Feng-Yuan Hospital Ministry Of Health And Welfare

3.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Feng-Yuan Hospital Ministry Of Health And Welfare

地址 :

No. 100號, Ankang Rd, Fengyuan District, Taichung City, Taiwan 420

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://www.fyh.mohw.gov.tw/
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

No. 100號, Ankang Rd, Fengyuan District, Taichung City, Taiwan 420
ChiaLin Wu on Google

0315因為有落紅出血有產兆提早剖腹產,一到醫院產房人員和專科護理師用心陪伴照護、主治醫師陳景山醫生也很快就趕來看我,醫生評估後馬上就決定採緊急剖腹產,開刀過程中感謝開刀房人員和麻醉科一路陪伴緩解緊張不安的心情,過程中兒科醫師馬志豪跟兒科團隊都第一時間到開刀房關心寶寶的狀況。這對一個沒經驗的高齡產婦,真的覺得感恩又感謝。 感謝13病房、產房、嬰兒室等婦產科和兒科照護團隊,可以讓我平安順利生產,母子均安,有這樣照護品質真的讓我和家人都感到安心又窩心。 住院過程中除了給第一胎媽媽很大的協助,也給我很大的鼓勵,除了身體復原迅速、心理也很踏實充實,謝謝豐原醫院婦兒團隊。
0315 I had an early caesarean section because of red bleeding and signs of labor. As soon as I arrived at the hospital, the delivery room staff and specialist nurses accompany me to take care of me. The attending physician, Dr. Chen Jingshan, also came to see me quickly. During the process, I would like to thank the operating room staff and the anesthesiology department for accompanying us all the way to relieve the anxiety. During the process, the pediatrician Ma Zhihao and the pediatric team went to the operating room for the first time to take care of the baby's condition. This is really grateful and grateful to an inexperienced elderly mother. Thanks to the obstetrics and gynecology and pediatric care teams in Ward 13, delivery room, baby room, etc., for allowing me to give birth safely and smoothly, both mother and child are safe. The quality of care really makes me and my family feel at ease and at ease. During the hospitalization, in addition to the great assistance to the first-born mother, it also gave me a lot of encouragement. In addition to the rapid recovery of my body, my mind was also very solid and fulfilling. Thank you to the women and children team of Fengyuan Hospital.
陳一宏 on Google

I know that the medical staff are very hard, especially during the current epidemic, but recently I found something very strange when I was hospitalized. My mother came to the surgery and she said that she was recovering after the surgery. She heard that the nurses next to her were very kind to the patients next to them. Chatting all the time, and then providing the patient's name to write the dean's mailbox? It's a nursing staff surnamed Li, so my mother doesn't need to be concerned? Or did he ignore it because he couldn't write the dean's mailbox? Now the comments here are also a bunch of fake comments. I don’t know if the senior managers asked the nursing staff below to do this, or what, but no one would believe a comment like Fengyuan Hospital! I don't even want to give one star, is this really necessary for the sake of starbursts? It really subverts my three views. This is the first time I see a hospital doing this for comments!
irene yu on Google

5/20中午,在幼稚園的兒子,忽然被老師通知肚子痛,要我們帶回家,帶回家後發現體溫不正常,雙腳也酸痛不太能站立,立馬做快篩,發現是陽性。馬上查詢豐原醫院當天下午是沒有親子得來速門診,但是有防疫門診,立馬帶著孩子衝往醫院。在防疫門診掛完號之後,孩子因為無法久站,就讓他在旁邊的椅子上坐著,等媽媽排隊看診,這時站內的一位護理師就用擴音器詢問,坐在那裡小朋友的媽媽請過來,叫我帶著孩子去親子得來速窗口看診,立馬請醫生過來看門診,幫我們看診的是林士惟醫師,林醫生穿著防疫裝備,頭髮整個汗濕。看診的人很多,看到防疫門診醫護人員每個人都汗濕,又不停忙碌著,或許你們很久沒休假了,又或許你們午餐還沒吃,有你們辛苦的工作,讓我們這些需要你們的病人們,能夠在生病的時候及時得到治療,真的真的很感謝你們,辛苦了! 1年多前,兒子因為在浴室滑倒,撞到額頭,有開放性傷口,到豐原醫院掛急診,當時幫兒子做縫合手術的是外科的傅峰梧醫生,傅醫生醫術專業超好,縫合的很仔細,到現在兒子縫5針的傷口,疤痕非常淺,看不太出來。復診時也會配合我們父母有空的時間,開立復診單,也是一位非常具有專業及仁心仁術的醫生。 豐原醫院真的有很多很好的醫護人員!加油!
At noon on 5/20, my son in the kindergarten was suddenly notified by the teacher that he had a stomachache and asked us to take him home. After taking him home, he found that his body temperature was abnormal, and his feet were sore that he could not stand. Immediately inquired that Fengyuan Hospital did not have a parent-child drive-thru clinic that afternoon, but there was an epidemic prevention clinic, and immediately rushed to the hospital with the child. After registering at the epidemic prevention clinic, because the child could not stand for a long time, he asked him to sit on the chair next to him, waiting for his mother to line up to see the doctor. At this time, a nurse in the station asked with a loudspeaker. My mother invited me over and told me to take my child to the parent-child drive-thru window to see the doctor. I immediately asked the doctor to come and see the clinic. The doctor who helped us see the doctor was Dr. Lin Shiwei. Dr. Lin was wearing anti-epidemic equipment and his hair was sweaty. There are a lot of people who see the doctor. I see that everyone in the medical staff in the epidemic prevention clinic is sweaty and busy. Maybe you haven't had a vacation for a long time, or maybe you haven't eaten your lunch. With your hard work, we need you. The patients of , can get timely treatment when they are sick, I really really appreciate you, hard work! More than a year ago, my son slipped in the bathroom, hit his forehead, and had an open wound. He went to Fengyuan Hospital for emergency treatment. At that time, the surgeon who sutured his son was Dr. Fu Fengwu. I was very careful, and now my son has 5 stitches on the wound, the scar is very shallow and can't be seen clearly. During the follow-up consultation, we will also cooperate with our parents when they have free time, and issue a follow-up consultation form. He is also a very professional and benevolent doctor. There are really many good medical staff in Fengyuan Hospital! come on!
劉強生 on Google

7/20留言:千萬不要在豐原醫院排打疫苗,安排極差,大熱天的在戶外車道上排隊一個小時還沒打到疫苗,車道上又有車輛來來往往,這種安排也算是大開眼界,另外,被抱怨的都是第一線工作人員,他們很辛苦不應該被如此對待,負責安排疫苗注射相關事務的長官,你們知道現場是這種情形嗎? ps:萬一下雨,真不知道人要往哪裡躲雨,而且不管室內還是室外都擠滿了人,根本沒有1.5米間隔的空間,這是群聚,這是群聚。 8/25院方主動來電告知,已改善上述情形,雖未至現場實地了解,但對於醫院的主動聯繫,仍應給予鼓勵。 2/11留言:陪老婆去看診,跟診護理師許宥婕服務態度親切又主動,應予表揚,足堪表率。
Message on 7/20: Don't queue up for vaccinations at Fengyuan Hospital. The arrangement is extremely poor. On a hot day, you queue up in the outdoor driveway for an hour before getting the vaccine. There are vehicles coming and going in the driveway. This arrangement can be considered a big opening Vision, in addition, the people who are complaining are all the front-line staff. They are very hard and should not be treated like this. The officer in charge of arranging matters related to vaccine injections, do you know this is the situation at the scene? ps: In case it rains, I really don’t know where people are going to hide from the rain, and it’s crowded with people whether indoors or outdoors, and there is no space for 1.5 meters apart. This is a group, this is a group. On 8/25, the hospital took the initiative to call to inform that the above situation has been improved. Although it has not been on the spot to understand, it should still be encouraged for the hospital's active contact. 2/11 Message: Accompanying his wife to see the doctor, and the nurse Xu Youjie has a friendly and proactive service attitude, which should be praised and set an example.
Yu Hsien Chu on Google

The medical staff of the hard work unit! It is very hard to be responsible for administering the vaccine, and the weather is cold, God bless you. Those who administer the vaccine suggest to go early and avoid queuing~
Yeh Chan Pan on Google

COVID19疫苗,無須太準時,可提前報到都要排隊很久。 注意: 帶健保卡、疫苗接種黃卡、手機需有安裝app疾管家(混打需要多重確認,疾管掃碼故障改用line好友掃碼連結填寫頁),排隊超長,為避免下雨排隊最好帶傘,然後打完小黃卡勿損毀,跟護照同樣重要。 1.疫苗施打報到區: 打疫苗無須進院內,在院右邊設有疫苗區,先報到核對身分與拿單填寫資料,混打另需手機掃連結填資料 2.施打區: 在右邊大樓內,尖峰時段也是排隊很長,給健保卡小黃卡填好紙本資料,若混打需看手機line疾管家的系統互動完成對話,義工會幫你弄電腦掃健保卡登入,醫生評估才是排隊護理人員施打 打完稍後15-30分鐘再離院較安全,畢竟有問題可以立刻救護。 回家多休息喝水
There is no need to be too punctual for the COVID19 vaccine, but you can queue up for a long time to report in advance. Notice: Bring health insurance card, vaccination yellow card, mobile phone need to install the App Disease Manager (multiple confirmations are required for mixed playing, use line friends to scan the code to fill in the page for faults in disease management), the queue is super long, it is best to line up in order to avoid rain Bring an umbrella, and then don’t damage the small yellow card after you have printed it. It’s as important as your passport. 1. Vaccine delivery report area: There is no need to enter the hospital for vaccination. There is a vaccine area on the right side of the hospital. You must first check in to check your identity and fill in the information with the slip. For mixed use, you need to scan the link to fill in the information with your mobile phone. 2. Playing area: In the building on the right, there is also a long queue during peak hours. Fill in the paper information for the yellow card of the health insurance card. The doctor's assessment is the queuing nurse It is safer to leave the hospital 15-30 minutes after the fight. After all, if there is a problem, you can be rescued immediately. Rest and drink more water at home
MEI on Google

今年三月來豐原醫院在復健科蘇主任的建議下,作能量靜脈雷射治療(Intravenous Laser Irradiation of Blood,ILIB),又名低能量生化雷射血管內照射治療或低強度氦氖雷射血管內照射治療。是為了改善我的頸部疼痛和失眠的問題,一個月內做完十次療程。 以下來分享在省豐醫院作靜脈治療的優點: 1.護理人員很貼心的佈置治療室的環境,讓你不會覺得在醫院就是冷冷冰冰的,利用精油的薰香讓你身心放鬆。 2.長期的淺眠及失眠問題真的改善不少,比較不會半夜突然醒來或一直睡不著,另外頸部疼痛也好像有改善, 3.護理人員會依照病患的症狀去調整能量,達到明顯的效果。當然每個人體質不同,多少會有不同程度的差異,這都是要先做說明的。 4.價格公開透明,不用包療程,每做一次就付一次的錢,價格跟其他醫美診所比也較便宜。 5.護理人員專業的解說和像朋友間的關心,可以讓你在醫院放心的治療。
In March of this year, I came to Fengyuan Hospital for Intravenous Laser Irradiation of Blood (ILIB), also known as low-energy biochemical laser intravascular irradiation or low-intensity helium-neon laser, under the suggestion of Director Su of the Department of Rehabilitation. Intravascular radiation therapy. It was to improve my neck pain and insomnia, and I completed ten sessions in a month. Let's share the advantages of intravenous therapy in Provincial Hospital: 1. The nursing staff carefully arranges the environment of the treatment room, so that you will not feel cold in the hospital, and use the aroma of essential oils to relax your body and mind. 2. The long-term light sleep and insomnia problems have really improved a lot. It is less likely to wake up suddenly in the middle of the night or have been unable to fall asleep. In addition, the neck pain seems to have improved. 3. Nursing staff will adjust the energy according to the symptoms of the patient to achieve obvious results. Of course, each person's constitution is different, and there will be differences to some extent. This should be explained first. 4. The price is open and transparent. There is no need to include a course of treatment. You need to pay once every time you do it. The price is also cheaper than other medical beauty clinics. 5. The professional explanation of the nursing staff and the care among friends can make you feel at ease in the hospital.
Robert Pether on Google

Let 3 people cut in front of me.... after I told them I’m first

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