壽山岩場 - Gushan District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 壽山岩場

地址 :

壽山岩場 台灣, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

網站 : http://www.goforwild.com.tw/actD1X.php%3Fact_no%3D105
城市 : Kaohsiung City

壽山岩場 台灣, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
lienyuan lee on Google

A place where I used to study when I was a student.
Shuenn Lee on Google

全台灣最舒服的天然岩場 場地優環境好 沒有季節限制之分
The most comfortable natural rock field in Taiwan. The venue is excellent and the environment is good. There are no seasonal restrictions.
余啟瑞 on Google

The natural rock climbing field is suitable for the people of Kaohsiung District to experience. You can even book an exchange to guide
阿睿 on Google

近期內..在羽球場的一些老伯&阿婆 非常好心的再三告誡. 別再那邊攀岩. 因為那邊拉起封鎖線了 他們要在那邊開挖探勘重要的東西. 而且不能拍探勘那邊的任何照片
In the near future: some old men & grandma at the badminton court Very kindly admonish again and again. Don't climb over there. Because the cord was pulled over there They have to dig there to explore important things. And you ca n’t take any photos over there
張誠 on Google

旁邊是日治時代的高雄神社參道,還有舊路燈在那 只是到上方道路的石橋跟涼亭被圍起來了
Next to it is the Kaohsiung Shrine in the Japanese Occupation era, and there are old street lights there It's just that the stone bridge and pavilion to the road above are enclosed
矮子女王 on Google

The beginning of the journal to experience the fun of rock climbing, Kaohsiung has a good life, is very close to the city, the rock wall is full of magical beauty, let people fall in love.
陳炎能 on Google

高雄壽山岩場位於壽山忠烈祠下,是南部最早開發的天然岩場,當時岩場上的平台是岩場旁的千光寺廟所建造的平台,現在因為有些地方崩塌或毀壞,似乎曾經被封住或禁止進入,所以,可以說是一個秘境。 現在有兩個入口可以進入,位於萬壽路與忠義路交接附近的路邊,有個前往千光寺的指示牌(不太起眼),跨過路邊欄杆走進去,這條路比較難走,另外一條路是順著千光路走到千光寺幾十公尺前,右邊有個岔路,柱子上寫著合志羽球隊,走進去十來公尺,看到羽球隊門口,再往後幾公尺,右邊有條小徑,走進去十幾公尺即可抵達目的地了。 這裡的珊瑚礁岩地形相當崎嶇壯觀,還有不少大人小孩在此練習攀岩,往後走下去,還會有很大一段可以探險!不過,要注意安全小心落石。
The Kaohsiung Shoushan Rock Field is located under the Shoushan Martyrs’ Shrine. It was the earliest natural rock field developed in the south. At that time, the platform on the rock field was built by the Qianguang Temple next to the rock field. Now it seems that it was once sealed or destroyed because of the collapse or destruction of some places. It is forbidden to enter, so it can be said to be a secret realm. There are now two entrances to enter. It is located on the side of the road near the junction of Wanshou Road and Zhongyi Road. There is a sign to Qianguang Temple (not very eye-catching). Cross the roadside railing to walk in. This road is more difficult to walk. The other way is to walk along Qianguang Road to Qianguang Temple several tens of meters. There is a fork on the right. The pillar says Hezhi Badminton Team. Walk in for ten meters, see the entrance of the badminton team, and then go back. A few meters, there is a path on the right, and you can reach the destination after walking for more than ten meters. The coral reef terrain here is quite rugged and spectacular, and there are many adults and children practicing rock climbing here. If you go further, there will be a long time to explore! However, pay attention to safety and be careful of falling rocks.
Ronny Li on Google

In case it's not clear, this is not a rock climbing gym.

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