Jiangziliao Falls

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Jiangziliao Falls

地址 :

Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221

城市 : New Taipei City

Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221
Sen Chin on Google

好停車、也有廁所、不需步行太久 瀑布旁還可坐下邊賞景邊享用點心 ❤
Tzu hsin Yu on Google

用MAP導航會到天峰谷 這邊是荒廢的山莊 根本沒辦法過去
Use MAP to navigate to Tianfeng Valley This is a deserted mansion There's no way to get past
黃蓉 on Google

Located at the end of the Jiangziliao cliff trail, it is easy to reach. The cliffs and waterfalls are small in scale. There are cement round tables and benches for passengers to rest. At the end, two ancient roads can be seen connecting, with steep slopes on the left and rivers on the right, but the terrain is high and the road conditions are not good.
周立憲 on Google

Very good! will go again
范宜芳 on Google

During the holiday, the weather has become better. Drive along Xiping Road and come here. There are parks, waterfalls, cliffs and ancient roads. The slope is not high.
小威 on Google

From the nearest parking lot, climb up about a few hundred meters, and there are signs for 300 meters from the toilet to the mountain.
YA Sunday on Google

雨後的瀑布更顯壯觀 沿途有清徹溪水和綠色山林 不時還有悅耳的蟲鳴鳥叫聲 大自然的芬多精只有親自來一趟 才知其中的美妙 若時間充裕,還可翻山越嶺走去泰安瀑布 來回約2-3小時
The waterfall after the rain is even more spectacular There are clear streams and green mountains along the way Occasionally there are pleasant chirping of insects and birds Nature's phytoncide comes only in person to know the beauty of it If you have enough time, you can also walk across the mountains to Tai'an Waterfall About 2-3 hours back and forth
Su TPE on Google

Amazing view. Went there during the CNY break. Great place for short walk.

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