環宇通訊館-台中南區無卡分期手機門市_手機現場維修│手機貼膜│門號續約│門號申辦 【遠傳電信】【台灣大哥大】【中華電信】【IPHONE維修】【原廠公司貨】【手機配件】【中古機買賣】 【無卡分期】【刷卡分期】【舊機折抵】 - Taiwan

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 環宇通訊館-台中南區無卡分期手機門市_手機現場維修│手機貼膜│門號續約│門號申辦 【遠傳電信】【台灣大哥大】【中華電信】【IPHONE維修】【原廠公司貨】【手機配件】【中古機買賣】 【無卡分期】【刷卡分期】【舊機折抵】

地址 :

40253, Taiwan, Taichung City, South District

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : Taichung City

40253, Taiwan, Taichung City, South District
鐘先生 on Google

Come to Huanyu Communication Center to buy a mobile phone~The service of the lady is very good~The blue light shield glass sticker introduced is very easy to use
王凱俊 on Google

The service of the lady in the store is very good and kind, and the first choice for buying mobile phones and accessories for maintenance!
沙嘟哇 on Google

謝翔偉 on Google

The sales lady explained the products carefully and tenderly, without deliberately selling them, and directly gave suggestions in line with the needs of customers, and also helped to transfer the information. I think the service is great
問路人 on Google

I bought mobile phone accessories on the Internet. The store said that there is a physical store to pick up the goods, but the name of the online store is different from that of the physical store. There are several communication lines on the same road. I went to this place due to a navigation error and asked the lady in the store if it is xx Telecom , the lady was very fierce and said loudly no! This attitude is speechless!
陳加琪 on Google

昨天下車的時候.手機不小心仆街了.天啊 垂直落地 螢幕直接黑屏.致電詢問 請我趕快送過去 最後一小時完修.太開心了 今天可以繼續工作 謝謝貼心的老闆!!推喔...
When I got off the car yesterday, the phone accidentally fell on the street. Oh my god, the screen went black when it fell vertically. Please call me and ask me to send it to the last hour for repair. I am so happy that I can continue to work today. Thank you kind boss!! Push it.. .
micasa liu on Google

很貼心的門市小姐,去年在貴公司購買長輩用的老人機,近期因過電問題,今天前往資訊。 門市小姐很耐心的幫我測試各種配備的使用情況。 後來發現是充電頭問題,小姐也很貼心的告知,家裡只要正常的這種充電頭都可以使用,不用再另外購買。 回家使用後如果電池無法續訂在來購買電池即可。 很棒的一趟服務享受。
王建智 on Google

去年買平板和手機都來這家店,店員小姐態度很好,一直耐心介紹產品,猶豫的時候還會幫我比較。來這邊買3C產品真的是很開心! 賣的配件也都很好用,手機殼很耐摔。貼膜的時候也很細心,拿回去看都沒有氣泡,讓有強迫症的我感到很舒爽,下次要買東西還會再來這家店。
I came to this store last year to buy both tablets and mobile phones. The clerk has a good attitude. She has been patiently introducing the products, and she will help me compare when I hesitate. I am really happy to come here to buy 3C products! The accessories sold are also very useful, and the phone case is very durable. I was also very careful when I applied the film. I took it back and saw that there were no air bubbles. It made me feel very comfortable with OCD. I will come back to this store next time I want to buy something.

Write some of your reviews for the company 環宇通訊館-台中南區無卡分期手機門市_手機現場維修│手機貼膜│門號續約│門號申辦 【遠傳電信】【台灣大哥大】【中華電信】【IPHONE維修】【原廠公司貨】【手機配件】【中古機買賣】 【無卡分期】【刷卡分期】【舊機折抵】


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