Jia Niuchuan Wei Beef Noodle Restaurant

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Jia Niuchuan Wei Beef Noodle Restaurant

地址 :

No. 1號中山街343巷6弄 Caotun Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 542

電話 : 📞 +88998
城市 : Nantou County

No. 1號中山街343巷6弄 Caotun Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 542
C. Penlock Chen (Penlock) on Google

辣味小魚乾視個人口味加入榨茶肉絲麵,實在好吃。 不過真的辣。
The spicy dried fish is added to the tea and shredded pork noodles according to personal taste, which is really delicious. But really spicy.
boy Astro on Google

麵Q、牛肉軟嫩、湯頭讚、水餃飽滿內餡香 會在來消費的店家?
Noodles Q, beef tender and tender, soup soup praised, dumplings full of filling Stores that will come to spend
on Google

The store is not easy to find, in the alley of the residential area, the intersection car pays more attention to safety! Order beef noodles and small fish tofu (pictured), large bowl of Taiwanese 100 yuan has six pieces of beef with about a big thumb, beef soft and tender for old and weak women with bad mouth, soup head is sweet and belongs to Weinan taste, no pickles Zuo Wei, if the taste of the friends can choose their own unique small dried fish pepper (if the spicy degree is divided into the third level of the fifth level), it is very cool to eat with the noodles, but it is not recommended to add beef soup, although I have Choose a spicy beef noodle, but I don't feel the spicyness at all. Anyone who wants to eat spicy and dare not eat spicy can try it. The noodle strength is moderately soft, probably because the grasshoppers have more children and children, which is more in line with the needs of the local market. The dried tofu of the small fish tofu is very soft and has no special taste.
Vi Vi on Google

真的無敵好吃~尤其是小魚干辣椒跟辣油實在很香 總是讓人一而再再而三的想來吃 真的是名符其實的巷弄美食 平時都是點餐請嘉牛外送 今天下班有空閒時間特地到現場吃~ 點了牛肉湯、皮蛋豆腐、紅油炒手??? 意外的連小菜都讓人覺得驚豔的好吃 爾後也會常常帶朋友家人一起來品嚐這美味~~~大推推推哦
It's really invincible and delicious~ especially the dried fish, chili and spicy oil are really fragrant Always make people want to eat again and again It’s a veritable alley delicacy I usually order food for Jia Niu to deliver Today I have free time after get off work to eat on the spot~ Ordered beef soup, preserved egg tofu, fried hands in red oil??? Surprisingly, even the side dishes are amazing and delicious Later, I will often bring friends and family to taste this delicious food~~~
Lawrence Tan on Google

在異鄉打拼第一個月的驚喜 很想吃牛肉麵 於是手機隨便搜了下 意外發現這家店 在巷弄間 開車去可能不是好選擇Orz 吃完開出來費了拎北九牛二虎之力XD 位置十分詭異 不是在地欸根本不會知道它 店內四處可見 應該是老闆的書法 以及文房四寶等用具 很有自我風格的字體 莫非牛肉麵只是副業 香辣小魚乾免費吃 老子辣的十分爽 牛肉麵吃第一口 使我憶起北市深夜的伍柒玖牛肉麵 可惜沒有24小時開幕 不然宵夜時段醉醺醺吃應該更有Fu 不知道是不是中部特色 這裡凡是有包皮的食物 蔥味都十分濃厚 可惜身上只剩一百五 水餃?十顆意猶未盡 啃 改天再來 ===兩個月後的分隔線=== 自從兩個月前 收到住戶舉報違停的罰單後 就沒敢再光顧 今天不知哪來的風 又把我帶進那條窄巷 今天花干沒賣完 運氣還不錯?? 第一次開口跟老闆聊天 可怕的巧合發生了 原來老闆幾十年前真的在伍柒玖做過事 後來才把美味帶回家鄉 油然生起他鄉遇故知的感覺 談起兩人擅長的牛肉麵經 嘴都合不上了XD 老闆開心還招待了一份紅油炒手 今天滿到喉嚨了 改天再來
Surprise in the first month of working in a foreign country I really want to eat beef noodles So the phone was searched casually Accidentally found this shop In the alley It may not be a good choice to drive to Orz After eating, it cost a lot of power to carry the XD Very strange location Hey, he won’t know it at all Can be seen everywhere in the store Should be the calligraphy of the boss And the four treasures of the study Very self-styled font Could beef noodles be a sideline Spicy dried fish for free Laozi is very spicy Beef noodles eat first bite It reminds me of Wu Qijiu Beef Noodles It's a pity there is no 24 hour opening Otherwise, if you are drunk and eat at midnight, you should have more Fu I don’t know if it’s a central feature All the food with foreskin here Onions are very strong Unfortunately, only 150 is left Dumplings? Ten meanings Nibble === Divider after two months === Since two months ago After receiving a ticket to report a violation I didn’t dare to patronize I don't know where the wind is today Took me into that narrow alley again The flower stems are not sold out today Good luck ?? The first time to talk to the boss A terrible coincidence happened It turns out that the boss really did something in Wu Qijiu decades ago Only later brought home the delicious food Youran gave birth to the feeling of encountering other people Talking about the beef noodles that they are good at No mouth closed XD The boss is happy to entertain a red oil stir-fried I'm full of throat today, come again
複雜的單純 on Google

The dumplings are delicious and the filling is solid. Beef noodles and noodles are like Q bombs, and there is sauerkraut in the beef soup, which is one with the soup, which is rare. recommend
懶々子 on Google

川味? 沒感覺欸 好吃嗎? 還不賴啊 ※小魚乾極品 . 炸醬麵意外的好好吃啊。讓我想起了都蘭 牛滷花干。樸實無華、然而卻是一口接一口的 . 牛肉麵老實說普普、原本以為小碗九十元、結果漲價了變一百。就覺得emmmmm 而且我點的小辣、但是完全沒辣啊w 小魚乾加下去就爽了起來
Sichuan flavor? No feeling. Hey Is it delicious? Not bad ※The best dried fish . The fried noodles are surprisingly delicious. Reminds me of Dulan Beef stewed dried flowers. Simple and unpretentious, but mouthful after mouthful . To be honest, Pupu originally thought that the small bowl was 90 yuan, but the price increased by 100. I think emmmmm And I ordered a little spicy, but it's not spicy at all w Add the dried fish and it's cool
WEIMIN LI on Google

在停車場後面巷弄內 牛三寶麵選辣味,真的吃不出辣味,另外湯頭實在很甜,很不像川味,牛三寶本身是好吃的。 有免費的小魚辣椒可以食用,這很強! 其他小菜部分都還不錯吃
In the alley behind the parking lot Niu Sanbao noodles choose spicy flavor, it is really not spicy, and the soup is really sweet, not like Sichuan flavor, Niu Sanbao itself is delicious. There are free fish chili to eat, which is very strong! The other side dishes are pretty good

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