Hukou High School

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Hukou High School

地址 :

No. 21, Lane 263, Section 2, Zhongzheng Rd, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 303

電話 : 📞 +88977
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城市 : Hsinchu County

No. 21, Lane 263, Section 2, Zhongzheng Rd, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 303
Wei Tw on Google

想就讀請三思,尤其是國中部,請家長多探聽, 想讀高中部的,建議看看歷年升學榜單再做考慮, by 多年前的校友~
If you want to study, please think twice, especially in the middle of the country. If you want to go to high school, I suggest you to look at the list of advancements in the past and think about it again. by Alumni years ago ~
鴨狐狸 on Google

第一次聽到湖口高中,是在淡淡的秋季,我交往五年的女朋友說她要走,我問她要去那?她說去湖口高中跳陣頭,從此我再也沒見到她。 第二次聽到湖口高中,是在陰雲綿綿的雨季,我收到一封學妹的來信,信上寫著我在湖口高中游泳池等你,可我不知道湖口高中哪裡有游泳池,於是我錯過了一段愛情。 時光飛逝,我已沒了特殊的際遇,有時我會想,若是當時的我有勇氣,牽住她的手,答應陪他一起跳陣頭,我會不會就不會那麼遺憾。而若在滂沱大雨時,肯去湖口高中見那座不存在的游泳池,我能否彌補心中的缺口。 我放了個象徵逝去年華的鐵罐在排球場,告別我慘淡的過往。
The first time I heard Hukou High School, it was in the faint autumn. My girlfriend who had been in contact for five years said that she was leaving. I asked her to go there? She said that she went to the high school in Hukou and jumped to the front. I never saw her again. The second time I heard about Hukou High School, it was in the rainy season. I received a letter from a school girl who wrote that I was waiting for you at the Hukou High School Swimming Pool, but I don’t know where there is a swimming pool in Hukou High School. I missed a piece of love. Time flies, I have no special encounters, sometimes I will think, if I had the courage at the time, holding her hand, promised to accompany him to jump around, I will not be so sorry. And if you go to Hukou High School to see the non-existent swimming pool during heavy rain, can I make up for the gap in my heart. I put a symbol of the last year's iron cans in the volleyball court, bid farewell to my bleak past.
Amy Spears on Google

請小心管樂班,音樂老師吳X芬! 1.會收走課桌椅,讓學生趴在地板上課! 2.翻轉學生座位,要求學生背對黑板上課! 3.強迫學生站在椅子上上課! 4.其他各種"創意"體罰族繁不及備載... 校方長期漠視且不積極處理!建議各位同學家長面臨問題老師時, 請善用社群網路公審或媒體力量,來制裁不適任教師!
Please be careful of the wind class, music teacher Wu Xfen! 1. Will take away the desks and chairs, let the students lie on the floor to class! 2. Flip the student seats and ask students to have their backs to the blackboard in class! 3. Force students to stand on chairs in class! 4. Other "creative" corporal punishments are too complicated to be uploaded... The school has long ignored and did not actively deal with it! It is recommended that parents of students face problems with teachers, Please make good use of social network public review or media power to sanction inappropriate teachers!
Sherry Ruan on Google

我兩個小孩都念湖中,都給吳老師教過。她是一位非常體貼孩子的老師,會跟孩子們談心,也非常照顧孩子們。很驚訝為什麼會有負面的留言。這是一種未經證實的人身攻擊,Goolge對於惡意的留言應該做謹慎的處理與審查。如果孩子沒有犯錯,為什麼老師要傷神管教? 留言的家長是否在留言前應該先跟老師溝通看看,不應該在此處留言做人身攻擊。老師真的辛苦了。
Both of my children studied in the lake and taught to Teacher Wu. She is a very caring child teacher, she talks with children and takes good care of them. I am surprised why there are negative comments. This is an unconfirmed personal attack. Goolge should handle and review the malicious messages carefully. If the child didn’t make a mistake, why should the teacher be hurt? Whether the parents who leave a message should communicate with the teacher before leaving a message, and should not leave a message here for personal attacks. The teacher is really hard.
比利 on Google

求王 鳳老師不要上那麼快 我跟不上
Please don't go so fast, Mr. Wang Feng, I can't keep up
yiting chung on Google

我在這待三年 所以給個三顆星 老師都很認真教學
I've been here for three years So give three stars Teachers are very serious about teaching
嘎嘎嗚拉拉 on Google

學校根本不在乎職科高職學生 模擬考時噪音不斷 只在意會考生的考試 我待了三年 我很喜歡這所學校的同學 老師 但上級主任大部分都只是做做樣子 我朋友甚至說了一句話:新官上任三把火
Schools don't care about vocational students Constant noise during mock exams Only care about the exams of the candidates I stayed for three years. I like my classmates and teachers in this school very much. But most of the senior directors are just pretending My friend even said a word: Three fires when a new official takes office
Matteo Zanca on Google

Big space, nice competition, but cleaning could have been better

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