Guanyin Park

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Contact Guanyin Park

地址 :

Magong City, Penghu County, Taiwan 880

Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Penghu County

Magong City, Penghu County, Taiwan 880
洪睿輿 on Google

今天來觀音公園深有所感,這些澎湖人真有鵬鵠之志! 因為物質缺希,所以出外打拼,真的賺大發以後,回饋鄉里建設,甚至無私的把自己修煉的心得立碑公之於眾,此份心量非同小可。以前哪有什麼補助,都嘛離家打拼,個人交了好多位澎湖前輩友人,事業成功、有錢、低調、回饋鄉里。 現代的澎湖鄉民,有好多補助,反而覺得拼搏的精神少了些。 但,見其善者實習之,足矣~
I came to Guanyin Park today and felt deeply that these Penghu people really have the ambition to be great! Because of the lack of material resources, I went out and worked hard. After I really made a lot of money, I would give back to the construction of the village, and even selflessly set up a monument of my own practice to the public. This is a big deal. In the past, there was no subsidy. I just left home and worked hard. I have made a lot of senior friends from Penghu. I have a successful career, rich, low-key, and give back to my hometown. Modern Penghu villagers have a lot of subsidies, but they feel that they have less spirit of fighting. However, it’s enough to see the good ones doing internships~
Anny on Google

風景超美~ 但也是無敵熱! 有接駁車真棒?
The scenery is super beautiful~ but it is also invincible! A shuttle bus is awesome ?
LO粉趣 on Google

See Arhats, Guanyin, Maitreya Buddha, and a place to bask in the sun
張勝源 on Google

2021/2月首發 這裡實在是太美太美了,來澎湖玩一定要來此一趟,保證不虛此行!! 虎井不大,扣掉軍事區遊客不能去,剩下的區域,騎車10多分鐘即可騎完,但這裡的海景好美,讓人在這發呆放空半天都沒問題??? 主要活動區域就兩個 一是港口附近,可租車,並建議在來來喝鮮魚湯,港口街道附近非常多浪喵,幾乎都不怕人,願意讓人餵食甚至撫摸都沒問題,簡直貓比人多。??? 二是山頂的區域,視野極佳,可俯瞰整個港口,眺望遠方其餘海島,是主要的參觀區域。有非常多的仙人掌,然後超多的羊,跟滿地的羊大便,走路千萬要小心,是個羊比人多的地方??? 北迴歸線行經此處,有多個裝置藝術,都不錯拍,2月淡季來此,幾乎沒啥遊客,天氣又非常晴朗,海天一線,非常的藍,非常漂亮,整個拍好拍滿。??? 若不是船班因素,真的很想在這發呆放空半天,虎井的美,值得日後再來,細想品味。???
First release in January, 202 This place is so beautiful and so beautiful, you must come here to play in Penghu, and it is guaranteed to be worthwhile! ! Tiger Well is not big, and tourists cannot go to the military zone. The rest of the area can be cycled for more than 10 minutes, but the sea view here is so beautiful that it will be fine for people to spend a long time in a daze.??? There are only two main activity areas One is near the port, where you can rent a car, and it is recommended to come and drink fresh fish soup. There are a lot of waves near the port street, almost not afraid of people, willing to let people feed or even pet it, there are simply more cats than people. ??? The second is the area on the top of the mountain, which has an excellent view, overlooking the entire port and the other islands in the distance, which is the main visit area. There are a lot of cacti, and then a lot of sheep, and the sheep all over the floor, you must be careful when you walk, it is a place with more sheep than people??? The Tropic of Cancer passes here, and there are many installation art, all of which are good for shooting. I came here in the off-season in February. There were almost no tourists. The weather was very sunny. The sea and the sky were very blue and very beautiful. The whole filming was good and full. ??? If it wasn't for the boat schedule, I would really like to be in a daze for a long time. The beauty of Torii is worth coming back in the future and thinking about it. ???
史翺倫 on Google

From the Guanyin Pavilion in Hujing, you can have a bird’s eye view of the lovely appearance of the entire Tongpan Island. The origin of the name of the Tongpan Island was found after the tour guide explained it.
許家宜 on Google

Hujing's locomotive journey is refreshing. There are places where the landmarks of the Tropic of Cancer are very good for taking pictures, and there is an underground observation station to learn about the daily life of soldiers. There is also a very solemn Guanyin Pavilion standing here to keep the wanderers safe. The basalt wall is so spectacular that people want to leave footsteps and take pictures.
Chiu Liao on Google

Located on the highest point of the island, it was built by donations from the islanders who returned home and local gentry. It has a quiet, solemn and compassionate feeling. In April, there are only 6 tourists on the island, and they can enjoy the high scenery of Hujing Island at will!
Michelle Lee on Google

很難得在這麼遠的澎湖的離島小島上,還可以看到這麼多莊嚴的佛像矗立在此! 還有一個幸福的鐘,敲響幸福的鐘,當幸福的鐘聲響起,在這個遠離塵囂的離島上,為每個人帶來幸福! 每一個佛像都精心雕琢,樹立小島的高坡上默默的守護當地居民及來訪遊客,為大家祈福! 此地風很大,太陽也很大,但是風景很漂亮,美麗的海天一線,藍藍的天空,白白的雲,一望無際的大海映入眼簾之中!讓人的心變得無限寬廣 到此一遊要記得防曬,帽子薄長袖或洋傘,更別忘了補水? 太陽很大的
It is rare to see so many solemn Buddha statues standing on the outlying island of Penghu so far away! There is also a bell of happiness, ringing the bell of happiness, when the bell of happiness rings, in this remote island away from the hustle and bustle, it will bring happiness to everyone! Every Buddha statue is meticulously carved, and on the high slope of the island, it silently protects the local residents and visiting tourists, and prays for everyone! The wind here is very strong and the sun is very strong, but the scenery is very beautiful, the beautiful sea and sky line, the blue sky, the white clouds, the endless sea comes into view! Make people's hearts infinitely broad When you come here, remember to sunscreen, thin hats with long sleeves or an umbrella, and don’t forget to hydrate ? The sun is very strong

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