Guangfu Sugar Refinery

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Contact Guangfu Sugar Refinery

地址 :

Guangfu Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 976

城市 : Hualien County

Guangfu Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 976
黎世焰 on Google

A good place to eat ice, you can also walk slowly.
S.F.C Cheng on Google

I came here a year ago, I can buy some local products here and go back to reward my friends and family.
謝桔梗 on Google

The popular sightseeing spots in Hualien Central District, there are many tourists in summer, come here to cool off summer.
路可優 on Google

The ice cream is delicious, with unique attractions, and is of historical significance.
吳小桃 on Google

This is the third visit. The ice products are still the same choice and delicious. The popular red bean paste is paired with fresh milk ice cream. The red bean paste is not too sweet. The fragrant milk ice cream and the sweet and sour taste of pineapple popsicles are all recommended. , There is a fish pond next to it to feed the children, if you have the opportunity to pass by, you must come and eat!
徐芷蘭 on Google

The old sugar factory was transformed into a rest center, and a popsicle was eaten on a hot day. awesome!
Heng Yen on Google

早期日本殖民台灣時代,建立的糖業管銷中心,是東部頗富盛名的糖業生產基地。目前製糖業在台灣已經蕭條,台灣糖業製造公司基本上已將幾個頗具規模的糖廠做轉型營運,當中最有名的轉型加工食品即是台糖冰品,光復糖廠的冰棒和冰淇淋因此享有盛名。 近年來,台糖公司也開始將名下土地做轉型開發,光復糖廠因占有土地面積廣大,還有早期日據時代製糖廠的日式員工宿舍,如今都已修復成日式木屋旅館,提供遊客居住,因為風格特殊,訂價實惠,很適合前來此住上一晚,體驗不同的旅宿情趣。
In the early days of Japanese colonial Taiwan, the sugar industry management and marketing center established was a well-known sugar production base in the east. At present, the sugar industry in Taiwan has slumped. Taiwan's sugar manufacturing companies have basically transformed a number of large-scale sugar factories. The most well-known transformed processed food is Taiwan sugar ice products. Reputation. In recent years, Taiwan Sugar Corporation has also begun to transform and develop the land under its name. The Guangfu Sugar Factory has occupied a large area of ​​land and the Japanese-style staff quarters of the sugar factory in the early Japanese occupation era have now been restored into Japanese-style wooden ryokan hotels for tourists. Living, because of the special style and affordable price, it is very suitable to come here for one night and experience different travel and lodging.
愛吃鬼阿尼 on Google

每次開花東縱谷時都會稍作停留的點, 可以上個廁所吃個冰, 現在還有遊園小火車, 不過有被小黑蚊攻擊, 要記得先噴防蚊液!
Every time the east Rift Valley blooms, I will stop for a while, You can go to the toilet and eat some ice, Now there is a small train for amusement park, But it was attacked by black mosquitoes, Remember to spray anti-mosquito liquid first!

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