Green Romance Camping

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Green Romance Camping

地址 :

No. 166-155鄰和平 Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 311

電話 : 📞 +8899
城市 : Hsinchu County

No. 166-155鄰和平 Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 311
詹雅淋 on Google

We open camp many times, my daughter told me for the first time that he really likes the camp leader! Said he was great, said he was handsome.
Chun Eric on Google

營主(頭目)很風趣,設計很多活動給小朋友,值得一來。 缺點是浴室、廁所有點少,有幾間浴室容易沒熱水。
The camp owner (leader) is very funny and has designed many activities for children, which is worth a visit. The disadvantage is that there are few bathrooms and toilets, and there are several bathrooms that are prone to no hot water.
Gary on Google

很棒的營區,前往的路線好走,大多是碎石地(草皮較少),衛浴乾淨 營主頭目會舉辦很多活動與大家一起同樂 竹筒飯、馬告烤肉、小米酒、竹竿舞、迎賓禮炮、森林秘境 A區與C區適合包區,B區如果帳數多可能稍微擁擠
Great camp area, easy to walk, mostly gravel (less grass), clean bathroom The leader of the camp will hold many activities to have fun with everyone Bamboo tube rice, Ma Gao barbecue, millet wine, bamboo pole dance, welcome salute, forest secret Area A and Area C are suitable for package area, area B may be slightly crowded if there are many accounts
陳炫龍 on Google

一位用生命熱情經營營地的“泰雅族頭目”營主 綠色奇緣的場地或許不是最優的,也不會是最大的,設施也不是最多的。 但是“頭目”的態度絕對是第一名的! 從週五夜衝至營區的關心 週六及週日提供滿滿的行程,諸如竹筒飯製作、馬告烤肉、有獎徵答、小米酒共飲、陷阱製作、竹蟬教學、迎賓禮砲教學、小型營火共舞..... 哇哇哇!!營主根本在燃燒生命呀! 週日徹收前下著磅礡大雨,頭目還貼心的提供雨衣及黑色大塑膠袋給每一帳的朋友。 雖然下著大雨,但頭目的熱情讓我感到溫暖! 謝謝頭目!! 有機會一定會再叨擾,同時推薦給露營同好這個優質的營區!
An "Atayal leader" camp owner who runs the camp with passion for life Pocahontas may not have the best site, nor the largest, nor the most facilities. But the attitude of the "leader" is definitely number one! Caring from Friday night rushing to camp Saturday and Sunday provide full itinerary, such as making bamboo tube rice, Ma Jiao barbecue, quiz with prizes, drinking millet wine, trap making, bamboo cicada teaching, welcome salute teaching, small campfire dance... Whoa whoa whoa! ! The camp owner is burning his life! It was raining heavily on Sunday before the collection, and the leader also thoughtfully provided raincoats and large black plastic bags to each friend. Although it was raining heavily, the enthusiasm of the leader made me feel warm! Thanks boss! ! If there is a chance, I will definitely bother again, and recommend this high-quality camp area to campers!
吳翰忠 on Google

營主是位親切好客的泰雅族頭目。 會舉辦很多地區與原住民導覽還有diy等活動 活動會因時節調整。 我們參加到的有歌手小型演唱會、穿越竹林小徑與桂竹解說、竹弓diy與弓箭射擊訓練、迎賓禮炮發射、彩虹與原住民關係與製造彩虹活動。 營主真的十分用心,帶大小小孩的家庭露營可以考慮去玩。
The host is a friendly and hospitable leader of the Atayal tribe. There will be many local and aboriginal guided tours, as well as diy and other activities Activities will be adjusted according to the season. We participated in small concerts by singers, bamboo trails and bamboo explanations, bamboo bow diy and bow and arrow shooting training, welcome salute launch, rainbow and aboriginal relations and rainbow making activities. The owner is really attentive, and family camping with small children can consider going.
吳偉伯 on Google

The boss is very careful to run this camp, there are many activities and it is suitable for children to go.
Jessa Chiang on Google

Very good camp, there are leaders who will take you to experience different aboriginal activities, very attentive
李剛瑋 on Google

營區位在新竹五峰鄉 海拔600 道路算好開 營本部冰箱很大也有冷凍庫 營區沒有飲水機 營區有很多活動 自費活動DIY竹筒飯&馬告烤肉 免費活動有迎賓禮炮&竹林秘境爬山 營區熱水是材燒的水量水壓穩定 只是淋浴間有點少洗澡時間要錯開才不用排隊等待 淋浴間都有附沐浴乳&洗髮精 營區土地算碎石草地沒有護草墊 營本部旁有養兔子 營地滿帳20帳以上 營位算給的很大地上都有記號 此次搭在B區 車子要停在自己營位裡面 中間位置留給小孩當活動空間 可以接受 有機會會二訪營區 ?
The camp is located in Wufeng Township, Hsinchu, with an altitude of 600. The road is considered to be open. The camp headquarters has a large refrigerator and a freezer. There is no water dispenser in the camp. There are many activities in the camp area at your own expense DIY bamboo rice & horse barbecue free activities There are welcome salute & bamboo forest secret mountain climbing The hot water in the camp area is the amount of water burned by the material and the water pressure is stable, but the shower room is a little short Comes with shower gel and shampoo. The camp area is considered gravel and grass. There is no grass pad. There is a rabbit camp next to the camp headquarters. There are more than 20 camps. There are marks on the large ground. This time, in Area B, the car must be parked in the campsite, and the middle position is reserved for children as a space for activities. It is acceptable. There is a chance to visit the camp for the second time ?

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