Hsinchu County Guanxi Township Office

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Contact Hsinchu County Guanxi Township Office

地址 :

No. 51, Zhengyi Rd, Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 306

電話 : 📞 +88878
網站 : http://www.guanxi.gov.tw/
城市 : Hsinchu County

No. 51, Zhengyi Rd, Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 306
劉利愷 on Google

常常有捐血活動,捐血車派駐。 獅子會同仁非常熱情支援與支持
There are often blood donation activities and blood donation vehicles are stationed. Lion club colleagues are very enthusiastic and supportive
リョウティンホン on Google

The firm’s global network did not use https "Super Text Transmission Security Protocol" until 110 years ago. As a government agency, it did a bad example.
妙音(Toyota) on Google

據傳最初之地名為美里莊,當乾隆五十八年由泉州人陳智仁者(墾號連際盛)在開墾南門崁下及河背(今之南山里)時,將此一帶命名為美里庄。翌年際盛放棄墾權,被併於衛阿貴掌管續墾,衛氏建公館於老街曰「課館」改美里庄為新興庄。衛阿貴歿後,其嗣衛壽宗在道光三十年,開墾告竣又改新興庄為鹹菜甕,又稱啣彩鳳。玆舉重建有七十年悠久歷史之關西太和宮廟內豎立石柱雕刻有先賢留下之對聯曰: 「德遍村莊曾記復歌美里;榮膺詔誥且啣彩鳳翥關西」。新竹縣志第一部卷之土地志第二一六頁節錄「關西當時附近河川魚產富饒、山野鳥獸繁殖,任憑取之不盡,宛然甕中取鹹菜,隨手可得,故名。後轉書鹹菜甕為咸菜硼、啣彩鳳等名。」 關西鎮原住民部落沿革史 壹、新竹縣關西鎮原住民部落名稱 一、錦山里馬武督部落:泰雅語原稱「武都」涵義係指人員物資匯集處,已有五十年歷史,日據時期改為「馬武督」並沿用至今。 二、六曲窩部落:泰雅族原語「葛尤浪」涵義係指狩獵時追逐獵物所用之陷阱繩索,後因六畜山由在地客家人改稱「六曲窩」並沿用至今。 貳、部落遷徙史 本鎮馬武都社原住民相傳屬泰雅族馬里罷系統(今南投縣仁愛鄉力行村)「馬里洸」群社的一支,早年因人口增加,乃向北(苗栗、新竹、桃園)拓殖新地,復經由沙輪子社、哈嘎灣社(今桃園縣復興鄉)等群社族遷居而成社(約清末年),族人員聚落為尖石鄉玉峰村,因尋覓新獵場由玉峰→嘉樂→梅花 →水田等部落越八五山至本鎮轄境,馬武督社原範圍為本鎮玉山、金、錦山等里及復興鄉高遶、長興等村,期間並與桃園縣境內大嵙崁群,澳卡灣群連成一線,事態亞詞群中佔地最廣,勢力最強的一群,光復後馬武督本社隸屬本鎮錦山里,是「馬里洸」群社中唯一不屬於尖石、復興(山地原住民鄉〉之泰雅族部落。 參、部落領導階層系統 據原住民耆老傳說資料,清朝末年馬武都社頭目瓦旦,馬賴因文治、武功均盛成為「馬里洸」諸社的總頭目,一直到其長子巴杜。瓦旦〈日據時期〉繼任頭目均被公認為是新竹縣境內泰雅族群之大頭目,是桃、竹、苗泰雅族群中佔地最廣,勢力最強的一支,後因瘟疫、瘧疾肆虐傷亡慘重,乃紛紛出走避難而式微,日據時代末期,巴杜‧瓦旦早夭,乃由其二弟達笠‧瓦旦繼任馬武督社頭目,達笠‧瓦旦育有一子一女,民國四十年初達笠‧瓦旦歿,旋其子亦過世〈無子嗣〉,按傳統泰雅族群習俗,頭目一位應傳子不傳女,復由達那‧瓦旦長孫陳建政君〈目前居住本鎮錦山里八鄰〉接任頭目迄今。
According to legend, the original place was named Milizhuang. When Qianlong was in the 58th year of Quanzhou, Chen Zhiren (Ken No. Lian Jisheng) was reclaiming the Nanmen Zhenxia and Hebei (now Nanshanli). Miri village. In the following year, Sheng gave up his reclamation rights and was re-cultivated by Wei Agui. The Wei's mansion was built on the old street and called "Classroom" to change Meilizhuang to Xinxingzhuang. After Wei Agui died, his heir Wei Shouzong was in Daoguang for thirty years. The reclamation was completed and the Xinxingzhuang was changed to a pickle urn, also known as the title Caifeng. Here are the reconstruction of the 70-year-old Kansai Taihegong Temple with a stone column carved with a couplet left by the sages: "The village of Debian once remembered the resurrection of Miri; it was honored and criticized and named Fengxi Guanxi." An excerpt on page 216 of the local chronicle of the first volume of the Hsinchu County Journal "Kansai was rich in fish and wild birds and beasts in the mountains and rivers at that time, and it was inexhaustible to pick up pickles in the urn. The book pickle urn is named for the pickle boron and the title Caifeng. " The History of Indigenous Tribes in Guanxi Town 1. Names of indigenous tribes in Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County 1. Jinshanli Mawudu Tribe: The original meaning of "Wudu" in Atayal language refers to the place where personnel and materials are gathered. It has a history of 50 years. It was changed to "Mawudu" during the Japanese occupation period and is still in use today. 2. Liuquwo tribe: The meaning of the Atayal primitive "Ge Youlang" refers to the trap rope used to chase prey during hunting. Later it was renamed "Liuquwo" by the local Hakka people and has been used to this day. Two, tribal migration history The indigenous people of the Mawudu community in this town are said to be a member of the "Malilu" community of the Atayal Mali strike system (now Lixing Village, Renai Township, Nantou County). In the early years, due to the increase in population, they expanded to the north (Miaoli, Hsinchu, Taoyuan) In Xindi, Fusha relocated and formed a community (about the end of the Qing Dynasty) through the Shalun Wheel Society, Hagawan Society (now Taoyuan County Fuxing Township) and other groups. The ethnic group settled in Yufeng Village in Jianshi Township. → Jiale → Meihua → Shuitian and other tribes cross the Bawu Mountain to the jurisdiction of the town. The original scope of the Mawudu community is Yushan, Jin, Jinshan and other towns in the town and Gaoyuan and Changxing villages in Fuxing Township. The large lagoon group and the Okawan group in the territory are connected together. The group of incident sub-words occupies the widest area and the most powerful group. After the restoration, the Mawudu headquarter is affiliated to Jinshanli of the town and is the only one in the "Maliwan" group. Atayal tribes that do not belong to Jianshi and Fuxing (indigenous mountain villages). Participation and tribal leadership system According to the old legendary information of the indigenous people, in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the leader of the Mawudu Society, Wadan, Marin, the martial arts, and martial arts, all became the general leaders of the "Mali Lu" clubs, until their eldest son Badu. The successor leaders of Wadan (During the Japanese Occupation) are all recognized as the chieftains of the Atayal ethnic group in Hsinchu County. They are the most extensive and strongest of the Atayal ethnic groups in Peach, Bamboo, and Miao. Afterwards, they were killed and injured by plague and malaria. It was terrible, but it evacuated and disappeared one after another. At the end of the Japanese occupation period, Badu Wadan died early, but his second brother Dasa Liwadan succeeded the leader of the Mawudu Society, and Dasa Liwadan had a son and a daughter. At the beginning of the 40th year of the Republic of China, Dasa Liwadan died, and his son also passed away (No Son), according to the traditional Atayal customs, the chieftain should bear a son but not a daughter. The eight neighbors of Jinshanli in the town have taken over as the leader so far.
秋天 on Google

In the early days, the town office did not plan parking spaces where the residents of the Kanxi town handled official affairs. Now that there is a plan, it is considered convenient.
horen fu (fuhoren) on Google

There are many elderly people, and it is often seen that people with mobility problems are driving electric cars in the city center. Please pay attention to their safety.
Jared Cheng on Google

許琛 on Google

假日沒有開放. 周遭有非常多的機車停車位. 方便洽公.
It is not open on holidays. There are a lot of motorcycle parking spaces around. It is convenient to contact the public.
許碧珠 on Google

感恩慈濟慈發處學正師兄推薦,關西鎮公所社會課林課長與陳組長邀請為鎮公所社會服務志工隊演研習「防災實務經驗分享」志工中最年長者已經80歲,年紀最小的40歲,我前半段分享防災理念課程,後半段我們讓大家體驗DIG進行小組討論每一位學員很認真的討論,集思廣益共同合作完成避難收容所各功能組別所負責的工作,真是太棒了?!災害不會先彩排,防災重於救災,教育取代教訓,以判斷為原則的教育,取代標準答案的訓練。 感恩社會課陳小姐貼心安排菩薩車接送,雖然這次到關西鎮時間很緊迫,沒有時間可以到處參觀,天空細雨紛飛冷風呼呼吹,關西鎮公所劉鎮長百忙中抽空前來致詞,看到我是搭車來,原本準備好的關西仙草汁,害怕我拿不動,趕緊再去準備送上關西特產仙草粄條,真正揪甘心ㄟ!志工參與的熱情溫暖了我的心! 回程到達高鐵已經19:00了,雨中即景外面的夜景好美喔!看到這樣的美景一天的疲憊我都忘了,帶著愉悅的心情回台北! 關西鎮公所我們下次有約!
Thanks to the recommendation of Senior Brother Xuezheng from the Tzu Chi Department of Tzu Chi, the director of the Social Division of the Guanxi Town Office and the leader Chen invited the town office’s social service volunteer team to practice the "Disaster Prevention Practice Experience Sharing". The eldest of the volunteers is 80 years old and the youngest At the age of 40, I shared the disaster prevention concept in the first half of the course, and in the second half we let everyone experience DIG’s group discussion. Every student has a serious discussion, brainstorming and working together to complete the work of the functional groups of the shelter. It’s great. ?! Disasters will not be rehearsed first. Disaster prevention is more important than disaster relief. Education replaces lessons. Education based on judgments replaces training on standard answers. Thanks to Ms. Chen from the Social Affairs Department, she thoughtfully arranged the Bodhisattva shuttle bus. Although the time to visit Guanxi Town was very short this time, there was no time to visit everywhere. The sky was drizzling and the cold wind was blowing. Mayor Liu of the Guanxi Town Office took time to give a speech during his busy schedule. I came here by car. I was afraid that I would not be able to get the Kansai grass juice that I had prepared, so I hurried to prepare to deliver the Kansai specialty grass rice sticks. I was really happy! The enthusiasm of volunteers warmed my heart! The return journey arrived at the high-speed rail at 19:00, and the night scene outside was so beautiful in the rain! I have forgotten the exhaustion of the day seeing such a beautiful scenery, and returned to Taipei with a happy mood! We have an appointment next time at the Kansai Town Office!

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