is will try again At the beginning of the appetizer tasting, why is it so bland, it really made me turn to the Internet to share, wondering if this is really French cuisine? But, when it came to the soup, the impact of the whole taste and the rich taste made me start to enjoy this lunch. However, the end of the enjoyment was that the photos were not kept, and it was only after the third or fourth bite that I thought that I did not take photos. What Wei Wei talks about is that no-menu dishes make you unable to choose. It would be more perfect if someone could make some choices at the beginning (or when booking a table) (but it seems to be lacking in the unknown Adventure is fun)
Fang-Ru Lin on Google

住家改裝法式餐廳 給人感覺環境很清幽很放鬆 餐點也很用心準備 無菜單的法式料理來說 價位算是非常可以接受的範圍 主餐的部分還幫我們換不同口味可以互相品嚐 當天開了一支無酒精蘋果香檳氣泡飲 價位合理也非常好喝 整體來說非常棒!很棒的生日餐?
Home converted French restaurant The environment is very peaceful and relaxing Meals are well prepared For French cuisine without a menu The price is very acceptable The part of the main meal also helped us change different flavors to taste each other Opened a non-alcoholic apple champagne sparkling drink that day Reasonably priced and very tasty Overall great! Great birthday meal ?
Alice on Google

首先,我必須感謝櫃檯的服務小姐兼小編,我這麼臨時的訂位(前一天晚上),竟然還能得到親切且立即的回覆,光這點就是很多其他餐廳服務人員所不能及的了~? 這間餐廳有著住家的外表,停車方便,用餐的客人可以直接停在內院的籃球場,聽服務生介紹原本這裡是徐會所的前身,後來才成為現在的法漾,主廚是從台中知名法餐老店出身,服務的小姐雖然年輕卻介紹完整、仔細,應對禮貌周到也有活力,很不錯。 餐廳分為兩種價格1580和1980,於訂位時貼心詢問客人是否有哪些食材不吃、需避開,考量細膩。我們點的是1580的套餐,第一道上的是百香果慕斯、燻鮭魚和蟹泡芙,接著是麵包搭配堅果奶油,店家招待蘋果氣泡無酒精飲料,非常順口好喝,我們在之後又單點了一次,單杯50元,點一罐的話是300元,經詢問知道來自美國,口味上銜接串場的很棒。接著是番茄夾上馬札瑞拉起司和羅勒,搭配巴薩米克醋調和橄欖油的醬料,最後撒上松子,味道上很不錯。接著是南瓜濃湯,不過覺得份量稍微有點多,建議往後提供可以量減少一點。主菜非常豐盛,有蝦子和蛤蜊,鮮甜美味,肉類的料理為櫻桃鴨胸,皮煎得酥脆,再佐以表層的鹽,調味恰到好處,旁邊的是洋芋千層以及用甜菜根去煮的蘿蔔、櫛瓜等蔬菜,最後呈上草莓巧克力蛋糕做收尾,誠心期待主廚在甜點部分可以再多研製,希望未來可以吃到更令人驚豔的創意~飲料部分我選熱紅茶+檸檬片。 付款可刷卡,但只能使用感應式的信用卡,沒有刷卡機喔!
First of all, I have to thank the waitress and editor at the counter. I made such a temporary reservation (the night before), and I was able to get a kind and immediate response, which is beyond the reach of many other restaurant service staff~ ? This restaurant has the appearance of a home and is easy to park. Guests who dine can park directly at the basketball court in the inner courtyard. According to the waiter's introduction, it was originally the predecessor of the Xu Club, and later became the current Fayang. The chef is a well-known Taichung chef. She was born in an old French restaurant. Although the young lady who served was young, she gave a complete and careful introduction. She was polite and thoughtful and energetic, which was very good. The restaurant is divided into two types of prices: 1580 and 1980. When making a reservation, ask the guests whether there are any ingredients that they do not eat and need to avoid, and consider carefully. We ordered the 1580 set menu. The first course was passion fruit mousse, smoked salmon and crab puffs, followed by bread with nut butter. The store served apple sparkling non-alcoholic drinks, which were very smooth and delicious. I ordered once, a single cup is 50 yuan, and a can is 300 yuan. After inquiring, I know that it is from the United States, and the taste is very good. Next comes the tomato with mozzarella cheese and basil, balsamic vinegar and olive oil sauce, and finally sprinkled with pine nuts, it tastes very good. Next is the pumpkin puree soup, but I think the portion is a little too much, so it is recommended to serve it later to reduce the amount. The main course is very rich, with shrimps and clams, sweet and delicious, the meat dish is cherry duck breast, the skin is crispy, and then seasoned with salt on the surface, the seasoning is just right, next to it is the potato layer and boiled with beetroot. Vegetables such as radishes and cucumbers are served with strawberry chocolate cake for the finishing touch. I sincerely hope that the chef can develop more in the dessert part, and hope to have more amazing ideas in the future~ I choose hot black tea + lemon slices for the beverage part. Payment can be made by credit card, but only contact-type credit cards can be used, and there is no credit card machine!

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