Fly High Yoga (AntiGravity Fitness) 台中一中空中瑜珈會館

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Contact Fly High Yoga (AntiGravity Fitness) 台中一中空中瑜珈會館

地址 :

404, Taiwan, Taichung City, North District, Taiping Rd, 17號Fly High Yoga (AntiGravity Fitness) 台中一中空中瑜珈會館3樓

電話 : 📞 +889889
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
城市 : Taiping Rd

404, Taiwan, Taichung City, North District, Taiping Rd, 17號Fly High Yoga (AntiGravity Fitness) 台中一中空中瑜珈會館3樓
Minnie Li on Google

如有需來貴公司運動的人可以參考看看我與貴公司發生的事再考慮! 因為貴公司未告知有更改金融需至館內更改信用卡授權書,中間貴公司主管Angel 及Irene有與我聯繫,我也告知過主管與銀行查詢從未有欠費記錄,主管表示查詢後會與我聯絡,但回覆態度極其差!根本未確實查詢就一直表示我欠費不付款!明明本是貴公司更改金流系統,應該要跟我說需要信用卡授權書,結果什麼都沒有跟我說打電話來就說我欠費,貴公司的疏忽導致扣款失敗,變成消費者欠費?? 就連同請假系統也不明確,Angel專員強調只能用搬家不在台中為證明請假,但從其他學員口中得知有防疫假??為什麼請個假也不明確,難道是挑消費者給予請假條件的? 且當初Angel告知不能協助找轉接的人,但卻聯繫我找到接轉接的人他可以幫他轉介另一個轉接者,不是不能幫忙找?怎麼到我這邊不行,換另一邊說法就不同?在我們要談轉接的時候一直聯繫我的轉接者說要給他更優惠方案,且一直告知他我的方案不優惠,他找的轉接比較優惠?且一直強押我的轉接者需期限內簽約完,甚至批評要轉接者不應該前後說詞不一!目前貴公司的確有月會籍及購買堂數但也告知轉接者目前只有月會籍? 中間找到過很多想轉接對象,但因為中間貴公司Angel跟Irene 主管一再延遲回覆或約時間後直接沒聯絡導致轉接對象得不到回覆而取消,中間的損失卻要我自行吸收?如果當初貴公司主管有好好了解狀況後處理,是不是就不會有後續這麼多的問題!
Mika źhong on Google

打電話諮詢預約體驗,但是得到的答案,可以接受店家的規範,但是,認為諮詢人員給予的感覺不好。 預約諮詢5位體驗,表示我們其中2-3位是有空中瑜伽的經驗。 人員回覆,體驗的部分是小班制,無法團體報名,需要個別報名。 另外也表示她們的小班制是3人為一個班別(ok,可以理解) 後來,詢問告知之前有在別間分店體驗過,但是,老師同時間也是帶了10個學生(當時完全沒有空中瑜伽的經驗。) 人員回覆,那是很早以前的部分。 (ok,現在更改制度。) 另外人員說了這段話,讓我感受滿差的。 因為現在我們客源穩定,所以我們調整了這個部分。 『 那我們體驗的部分,也會希望學員是以長期規劃部分為主,作為體驗的部分。』 這句話,不就是表明了,散客想體驗,不一定會買課程(就不收了喔?!!) 我的理解是這樣。那為何要開體驗課? 一家訴求讓人心靈放鬆的瑜伽會館,但是,呈現出來的態度, 讓人不舒心。 會選擇再次來體驗,是覺得當時在其他分店體驗感覺良好,環境、師資都不錯,再者,有再次回歸瑜伽的想法,約朋友一起再次前往。 但是,這次諮詢的感覺,讓我覺得不舒服,跟以前感覺差太多了,開店固然要賺錢,會員很重要沒錯,但是,所有的會員,都是從新客開始的。
Called to inquire about the reservation experience, but the answer I got was acceptable to the store's specifications, but I thought that the feeling given by the consultant was not good. We made an appointment to consult 5 people, which means that 2-3 of us have experience in aerial yoga. The staff replied that the part of the experience is a small class system, which cannot be registered in groups, and needs to be registered individually. In addition, they also said that their small class system is 3 people in one class (ok, understandable) Later, I asked and told that I had experienced it in other branches before, but the teacher also brought 10 students at the same time (there was no experience in aerial yoga at that time.) The personnel replied, that was the part from a long time ago. (ok, now change the system.) Another person said this, which made me feel very bad. Because now our customer base is stable, we have adjusted this part. "In the part of our experience, we also hope that the students will focus on the long-term planning part as the part of the experience. 』 This sentence, doesn't it mean that FITs want to experience, not necessarily buying courses (don't accept them?!!) My understanding is this. Then why have a trial class? A yoga club that seeks to relax the mind, but the attitude presented is uncomfortable. I will choose to experience it again because I feel that the experience at other branches was good, the environment and teachers are good, and I have the idea of ​​returning to yoga again, and I will invite friends to go again. However, the feeling of this consultation made me feel uncomfortable. It was too different from the previous feeling. Of course, opening a store requires making money, and membership is very important. However, all members start from new customers.
Hsiao Chu Hung on Google

I experienced aerial yoga today. The teacher's guidance and instructions are very careful, the environment is bright and clean, and the equipment is professional. So I decided to sign up for the course after not exercising for many years. I also thank the consultant Angel for his patient and detailed introduction!
Yuchiehhh Chu on Google

一直以來都對瑜珈很感興趣~總算下定決心來諮詢~Angel老師解釋得非常仔細 對每個問題都很認真回覆!!
I have always been interested in yoga~I finally made up my mind to consult~Mr. Angel explained it very carefully and answered every question seriously! !
Yu Jun Zheng on Google

感謝Angel量身定制適合的課程,幫忙找回健康體態跟自信。 場地乾淨新穎,服務態度超好,值得推薦~
Thank you Angel for tailor-made courses to help you regain your healthy body and self-confidence. The venue is clean and novel, the service attitude is super good, it is worth recommending~
105005308 105a- on Google

第一次來體驗瑜珈,環境和設備都很齊全很棒,只要人和水準備好到教室就可以了真的很方便~ 負責接洽的人員也很親切~希望能開始定期運動的好習慣
It is the first time to experience yoga. The environment and equipment are very complete and great. As long as people and water are ready to go to the classroom, it is really convenient~ The person in charge of contact is also very kind~ I hope to start a good habit of regular exercise
莫莫 on Google

在IG上觀望了一陣子~今天終於來體驗空瑜了! 這裡的環境明亮且乾淨,顧問Alina會很細心且有耐心的介紹♡ 上課時老師很專業,會適時的關心妳的狀態,調整姿勢? 所以體驗完就決定報名課程了,推推顧問Alina♡♡♡ 喜歡空瑜的不要錯過!!!
Been watching on IG for a while ~ I finally came to experience Kongyu today! The environment here is bright and clean, and the consultant Alina will be very careful and patient to introduce ♡ During class, the teacher is very professional, and will take care of your state and adjust your posture in a timely manner? So after the experience, I decided to sign up for the course, push consultant Alina♡♡♡ Don't miss it if you like Kong Yu! ! !

Angel gave me a great service. Comfortable place for yoga.

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