靚hó 花蓮伴手禮

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Contact 靚hó 花蓮伴手禮

地址 :

970, Taiwan, Hualien County, Hualien City, Lane 143, Zhongzheng Rd, 1號停車場在中原路上靚hó 花蓮伴手禮

電話 : 📞 +888888
網站 : http://www.08taiwan.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

970, Taiwan, Hualien County, Hualien City, Lane 143, Zhongzheng Rd, 1號停車場在中原路上靚hó 花蓮伴手禮
湯靖修 on Google

Kind explanation and service. The boss said: Please try the product first, don't rush to buy it. We can't wait to make a big purchase???
May on Google

花生酥不黏牙 優格花生醬是白巧克力口感超好吃 主要是花蓮在地9號和雲林黑金剛花生 店也很有設計感 ??????
Peanut Crisp is not sticky Yogurt peanut butter is white chocolate and tastes super delicious Mainly Hualien Local 9 and Yunlin Black King Kong Peanuts The store is also very design ??????
林米娜 on Google

店外裝潢很有個人風格,遠遠看都覺得有趣,常來花蓮,該買的伴手禮都買的差不多,很需要新的創意商品,意外在網路上看到推薦,由於住宿的民宿在後面,特意找時間來看看,接待的應該我想是老闆娘吧,人美麗也很熱情,帶領我解說不少店內產品跟試吃,還有喝了不少茶,近日在花蓮遊蕩都覺得店員好冷漠,這裡倒是讓我意外,老實說這般詳細的介紹,如果不是秉著對自己產品熱情跟信心,一直重複的言語介紹久了會沒有熱誠才是,店內商品不算少,老闆除了花生還有其他農產品,而主要招牌是各種口味的花生,研發綜合世界各地不同的風格又不會突兀,老實說真的很不錯,吃完各口味都覺得口齒留香,而我個人最愛08這款,莫怪是大家挑選購買最熱門的商品,然後花生的好品質真的是吃的出來,店家最堅持的健康路線實在很合我胃口,以這樣的品質來說買個好幾盒回去當伴手禮都很有面子。 可惜考量到一個人為了減輕重量方便行動,所以規定自己能帶的伴手禮有限,只好暫時買一點回去品嚐分享給家人,打算下次過年來花蓮時候再開車過來採購,店家說他們連過年都沒有休息喔,簡直是美食愛好者的一大福音。
The exterior decoration is very personal. It is interesting to see from afar. I often come to Hualien. The purchase of the gift is almost the same. I need new creative products. I accidentally see the recommendation on the Internet. Behind, I will look for time to look at it. I should think that the receptionist is the boss wife. The person is beautiful and very enthusiastic. I led many people to explain the products in the store and try to eat. I also drank a lot of tea. I feel like I’m wandering around in Hualien. The clerk is so indifferent, but it makes me accidental. To be honest, I would like to introduce such a detailed introduction. If I don’t have the enthusiasm and confidence in my products, I’ve been repeating the words for a long time. There’s no enthusiasm, the store’s goods are not too small, the boss In addition to peanuts and other agricultural products, and the main signboard is peanuts of all tastes, the research and development of different styles around the world will not be awkward, honestly, it is really good, after eating all the flavors feel fragrant, and my personal favorite 08 This is no wonder that everyone chooses to buy the most popular products, and then the good quality of peanuts is really eaten. The store’s most insistent health route is really close to my appetite. Kind of quality is to buy several boxes back when Souvenir have a great face. It is a pity to consider that a person can easily move in order to reduce the weight. Therefore, he has to stipulate that he can bring a limited gift, so he has to buy it for a while and share it with his family. He plans to drive again when he comes to Hualien next year. The store said that they have not even had a New Year. Resting is a great boon for food lovers.
Apple A on Google

老闆《蛙神》因父親的洗腎,深深體會飲食習慣的重要性,從此決定為健康食品盡一份心力!離開台北科技業回到花蓮老家開始做研究。研發出能夠代表台灣的美食,希望把台灣美食底藴能夠表現出來,可以發展到全世界。 - 《花生醬系列⬇️》 ?#優格花生醬 花蓮多家民宿採用的花生醬!超特別的花生+優格組合!蛙神向我介紹內行人才知道的多層次吃法,先把烤箱預熱180度,抹上一層優格花生醬後放入烤箱烤3分鐘,再拿出來抹厚厚一層,這樣吃起來會有七層口感呢! - ?#巧克力花生醬 比利時進口87%的純巧克力和花蓮九號花生結合,最完美的搭配!每次去早餐店都跟老闆娘說我要巧克力+花生土司綜合,現在只要ㄧ罐就可以解決了!二合一超適合我的?也是小朋友最愛呢。 - ?#麻辣花生醬 麻辣黑金剛冷磨的花生醬,味道香而不麻,辣的氣味是層次分明,可使用熱水把醬拌開後加入麵條,製成超美味麻辣香拌麵。或是煮火鍋時,當作麻辣沾醬,搭配一點醬油、香油、白醋,沾上肉片一起入口簡直人間美味! - ?#雲林黑金剛花生醬 台灣獨有的雲林黑金剛花生,顛覆傳統口味的花生醬,吃起來屬於台灣人口味的花生醬,不再被美式花生醬佔據了我們的味蕾!香醇後韻十足,這罐是我心中第一名? - ?#花蓮九號花生醬 香濃不足以形容它的味道,可以體會到本土花生口感上的豐富,整個花生的靈魂跳耀在我的舌尖,滑而不膩!如果說黑金剛是法國干邑白蘭地,九號花生醬就像清爽溫潤的日本清酒? - 每罐成份都相當清楚,沒有多餘的添加物,沒有防腐劑,使用單純的花生製成如此美味的花生醬,可以吃到食物最純粹的味道!好健康,好安心❤️吃過就回不去了? - 《最美味的辣炒蘿蔔在這裡⬇️》 ?#香到笑 百搭單品無誤?我們家過年煎蘿蔔糕不配醬油膏,是配香到笑!平常煮飯料理,只要加上ㄧ匙就覺得好對味!它可以讓平凡的餐點瞬間《活起來》這也就是客家美食的迷人之處。 - ?#辣到爆 使用高階辣椒?️毒蠍所製成的辣炒蘿蔔,ㄧ打開瓶蓋真的非常香~? 他的辣度是很內斂的,辣度會一層一層的疊上去~真的好銷魂啊!愛吃辣的朋友錯過真的會後悔~ 《吃花生好事會發生?老闆蛙神花兩年多研發➡️全世界認證無毒花生!不用擔心吃到黃麴毒素?》 ?08真正酥(台語發音) 老闆蛙神跟我分享⬇️ 08代表(你發)代表吃花生好事會發生! 08也代表爸爸(拎杯)?爸爸代表我們世世代代跟花生都分離不了關係! 當你走到全世界,聽到這句會笑的就是台灣人??。製作中加入深層海鹽,利用鹽味把糖香拉出來,吃起來香酥酥、脆爽、又不會黏牙死甜!重點是還兼顧健康,外面含糖量大概都40%,但是《08真正酥》只有2%含糖量?難怪會是經典熱賣第一名! - ?原味炒花生 正宗古早味!深層海鹽製做,完全不加糖,含油量高!以前台灣最好的花生油皆是以此款花生製作!吃起脆口不油膩~ - ?原味黑金剛 正港的雲林黑金剛花生!含有豐富的花青素,蛙神說這是黑金剛的超級版又稱《紅美人》,大自然最天然的花青素,size也比ㄧ般花生大一些,是世界上最強壯營養的花生之一!吃起來香氣濃郁,後韻甘甜? - ?我愛台灣味 故鄉的香味!代表我們美麗的台灣??蛙神用蒜頭跟胡椒來代表台灣的精華,還加入原住民特有的香料《轟》發音(home)。吃起來前韻是香茅、中韻檸檬,對於賽德克族來講這是藥不是香料,他們感冒都用此種子來燉雞湯?!口感一開始是蒜頭的香味,慢慢可吃到香茅、檸檬、胡椒等韻味,代表閩南與在地原住民的特有文化!超特別?!一定不能錯過轟的滋味! - ?麻辣有夠味 老闆蛙神另一個身分是辣椒?️博士!用8年時間投資南澳辣椒廠!利用世界上最辣的辣椒之一,《毒蠍》&《死神》(220萬度鬼椒的兩倍辣)。 麻辣花生外層沒有紅紅的粉墨,入口是花椒香味、慢慢的有牛奶的香味,這是屬於奶香型的高階辣椒,後韻才感受到辣的味道,辣度給我的感覺很內斂,不會太嗆!越吃越唰嘴?最好的下酒菜!
The boss "Frog God" deeply understands the importance of eating habits because of his father's kidney dialysis, and has since decided to do his best for healthy food! He left Taipei's technology industry and went back to his hometown in Hualien to do research. We have developed a cuisine that can represent Taiwan, and hope to show the essence of Taiwanese cuisine and develop it to the whole world. - "Peanut Butter Series ⬇️" ? # Youge peanut butter Peanut butter used in many homestays in Hualien! Super special peanut + yogurt combination! Frog God introduced to me the multi-level eating method that the insider knows, preheat the oven at 180 degrees, smear a layer of yogurt peanut butter and bake it in the oven for 3 minutes, then take it out and smear a thick layer. Layer taste! - ? # Chocolate peanut butter The combination of 87% pure chocolate imported from Belgium and Hualien No. 9 peanuts is the perfect match! Every time I go to the breakfast shop, I tell the lady boss that I want chocolate + peanut toast. Now I can solve it with just a can Two-in-one is perfect for me ? is also a favorite of children. - ? # Spicy peanut butter The spicy black diamond cold ground peanut butter tastes fragrant but not spicy. The spicy smell is layered. You can use hot water to stir the sauce and add noodles to make a super delicious spicy spicy noodle. Or when cooking hot pot, use it as a spicy dip sauce, mix it with a little soy sauce, sesame oil, white vinegar, dip it with meat slices, and the entrance is delicious! - ? # Yunlin Black Diamond Peanut Butter Taiwan's unique Yunlin Black Diamond peanuts, subverting the traditional flavor of peanut butter, tastes the Taiwanese-flavored peanut butter, and is no longer occupied by American peanut butter in our taste buds! It has a mellow aftertaste, this jar is the first in my heart ? - ? # Hualien No. 9 Peanut Butter Fragrant is not enough to describe its taste, you can experience the rich taste of local peanuts, the soul of the whole peanut jumped on the tip of my tongue, slippery but not greasy! If Black King Kong is a French cognac, No. 9 peanut butter is like a refreshing and warm Japanese sake ? - The ingredients in each jar are quite clear, there are no extra additives, no preservatives, using pure peanuts to make such delicious peanut butter, you can eat the purest taste of food! So healthy, so relieved ❤️ I ca n’t go back after eating ? - "The most delicious spicy fried radish is here⬇️" ? # 香 到 笑 All-match single product is correct ? Our family's New Year fried carrot cake is not equipped with soy sauce, it is delicious with fragrance! Usually cooking rice dishes, just add ㄧ spoon to feel good taste! It can make ordinary meals "live" instantly, which is the charm of Hakka cuisine. - ? # Spicy to burst Spicy fried radishes made with high-end chili peppers ?️ Poisonous scorpions, ㄧ Open the bottle cap is really very fragrant ~ ? His spiciness is very restrained, and the spiciness will be layered layer by layer ~ really ecstasy! My spicy friends will regret it if they miss it ~ "Good things to eat peanuts will happen ? boss frog god spent more than two years of research and development ➡️ certified non-toxic peanuts worldwide! Do n’t worry about getting yellow toxin ?》 ?08True Crisp (Taiwanese pronunciation) Boss Frog God shared with me ⬇️ 08 means (you send) that good things will happen when you eat peanuts! 08 also represents Dad (carrying a cup) ? Dad represents our generations and peanuts are inseparable! When you go to the whole world, the one who laughs when you hear this sentence is the Taiwanese ??. Deep sea salt is added to the production, and the salty flavor is used to pull out the sweetness. It tastes crispy, crisp, and will not stick to the teeth! The point is to still take care of health, the sugar content is about 40% outside, but "08 Real Crisp" only has 2% sugar content. No wonder it will be the first classic hot sale! - ?Original fried peanuts Authentic ancient breakfast! Made of deep sea salt, no sugar at all, high oil content! Previously, the best peanut oil in Taiwan was made with this peanut! Eat crispy and not greasy ~ - ? Original Black King Kong Yunlin Black Diamond Peanuts in Zhenggang! Rich in anthocyanins, the frog god said that this is the super version of Black King Kong, also known as "Red Beauty", nature's most natural anthocyanins, the size is also larger than ordinary peanuts, is the world's strongest nutritious peanuts one! It tastes strong and has a sweet aftertaste ? - ? I love Taiwanese taste The smell of hometown! Representing our beautiful Taiwan ?? The frog god uses garlic and pepper to represent the essence of Taiwan, and also adds the pronunciation of the indigenous people's unique "humble" pronunciation (home). Before eating, it is lemongrass and lemon, which is medicine or spice for Seediq. They use this seed to stew chicken soup for colds! At the beginning, the taste is the fragrance of garlic. Slowly, you can eat lemongrass, lemon, pepper and other flavors, representing the unique culture of southern Fujian and the local aborigines! Super special ?! Must not miss the taste of bang! - ?Spicy and spicy Another identity of the boss frog god is Dr. Chili ?️! Invest in Nanao Chili Factory in 8 years! Use one of the hottest peppers in the world, "Poison Scorpion" & "Death" (2.2 million degrees of ghost pepper twice as hot). The outer layer of spicy peanuts does not have red and pink ink, the entrance is scent of pepper, slowly with the scent of milk, this is a high-end chili that belongs to the milk flavor type, and the aftertaste only feels the spicy taste. , Not too choking! The more you eat, the more you eat! ? The best appetizer!
Mlu _daily on Google

因為匆匆忙忙買完要趕火車所以時間不多 但是老闆娘也很熱情的快速介紹 並且讓我們每一樣試吃 他們的產品都很好吃! 尤其喜歡麻辣花生醬 可以自製麻花麵了! 還有柚香茶,聞起來真的有濃濃花香味好喜歡 花生系列買10還送2 有來花蓮可以來試吃買買
I don’t have much time because I have to catch the train after I'm in a hurry But the boss is also very enthusiastic and quick introduction And let us try each one Their products are delicious! I especially like spicy peanut butter You can make your own twisted noodles! There is also grapefruit tea, it smells really strong and floral, I like it Peanut series buy 10 and get 2 free If you come to Hualien, you can try it and buy it
米娜 on Google

對面有停車場,開車的人會很方便停車;店裡的商品有自己生產的也有小農的,品項很豐富;老闆娘人很好,看到我一直被小黑蚊咬還給我擦驅蚊精油,因為味道很好聞,所以最後也買了XD 最後結完帳還給了花生酥的試吃包,滿滿的人情味讓我的環島之旅增添了一筆印象深刻的回憶!
There is a parking lot on the opposite side, and it is very convenient for drivers to park; the products in the store are both self-produced and small farmers, and the products are very rich; the lady boss is very good, seeing that I have been bitten by small black mosquitoes, she gave me mosquito repellent essential oil , because it smells so good, so I finally bought XD and finally paid the bill and gave the peanut cake tasting package. The full human touch added an impressive memory to my trip around the island!
Sandy on Google

Peanuts are delicious, the boss is very professional, looking forward to the quick fermentation of spicy fermented bean curd
Nian Hsiao on Google

The clerk is very kind and willing to invite customers to try the products. Peanut crisps and spicy peanut sauce are delicious! Bitter tea oil, peeled peppers and small agricultural products (white jade tea and black tea, etc.) are also very good, I couldn't help but bought a wave! If you like spicy food or people who need a strong chili sauce, you really have to come here and try it! Super recommended! !

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