Jin Power 勁波影音工程

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Jin Power 勁波影音工程

地址 :

70255, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Section 1, Ximen Rd, 439之3號Jin Power 勁波影音工程

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Business-Service/Jin-Power-%25E5%258B%2581%25E6%25B3%25A2%25E5%25BD%25B1%25E9%259F%25B3%25E5%25B7%25A5%25E7%25A8%258B-1561154750790777/%3Flocale2%3Dzh_TW
城市 : Ximen Rd

70255, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Section 1, Ximen Rd, 439之3號Jin Power 勁波影音工程
馮盈盈 on Google

服務周全,講解仔細,整體感非常佳! 價格合理到沒話說,老闆也會依照需求給建議及方向,值得推薦的好廠商!!
The service is comprehensive, the explanation is careful, and the overall sense is very good! The price is reasonable enough to say nothing, the boss will also give advice and directions according to demand, good manufacturers worth recommending !!
Jason Wang on Google

Audio-visual engineering planning, commercial projection equipment, video conference equipment, TV wall system and home theater, environmental control sound system planning and design
Monica on Google

遇到專業知識足夠 產品系列廣泛的店家 真的可遇不可求 因要購買marshall藍芽喇叭跟藍芽耳機 透過朋友介紹找到此經銷商,買東西最怕沒售後服務也怕買到假貨 實體店面還是有實體店面的好 價格整個好優 還設想非常周全 購入影音設備後(滿好買滿)讓平常工作忙碌的自己 空閒時享受音樂 也是愛自己的一種 公司最近也要購入投影設備 一定會回來找老闆您 大推薦?
If you encounter a store with sufficient expertise and a wide range of products, it is really hard to find Because I want to buy marshall bluetooth speakers and bluetooth earphones, I found this dealer through a friend's introduction. I was most afraid of buying fakes without after-sales service. It is better to have a physical store. The price is very good and the idea is very thoughtful After purchasing audio-visual equipment (please buy full), let yourself be busy at work and enjoy music in your free time. It is also a way of loving yourself. The company will also buy projection equipment recently and will definitely come back to find you the boss Great recommendation?
紅豆 on Google

服務態度很棒! 老闆也有足夠的專業知識 很認真地介紹產品 產品cp值很高 整體相當滿意!
The service attitude is great! The boss also has enough professional knowledge to introduce the products very seriously The product has a high cp value Overall quite satisfied!
Dora J on Google

The boss is very professional and will customize your equipment according to your budget, living habits and needs!
Lisa chen on Google

老闆介紹產品時的應對態度很誠懇,感覺得出來是真心在為顧客的需求做介紹,介紹觸控螢幕時也不會急著想要推銷讓人有壓力,而是慢條斯理的確認顧客是否有真的理解產品的功能性,以及是否符合顧客的需求,並且言談之間不難發現老闆自身對於藝術設計也有涉獵,哪些產品得過設計獎,哪些產品在價位與功能還有實用性上能符合我的期望,老闆都能一一的解說讓我更能確切的評估購買需求,最重要的是...買到合理的價格還有令人放心的售後服務唷! 後來也推薦朋友去找老闆買投影機,朋友也說老闆真的很專業又仔細,光是當天就介紹了三台不同品牌與規格的投影機在店裡播放給朋友們看,讓朋友可以直接評比投放出來的影像與品質,這對原本不了解投影機的人真的是很重要,也很感謝老闆不嫌麻煩花時間介紹,讓推薦人的我也覺得很有面子
The boss responded with a sincere attitude when introducing the product, and he felt that he was sincerely introducing the needs of the customer. When introducing the touch screen, he would not rush to sell and make people pressure, but slowly confirm whether the customer is genuine. Understand the functionality of the product and whether it meets the needs of customers, and it is not difficult to find out that the boss himself is involved in art design, which products have won design awards, and which products can meet my needs in terms of price, function and practicality. I hope that the boss can explain one by one so that I can more accurately evaluate the purchase needs. The most important thing is... the reasonable price and the reassuring after-sales service! Later, I also recommended a friend to the boss to buy a projector. The friend said that the boss is really professional and careful. On the same day, he introduced three projectors of different brands and specifications to the store to show to friends, so that friends can directly It’s really important for people who didn’t know the projector before to compare and compare the images and quality. I also thank the boss for not taking the trouble to take the time to introduce it. I also feel that the recommender has a lot of face.
葉憲華 on Google

The boss is very good, and the shopping will be explained carefully. Friends who have audio or home theater needs can come and see! ??
Jun Chang on Google

??? 推推推~深耕台南在地的優質影音店家,老闆會依據客戶的實質需求,給予最適當的專業建議,且很有耐心的解說產品差異化和使用方法,給人很誠懇的信賴感!在音樂結合藝術的氛圍下,整個店家充滿了文藝氣息,詪人暫時忘卻城市的喧囂! 勁波影音工程~很值得推薦給大家!
??? Tweet Push ~ High-quality audio and video stores in Tainan, the boss will give the most appropriate professional advice based on the actual needs of customers, and patiently explain product differentiation and usage methods, giving people a very sincere trust feel! In the atmosphere of music combined with art, the whole store is full of literature and art, and people temporarily forget the hustle and bustle of the city! Jinbo Audio-visual Project ~ It is worth recommending to everyone!

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