蔣jiang仕女禮服 - Shalu District

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 蔣jiang仕女禮服

433, Taiwan, Taichung City, Shalu District, Xinghe Rd, 431號採完全預約制 一定要打電話預約喔蔣jiang仕女禮服
林良 on Google

真的很高興在海線找到這麼優質的禮服店 禮服很新 價格合宜 真的超棒!!!! 家人開心 我就開心 推推
I am really happy to find such a high-quality dress shop in Haixian The dress is very new and the price is reasonable. It's really great!!!! I’m happy when my family is happy.
sunny jyun on Google

媽媽禮服款式很多,漂亮又尺寸齊全! 很推薦可以帶媽媽來這裡租呦!
There are many styles of mom's dresses, beautiful and full of sizes! I highly recommend that I can bring my mother here to rent Yo!
北科大-洪續文 on Google

Awesome! My mother has a bumpy figure and she can't bear to take it off! ?? Recommend everyone to hurry up if you want a mother's dress~ Except for thumbs or thumbs!
紀夢涵 on Google

台中海線超優質的禮服店! 媽媽禮服款式新穎又流行,介紹很詳細、服務態度親切,真的推推!
Taichung Haixian Super High Quality Dress Shop! The mother's dress is fashionable and fashionable, the introduction is very detailed, the service attitude is kind, and it is really recommended!
太太 on Google

上次帶我媽媽去挑選禮服!經由朋友介紹這間蔣仕女禮服,得知原來不用去百貨公司也可以有這麼齊全的禮服可以讓媽媽一次挑個夠!一進去款式非常多,老闆娘先詢問我媽媽的需求、喜歡的樣式,並且依照媽媽的身形挑選出幾件適合她的禮服!試穿完媽媽超滿意!甚至還很難抉擇到底要哪件呢!!看到媽媽這樣我也就開心了? 只能說老闆娘挑禮服的眼光真的厲害?我認為禮服最重要的就是質感了!大推?
Last time I took my mother to choose a dress! I was introduced by a friend to this lady Jiang’s dress, and I learned that I didn’t have to go to a department store to have such a complete set of dresses so that my mother could pick one at a time! There are a lot of styles when I enter, the lady boss first asked my mother's needs and favorite styles, and selected a few dresses that suit her according to her figure! Mom is super satisfied after trying it on! It's even hard to decide which one you want! ! I am so happy to see my mom like this? I can only say that the boss’s eyes are really good for choosing dresses. I think the most important thing about dresses is texture! Big push ?
陳冠宇 on Google

Great and professional dress shop, super satisfactory service~ If you want to see the dress, please contact Miss Jiang first, otherwise the google navigation will chaotic alleys.
辰育林/CHENYULIN on Google

這次因緣際會下來到蔣仕女禮服,幫我的媽媽挑訂婚當天的禮服,老闆娘親切的推薦和合適的禮服,完全了解長輩們的需求和風格,呈現很好的感覺,在婚禮不失長輩的氣度和光彩。 感謝老闆娘的推薦和介紹,然後款式齊全,不僅有短版禮服可以最為接待賓客和儀式,另外還有長版禮服適合婚禮進場和上台接收賓客的祝福。 看完這篇評論的你/妳 就別猶豫了 真心的推薦這間禮服店???
This time I will come down to lady Jiang’s dress by fate and help my mother choose the dress for the day of engagement. The proprietress kindly recommends and the appropriate dress. I fully understand the needs and styles of the elders, and present a good feeling, without losing the elder’s grace at the wedding. And brilliance. Thanks for the recommendation and introduction of the proprietress, and the styles are complete, not only short dresses can be the best for receiving guests and ceremonies, but also long dresses suitable for weddings to enter the venue and to receive guests’ blessings. You/you who read this review Don't hesitate I really recommend this dress shop???
Mr. Lu on Google

經由朋友介紹才知道,原來除了台中市區以外,隱藏在沙鹿還有這麼一間齊全的禮服出租工作室,禮服的樣式從中式到西式皆有,在這裡各種身形應該都能挑到適合自己的款式。 這裡的服務全採預約制,可以透過FB粉專或是電話皆可跟老闆娘提前預約,我今天帶媽媽開了半小時的路程前往挑選,到了現場後才發現這裡的款式超多且價格出乎意料的便宜。 很謝謝老闆娘今天全程親切的接待與服務,也會從旁適時地給予專業的建議,讓媽媽可以順利地挑到滿意的禮服。 如果有需要出席正式場合、活動與婚禮,真心建議各位可以親自造訪,現場款式的多樣化直接幫妳省心又省事。
Through the introduction of a friend, I found out that in addition to the urban area of ​​Taichung, there is such a complete dress rental studio hidden in Shalu. The styles of dresses range from Chinese to Western styles. Here, you should be able to choose suitable for all body shapes. own style. The services here are all made by appointment. You can make an appointment with the proprietress in advance through FB fans or by phone. Today, I took my mother to drive for half an hour to choose. After arriving at the scene, I found that there are many styles here and the prices are out of the ordinary. Surprisingly cheap. Thank you very much for the gracious reception and service of the proprietress today. She will also give professional advice in a timely manner, so that my mother can choose a satisfactory dress smoothly. If you need to attend formal occasions, events and weddings, I sincerely recommend that you visit in person. The variety of styles on site will directly save you worry and trouble.

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