Hao Ting Da'an Parking

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Hao Ting Da'an Parking

地址 :

Taiwan, 台北市大安區 Hao Ting Da'an Parking

電話 : 📞 +88877

Taiwan, 台北市大安區 Hao Ting Da'an Parking
張文松 on Google

60 yuan an hour, of course it's easy to stop.
李壁郎 on Google

Close to Xinyi Road, easy access. The place is clean!
呂奕 on Google

The payment machine can only accept 100 yuan bills, without any electronic payment
陳玄真 on Google

好停、佷好停、 也不 囉嗦、直接來個現金繳款、
It's easy to stop, it's easy to stop, and it's not long-winded, just make a cash payment,
Thomas Yeh on Google

細長型的停車場,門面不寬,但是頗深的,旁邊就是中華電信工程車的停車場,也不曉得將來如何利用。 出了停車場,看到一對像是中年夫婦,每人拖了一個有輪子的皮箱,不曉得是不是住在附近商旅的客人,準備往下一站的旅途前進。
Slender parking lot, the facade is not wide, but quite deep, next to the parking lot of Chunghwa Telecom engineering vehicles, do not know how to use in the future. Out of the parking lot, I saw a pair of middle-aged couples, each dragging a suitcase with wheels, I don’t know if I am staying at a nearby business traveler, ready to go on the next stop.

停車時間越久,價錢越便宜喔! (在這個地方,很難得有這樣子的計費方式!)
The longer the parking time, the cheaper the price! (In this place, it is rare to have such a billing method!)
Claire Chang on Google

停車位空格顯示壞掉,我們看到一個車位開入,卻發現沒有車位,使用現場電話與管理者通話,對方只表示: 對喔,有可能是顯示壞掉,你直接開出就好。 不只耽誤時間,開出去仍然需要25元的停車費才能出去。 在出去之時,看見還有車陸續排隊開進來,我覺得管理者應該善盡修繕責任,不應該因為這種錯誤,造成消費者的損失。
The parking space display is broken. We saw a parking space entering, but found that there was no parking space. We used the on-site phone to talk to the manager. The other party only said: Yes, it may be that the display is broken. Just drive out. Not only was the time wasted, the parking fee of 25 yuan was still needed to go out. When I went out, I saw that there were cars coming in one after another. I think the managers should do their best to repair them, and they should not cause losses to consumers because of such mistakes.
Walter Black on Google

The lot is always so full. Good luck parking here.

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