Jiali Zhengxing Temple - Tainan City

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Jiali Zhengxing Temple

地址 :

722, Taiwan, Tainan City, Jiali District, 325號 Jiali Zhengxing Temple

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/zhenxing.temple/
城市 : Jiali District

722, Taiwan, Tainan City, Jiali District, 325號 Jiali Zhengxing Temple
ljy12037 on Google

先民來臺開拓,於清朝康熙年間隨身攜奉自福建安溪清水祖師渡海來臺,逐暫供奉在公厝,供眾人朝夕膜拜,清朝雍正元年(西元1723年)有人帶頭號召信徒在原公厝址集資建廟,初名「清水宮」,並加祀蔡姓武官獻贈原於營盤地駐地雷府大將。清朝道光元年(1821年),武舉人曾廷暉斥資重建,並獻匾額「鍾靈甲第」。清朝同治同治元年五月十一日(1862年6月7日)發生台南大地震,發生於臺灣嘉義及台南地區的地震。根據學者研究,震央位於北緯23.19度,東經120.42度,大約位在當時的嘉義縣,即今天的台南市官田區附近,廟身受損傾垣,經信徒集資,於清朝同治七年(1868)擴大興建,禮聘嘉義交趾陶名匠葉王主持,並改廟名為震興宮,確立了今震興宮的廟貌,同年由南鯤鯓代天府分靈李府千歲,與清水祖師、雷府大將一併成為鎮殿主神。 民國54年(1965)整修,禮聘王保原(汕頭剪粘名匠何金龍傳人)、蔡草如、陳任水等匠師前來,不但為震興宮留下精美的門神彩繪與細緻的木雕作品及剪粘裝飾。 民國74年(西元1985年)震興宮保存許多珍貴文物,其中以葉王交趾陶最為豐富,極具歷史、文化、藝術的地位與價值,經內政部評定將震興宮列入中華民國三級古蹟,現在為直轄市市訂古蹟。 廟附近有一石柱,上刻「天興縣縣治」,顯示此廟在落成之前為明鄭時期的縣衙所在地。另旁邊的路道在台灣近代史非常著名,因為正是日治時期「西來庵事件(又稱噍吧哖事件、玉井事件)」嫌犯余清芳等人被遊街示眾的地點。 眾多歷史重要地點,身為臺灣人,一定要來了解。
The ancestors came to Taiwan to develop, and during the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, they brought with them from Taiwan Anxi Qingshui ancestors across the sea, and temporarily worshipped them in the public hall for worship day and night. In the first year of the Yongzheng reign of the Qing Dynasty (1723 AD), some people took the lead in calling for believers in the original public hall. The site collected funds to build a temple, and its initial name was "Qingshui Palace." In the first year of Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1821), Zeng Tinghui, a Wuju person, invested in reconstruction and presented the plaque "Zhong Lingjiadi". The Great Tainan Earthquake occurred on May 11 (June 7, 1862) of the first year of Tongzhi and Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. The earthquakes occurred in Chiayi and Tainan in Taiwan. According to scholars' research, the epicenter was located at 23.19 degrees north latitude and 120.42 degrees east longitude, which was approximately at the time in Chiayi County at the time, that is, near the Guantian District of Tainan City today. The temple was damaged and was funded by believers. ) Expansion of construction, the invitation of the master of Chiayi Cooper Potter Ye Wang, and renamed the temple to Zhenxing Palace, established the temple appearance of Zhenxing Palace today. The general also became the main god of the town hall. Renovated in the year 54 (1965), Wang Baoyuan (handed by Shantou cut and glue master He Jinlong), Cai Caoru, Chen Renshui and other craftsmen were invited to come, leaving not only beautiful paintings of the door gods, detailed wood carving works, and cut-and-stick decoration for Zhenxing Palace. . In 1974 (1985 AD), the Zhenxing Palace preserved many precious cultural relics. Among them, Ye Wangjiaojiao is the most abundant and has a historical, cultural, and artistic status and value. The Ministry of the Interior evaluated Zhenxing Palace as a third-class historic site in the Republic of China , Now order monuments for municipalities. There is a stone pillar near the temple with the inscription "Tianxing County Government", indicating that this temple was the seat of the county government during the Ming and Zheng Dynasties before its completion. The other side road is very famous in the modern history of Taiwan, because it is the place where suspects such as Yu Qingfang and other people who were suspected of the "Xilai 庵 Incident (also known as the 噍 吧 哖 Incident, Yujing Incident)" during the Japanese rule were visited. Many historically important places, as Taiwanese, must come to understand.
蔣宜庭 on Google

Passing by this palace for a walk, the drunkard's intention is not to drink
林育雄 on Google

The interior and exterior of the temple are clean and refreshing.
Krizal Chen on Google

An important local index of Jialixing, retains the traditional temple architectural features, it is worth visiting
劉景華 on Google

There are ten furnaces in the main worship of Qingshui Patriarch. There are many antique treasures in the old temple.
南蠻 on Google

Really great cochin pottery works, completely different grades from other places, worthy of being a master work!
黃光榮 on Google

A national third-level historic site! It has a long history! The interior of the temple is a good environment for the works of the master of Cozhi pottery Ye Wang!
Li Su on Google

Like Xuejia Tzu Chi Palace, there are works of Cochin by Ye Wang. It is quite a temple of historical and artistic value. In front of the temple is the Tianxing County Government Monument, and Zuoying Wannian County belongs to the early Chengtian Prefecture (Tainan Prefecture). Unfortunately, it seems that Tianxing County has not seen relevant sites and activities publicity. Zuoying Wannian County has gradually become famous for the maintenance of historical sites and the handling of various activities in recent years.

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