格林斯茶 Green’s tea

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 格林斯茶 Green’s tea

地址 :

402, Taiwan, Taichung City, South District, Zhongxiao Rd, 180號格林斯茶 Green’s tea

電話 : 📞 +88888
城市 : Zhongxiao Rd

402, Taiwan, Taichung City, South District, Zhongxiao Rd, 180號格林斯茶 Green’s tea
謝淑妙 on Google

忠孝夜市裡非常值得推薦的一家手搖飲店,老闆帥氣,女店員可愛,服務都很親切。 每次來都必點上一杯水蜜桃青梅醋,在忠孝路夜市享用過美食小吃後,再喝上這一杯,可以去油解膩助消化,平衡一下,對腸胃很有幫助。
A very recommended hand-cranked drink shop in Zhongxiao Night Market. The owner is handsome, the female clerk is lovely, and the service is very kind. Every time you come, you must order a cup of peach and green plum vinegar. After enjoying the delicious snacks at the Zhongxiao Road Night Market, you can drink this cup again. It can remove the greasy and help digestion, balance it, and it is very helpful for the stomach.
游孟軒 on Google

夜市一定少不了手搖飲,這家手搖飲是我覺得忠孝夜市裡最合我口味的了! 比較特別的是這裡還有健康醋飲,現買一杯黑糖奶茶再帶杯青梅健康醋,剛好可以平衡一下。
There must be a hand-cranked drink in the night market. I think this hand-cranked drink is the most suitable for my taste in Zhongxiao Night Market! What's special is that there are also healthy vinegar drinks here. Buy a cup of brown sugar milk tea and bring a cup of green plum healthy vinegar, just to balance it out.
許月櫻 on Google

手搖飲一直都是十分競爭的,尤其是在夜市這種美食小吃林立的地方,更是競爭激烈。 這家手搖飲在忠孝路市裡,表現的也是可圈可點,有著不少獨家特調的茶飲;這家的水蜜桃健康醋飲真的很好喝,尤其是在品嚐美食之後來上一杯,對於腸胃是很有益處的。
郭舒慈 on Google

忠孝路夜市裡各種美食小吃多,自然手搖似飲料也超多的,這家茶舖的裝潢在忠孝路夜市裡算是很吸睛,店面雖不大,但整個給人質感十分優質;服務人員很親切,老闆也很帥氣有禮。 喝過這家不少的奶茶系列,真的是一試成主顧!強烈推薦這家的沖繩麥鮮奶和水蜜桃青梅醋!
There are many kinds of food and snacks in Zhongxiao Road Night Market, and there are naturally too many hand-cranked drinks. The decoration of this tea shop is very eye-catching in Zhongxiao Road Night Market. Although the storefront is not large, the whole texture is very high-quality; service staff Very kind, and the boss is also very handsome and polite. After drinking a lot of this milk tea series, I really became a customer after trying it! Highly recommend this Okinawan wheat fresh milk and peach green plum vinegar!
Amberley Chang on Google

今天用Foodpanda先訂了自取,結果來到現場店員說並沒有收到訂單。在我們跟客服聯絡的過程中,店員直接說要請我們喝飲料,服務態度100分?? 不過最後Foodpanda系統有跳出我們的訂單!總之謝謝兩位店員協助??
I ordered self-pickup with Foodpanda today, but the clerk said that I didn't receive the order. In the process of contacting the customer service, the clerk directly asked us to drink a drink, and the service attitude was 100 points?? But in the end, the Foodpanda system jumped out of our order! Anyway, thank you two shop assistants for your help ??
王媚瑄 on Google

在忠孝夜市中一間很有特色的茶舖,佈置的有點美式酒吧風格,但也不會太過突。 我非常喜愛這家的沖繩麥鮮奶,風味真的很不錯,還帶有拿鐵的咖啡香味。 在老闆的推薦之下,點了一杯中杯的黑糖芋泥鮮奶,這可是隱藏版的口味;果然風味也很優的。
There is a very distinctive tea shop in Zhongxiao Night Market. The layout is a bit American bar style, but it is not too prominent. I really like this Okinawan wheat fresh milk, the flavor is really good, and it also has the aroma of latte coffee. Under the recommendation of the boss, I ordered a medium cup of brown sugar taro puree fresh milk, which is a hidden version of the flavor; it really tastes excellent.
陳婕甯 on Google

手搖飲已經可以說現在台灣人每日必喝上一杯的飲料了,尤其是在夜市裡,各品牌手搖飲林立,逛夜市吃美食當然不能少了再來一杯手搖飲。 這家3Q茶舖店面還十分別緻,在忠孝路夜市上可是十分的的特別;老闆是一位親切的帥哥,也很有愛心,如果要加購塑膠代時,不是直接收錢,而是請客人直接將零錢投到愛心箱中,還會感謝客人的愛行善舉,真的很暖心。 點了杯全甜奶茶,也不會過甜,口感順口好喝又解渴;如果來到忠孝夜市,推薦可以來這裡點杯手搖飲料。
It can be said that Taiwanese people must drink a cup of beverage every day, especially in the night market, there are many brands of hand-cranked drinks. The storefront of this 3Q tea shop is also very unique, but it is very special in the Zhongxiao Road Night Market; the owner is a kind and handsome guy who is also very caring. The guests directly put the change into the love box, and also thank the guests for their kind deeds, which is really heartwarming. I ordered a cup of all-sweet milk tea, which is not too sweet. It tastes smooth and delicious and quenches thirst. If you come to Zhongxiao Night Market, it is recommended to come here and order a hand-cranked drink.
詹蕙蘭 on Google

在忠孝路夜市發現這家很好喝的飲料店! 整個店面茶攤帶有點時尚風,這也是被它吸引的原因之一;這家的黑潮鮮奶,口味獨特,半糖的好喝又不會過甜。 店員很親切,大大加分!
Found this great drink shop at Zhongxiao Road Night Market! The whole tea stall in the store has a bit of fashion, which is one of the reasons why I am attracted by it; this Kuroshio fresh milk has a unique taste, and the half-sugar taste is delicious without being too sweet. The clerk is very kind, a big plus!

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