Fine Arts of Museum (Chung-Hwa School of Arts)

2.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Fine Arts of Museum (Chung-Hwa School of Arts)

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Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 804

城市 : Kaohsiung City

Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 804
千花櫻 on Google

不要進來讀 如果要進來讀 也不要讀動畫科 都在搞岐視 只是來湊數 然後學雜費都丟到水溝裡沒用在學生的學習設備上 還很老古板的規定不會與時俱進 時代在變 改變一下好不好 死腦筋 董事長用威權管理學校 獎學金給的小氣 還要面試和歌頌學校的美好 而且審美有問題
Don’t come in to read, if you want to come in, don’t read animation They’re all arguing, just to make up the numbers, and then the tuition and miscellaneous fees are thrown into the ditch, and they are not used on the students’ learning equipment. The old-fashioned rules will not keep up with the times. The times are changing. The chairman used authoritarian management to manage the school, the stingy of the scholarship, he also had to interview and praise the beauty of the school, and the aesthetics was problematic.
破學校 on Google

不要讓自己的小孩來讀這間學校! 一、董事長是如同皇帝般的存在 大家的寶貝兒子、女兒必須和他問好 沒有的話聽說班導師還會被懲處 二、各科管教不一 有的強迫收手機 有的科系放任大家用手機 想請問不能用手機的話我們家的寶貝萬一有遇到什麼意外要怎麼即時聯絡? 三、董事長平常真的很閒 管同學掃地問題 請問我的孩子是去學校當免費勞工的嗎? 四、再者,一些動態科別活動前幾個禮拜真的是要吵死人,當我的小孩都不用上課嗎?我們家離學校一段路都能聽到噪音污染,是真的沒錢買隔音的排練室嗎?不要影響其他同學很難嗎? 想請問貴校要懶散到什麼程度才願意聽聽家長的意見!你們收手機是為了影響同學們的學業,但真正會玩的還是會玩,那請問你們這樣的規定有什麼意義?還有我的孩子是送去學校讀書的不是讓你們的夫人叫去很多堂課掃地的耶! 再來我們之前那個年代不能戴耳環、戒指就算了 現在什麼年代了?就因為你們是私校所以學生們還要遵守你們那種不成文的規定? 那你們教職員也不要戴耳環飾品嘛 難怪金工科沒落 就是因為有你們這種不會管教學生的師長!只會想一些不成文的規定!
Don't let your children come to this school! 1. The chairman is like an emperor. Everyone’s precious sons and daughters must say hello to him. If not, I heard that the class tutor will be punished. 2. Different disciplines have different disciplines. Some are forced to accept mobile phones and some departments allow everyone to use mobile phones. If we can’t use mobile phones, how can we contact our baby in case of any accident? 3. The chairman of the board of directors is usually really idle. I am concerned about the classmates sweeping the floor. Does my child go to school as a free laborer? 4. Furthermore, the first few weeks of some dynamic subject activities are really annoying, do I not have to go to class as a child? Noise pollution can be heard some way away from the school. Is there really no money to buy a soundproof rehearsal room? Is it difficult not to influence other students? I would like to ask how lazy your school is before you are willing to listen to parents' opinions! You are receiving mobile phones to affect your students’ studies, but you can still play, so what is the meaning of your regulations? And my child was sent to school instead of having your wife send a lot of classes to sweep the floor! We can’t wear earrings or rings in the era before us. What age is it now? Just because you are a private school, students have to abide by your unwritten rules? Don’t you faculty members wear earrings? No wonder the metal engineering department has declined because of teachers like you who don't know how to discipline students! Just think about some unwritten regulations!
l_y_l on Google

Obviously, both the teacher and the parents agreed to leave early, but the instructor just wanted to stop you! !
楊澤 on Google

人事部主任講話方式都像在歧視學生 感覺特別針對動畫科
The director of the personnel department speaks like discriminating against students It feels especially aimed at animation
無尾熊20號 on Google

Do you think no one will see if the school is changed to a bus stop? Laugh to death, how scared, and the corridors of elementary schools can’t make me detour every time I go to class. Is it because I don’t pay enough money or I look like a pedophile who rapes a child? ? The piano room is also dilapidated, the practice room is dirty and smelly, and there are cockroaches. I have never heard of how many seconds it takes to move an instrument in a performance without any sound. The rehearsal does not move and sends warnings. I don’t know about other departments. But if you want to learn music, I suggest finding a good teacher outside.
鈺捷 on Google

當了三年免費勞工,用了一堆系統沒有一個是準確的導致學生沒大學念真的不懂在幹嘛。老師把學生當掉、死當也沒再告知以為大家預言家? 不管什麼事都記警告 ,學生沒大學學校負責嗎? 家長要把小孩送來這裡之前請深思熟慮? (一顆心真的必不得已)
I worked as a free laborer for three years, and I used a bunch of systems, none of which was accurate, so that students didn't really understand what they were doing if they didn't go to college. The teacher betrayed the students and didn't tell them about the death. Think everyone is a prophet? Remember the warning no matter what, isn't the student responsible for the university? Parents please think carefully before sending their children here ? (A heart is really a last resort)
chingyi li on Google

So angry! At this juncture, the third-year students are about to take the exam, and the epidemic is so serious that the school teacher also asked the students to visit the school across counties and cities. As a result, the child was really diagnosed. Can the teacher come out and be responsible?
妙妙 on Google

公車站旁有廣大的空地,也種植了不少樹木,綠樹可以成蔭,站旁路邊設了很多大理石長形椅,看起來頗有美感的!而且這個站和其他站不一樣的是:有二個候車亭。但是令我納悶的是:這麼優質的公車站,竟然只有2.3顆星??? 看了差評之後,才發現原來公車站成為學生們的出氣桶?,把對學校的不滿發洩在公車站的評論區,可憐的優質公車站,成了代罪羔羊。
There is a vast open space next to the bus station, and many trees are planted. The green trees can provide shade. There are many marble benches by the side of the station, which looks quite beautiful! And this station is different from other stations: there are two bus shelters. But what makes me wonder is: such a high-quality bus station only has 2.3 stars? ? ? After reading the bad reviews, I found out that the bus station has become a venting bucket for the students?, venting their dissatisfaction with the school in the comment area of ​​the bus station. The poor high-quality bus station has become a scapegoat.

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