IP智能+ 智能生活體驗館 新北館-『優虎智能』電子鎖-指紋鎖-智能鎖專賣店,國際知名頂尖品牌各式電子門鎖,安裝服務、販售、維修( PHILIPS、YALE、BOSCH、EPIC、DORMAKABA、SAMSUNG、VOC、TAILONG、GATEMAN、KEES)

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact IP智能+ 智能生活體驗館 新北館-『優虎智能』電子鎖/指紋鎖/智能鎖專賣店,國際知名頂尖品牌各式電子門鎖,安裝服務、販售、維修( PHILIPS、YALE、BOSCH、EPIC、DORMAKABA、SAMSUNG、VOC、TAILONG、GATEMAN、KEES)

地址 :

IP智能+ 智能生活體驗館 新北館-『優虎智能』電子鎖/指紋鎖/智能鎖專賣店, No. 121-3號, Section 1, Beiyi Rd, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 231

電話 : 📞 +8897
城市 : New Taipei City

IP智能+ 智能生活體驗館 新北館-『優虎智能』電子鎖/指紋鎖/智能鎖專賣店, No. 121-3號, Section 1, Beiyi Rd, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 231
Shin Lee on Google

The service is very kind, the staff is very attentive to teach ~ it is recommended
yujen1128 on Google

Finally successfully installed the new electronic lock, the technician service is excellent!
騰輝黃 on Google

Friendly service! Professional installation!
葉侑哲 on Google

服務品質好 施工完會把環境恢復整潔 使用教學清楚詳細
The service quality is good. After the construction, the environment will be restored and clean. The use and teaching are clear and detailed.
Jessie liao on Google

因為對於電子鎖一竅不通,老闆非常有耐心地回覆各種繁雜的新手問題,而且還會根據預算推薦適合的鎖。 地址在google不到的地方,但是技師還是準時到現場安裝,安裝過程非常流暢且專業,工具也準備的十分齊全。技師的使用教學也十分簡單明瞭,重點是還很有耐心???。 不管是技術還是態度跟結束後的收尾都非常值得稱作五星服務,還被家人稱讚很會找廠商(驕傲)。 如果你跟我一樣不懂電子鎖,真的可以跟老闆聊聊。
Because he doesn't know anything about electronic locks, the boss is very patient to answer all kinds of complicated novice questions, and he will also recommend suitable locks according to the budget. The address is not available in Google, but the technicians still installed on-site on time. The installation process is very smooth and professional, and the tools are also very complete. The teaching of the technician is also very simple and clear, the point is that he is very patient ???. Regardless of the technology, attitude, and the finishing touches after the end, they are all worthy of being called a five-star service. They are also praised by my family and I will find a manufacturer (proud). If you don’t understand electronic locks like me, you can really talk to your boss.
魏鐵 on Google

一一仔細問過七八間新店地區的電子鎖商家後(包含老字號的x昌跟標榜服務第一的x吉鎖行)後得知,隨便一隻電子門鎖基本上就兩萬五起跳,所以我樓下樓下兩隻電子門鎖就要5萬,不過不意外,因為電子門鎖就是這麼貴。 FB接觸到這老闆,不僅人長得忠厚老實連詢問我舊門鎖的細節都讓我感到非常放心,因為他幫我挑選了這隻指紋、卡片、密碼三合一、大器又美觀的高級金屬電子門鎖,我心裡已經底定大概要5、6萬跑不掉了,沒想到價錢...兩隻不到25000,也太扯?! 付完錢後總覺得應該會接到電話來盧說報錯價格、還是規格有誤之類什麼的,結果直到安裝完畢後,價錢不變,竊笑之餘直接認為應是要低價搶灘新店市場。 整個安裝過程,五樓沒電梯,師傅為了追求完美的安裝,背了大概60公斤的東西上樓,然後為了追求完美的過程,自己喃喃自語到一個完全聽不到週遭聲音的至高境界,然後就是下五樓又上五樓陸陸續續高達三次去車上拿特殊的小零件來追求完美,那已經不是專注完美、盡乎苛求可以形容了,那是一種對於自己商品及安裝角度的超高認真態度。 最後從身體的某處變出來一把細毛掃把跟一隻強力吸塵器(摩登大聖?)仔細把施工完畢的地板清潔的很仔細,簡直就是一塵不染,我想說這到底是門鎖師傅還是專業清潔人員啊啊啊啊啊~ 整個過程很感動也很意外,兩隻多功能電子門鎖不到25000,利潤是能有多少?這樣真的可以在台灣生存嗎?薄利多銷對顧客來說是利多沒錯,但是這樣2隻25000的價格,終究還是讓自己在深夜裡回想起自己對於老實的老闆硬是殺價殺得六親不認的嘴臉,感到無比汗顏。 全新未拆的2隻高級電子門鎖當著我的面裝好後,我發現師傅一直盯著門鎖東瞧西瞧,突然又開始仔細丈量一些細節直到自己滿意為止,最後師傅露出一個滿意的微笑,那種微笑是對自己的精緻施工感到無比滿意所流露出的強烈自信與成就感。 師傅離開後的三天內,全家在找尋這兩隻電子門鎖的小缺點後給這間店打了99.99的分數,扣的0.01分就是師傅跟老闆都太憨厚老實,這已經是2022年了,又不是民國六、七十年代,話術多少也要多學多背才不會被砍到見血見骨,畢竟兩隻電子門鎖25000,我也是醉了....
After carefully asking seven or eight electronic lock merchants in the Xindian area (including the time-honored X Chang and X Ji Lock Store, which advertises the first service), I learned that any electronic door lock basically starts at 25,000. So my two electronic door locks downstairs and downstairs cost 50,000, but it is not surprising, because electronic door locks are so expensive. When FB came into contact with this boss, not only is he honest and honest, but he also asked me about the details of the old door lock, which made me feel very relieved, because he helped me choose this three-in-one fingerprint, card, and password, which is large and beautiful. Metal electronic door locks, I have already decided in my heart that it will cost about 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. I didn't expect the price...two less than 25,000 yuan, which is too much? ! After paying the money, I always felt that I should receive a call from Lu to say that the price was wrong, or the specification was wrong or something. As a result, the price remained unchanged until the installation was completed. . During the entire installation process, there was no elevator on the fifth floor. In pursuit of a perfect installation, the master carried about 60 kilograms of things upstairs. Then, in pursuit of the perfect process, he muttered to himself to a supreme state where he could not hear the surrounding sounds at all. Then I went down to the fifth floor and went up to the fifth floor one after another up to three times. I went to the car to get special small parts to pursue perfection. High seriousness. Finally, a fine-haired broom and a powerful vacuum cleaner (modern sage?) came out from somewhere on the body and carefully cleaned the floor after construction. ah ah ah ah~ The whole process is very touching and surprising. The two multi-functional electronic door locks are less than 25,000. How much profit can be made? Is this really possible to survive in Taiwan? Small profits but quick turnover is good for customers, but the price of 25,000 for 2 pieces still makes me feel extremely ashamed in the middle of the night when I recall my face to the honest boss who insisted on bargaining and killing six relatives. After the two high-end electronic door locks that were not dismantled were installed in front of me, I found that the master kept staring at the door locks, and suddenly began to carefully measure some details until I was satisfied, and finally the master showed a satisfied Smile, that kind of smile is a strong sense of self-confidence and achievement expressed by being extremely satisfied with your exquisite construction. Within three days after the master left, the whole family gave the store a score of 99.99 after looking for the small shortcomings of these two electronic door locks, and the deduction of 0.01 points is that the master and the boss are too honest and honest, this is already 2022 , It's not the 1960s and 1970s of the Republic of China. I have to learn and memorize more and more words to avoid being cut to the bone. After all, the two electronic door locks cost 25,000, and I am also drunk....
陳威翰 on Google

The construction is fast and careful, the master is careful and patient, and after the completion, he will bring his own vacuum cleaner to clean it. This is the first time I have installed a fingerprint lock. The quality is very good. The service of Peach Power is also very good. I highly recommend it to everyone. The CP value is very high.
chili huang on Google

這是我第二個指紋鎖了,在網上看到馬上連絡IP智能商家,經商家詳細解說及報價就讓我感覺服務的熱誠及專業的報價,二話不說訂金轉帳預約安裝一氣呵成,接下來就是等待5天後的安裝了 安裝的當天師傅準時的到達齊全的裝備跟環境的保護讓我放心了不少,跟著就是一連串的專業安裝,只能說迅速確實及豐富的經驗不到一個小時就完成安裝及內部清潔然後就是使用教學跟鎖的驗收了 美中不足的是鎖的硬體好像怪怪的,但是想說大廠牌鎖體應該不會故障經師傅反覆拆裝試驗都是一樣的狀況原廠也回覆正常,真的佩服師傅的耐心但是也只能依原廠回覆驗收,雖說不影響功能但心還是有疑慮,約定等我測試另外一個同型鎖體狀況是否一樣來決定正常與否 果然經過測試兩個真的不一樣,這時我心開始擔心了,兩萬多塊的鎖雖說有3年的保固但是也是怕經銷商收了錢就消極擺爛推給原廠處理,這是大門鎖耶!總不能開著門一直等吧!本著坎坷的心跟IP智能回覆狀況沒想到客服馬上回覆說不用擔心馬上跟原廠反應且承諾不管原廠態度如何他們會先自費購買更換全新品讓我心中的石頭終於放下,真的是負責有擔當的商家不會推托卸責讓我覺得沒有找錯商家要不然等著0800可能要等到天荒地老了 第二天果真原廠還是要客戶檢查東檢查西的態度感覺就是推但是IP智能本著負責任態度馬上拿全新品來更換後續問題由他們自行跟原廠溝通協商不讓客戶麻煩並且目前也已完成更換及使用上也完全正常沒問題,這次真的幸運選對了一家有信譽認真負責以客為尊的商家,有機會我還是會推薦給親朋好友的
This is my second fingerprint lock. When I saw it on the Internet, I immediately contacted the IP smart merchant. After the detailed explanation and quotation from the merchant, I felt the enthusiasm of the service and the professional quotation. Besides, the deposit transfer appointment and installation were completed in one go. Just wait for the installation after 5 days On the day of installation, the master arrived on time with complete equipment and environmental protection, which relieved me a lot, followed by a series of professional installations. I can only say that the installation and internal cleaning were completed in less than an hour and then used. Acceptance of teaching and lock The fly in the ointment is that the hardware of the lock seems weird, but I would like to say that the lock body of the big brand should not fail. After repeated disassembly and assembly tests by the master, the original factory also responded to normal. I really admire the master’s patience but only It can be accepted by the original factory. Although it does not affect the function, there are still doubts in the heart. It is agreed that I will test whether the condition of another lock body of the same type is the same to determine whether it is normal or not. Sure enough, after testing, the two are really different. At this time, my heart began to worry. Although the lock of more than 20,000 yuan has a 3-year warranty, it is also afraid that the dealer will negatively push it to the original factory after receiving the money. This is the door. Lock it! Can't keep the door open and wait! In a rough heart, I responded to the status of IP intelligence. I didn’t expect the customer service to reply immediately, saying that there is no need to worry about responding to the original factory immediately and promised that regardless of the original factory’s attitude, they would first purchase and replace the new product at their own expense. Let the stone in my heart finally let go, I am really responsible. Responsible merchants will not shirk their responsibilities, so I think I didn’t find the wrong merchant. Otherwise, waiting for 0800 may have to wait until the wasteland is old On the second day, if the original factory still asks customers to check everything, it feels like pushing, but IP Smart takes a responsible attitude and immediately replaces the follow-up problem with a new product. They will communicate with the original factory on their own to not trouble the customer, and it has been so far. The replacement and use are completely normal. This time I was really lucky to choose a reputable, responsible, customer-oriented business. I will recommend it to my friends and relatives if I have the opportunity.

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