Kaohsiung City Sinsing District Office - Xinxing District

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Contact Kaohsiung City Sinsing District Office

地址 :

No. 34號, Zhongzheng 3rd Rd, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 800

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://hsingsin.kcg.gov.tw/
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 34號, Zhongzheng 3rd Rd, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 800
陳彥廷 on Google

借停車很厲害欸 啊我在高雄時怎麼沒有? 鄰長而已 很大牌是不是?
It’s great to borrow parking. Oh, why didn’t I have it when I was in Kaohsiung? It’s just a neighbor, isn’t it a big deal?
支語警察 on Google

I want the lady from Magong City Office to see that this is the attitude of a civil servant
Tiana chen on Google

Miss Wang’s attitude at the billing counter of the office on the 6th floor is not very good. Give the paper to others. You shouldn’t lose it. It’s a bad feeling. Unfortunately, you have a good temperament.
小苓 on Google

Ms. Xie from the Social Affairs Department made several phone calls. Each time she spoke very arrogantly. What kind of benefits can the people apply for? According to the normal procedure, the handler should explain to the public what benefits can be applied for? Miss Xie answered (without obligation) to explain to the public. People do n’t even know what kind of benefits they can apply for? Do your civil servants think that the people applying for thousands of yuan don't have any kind of subsidy? We are very short of money, otherwise we would not apply for Social Bureau grants, would we? Although Ms. Xie told me I was sorry, but her attitude was bad and I could not forgive her. The self-esteem in my heart made her step on her feet. Civil servants are public institutions, and they can ruin my heart in such a way that it's terrible. This Miss Xie, if the performance is very good this year, you will be allowed to speak too freely by the staff.
楊小賀 on Google

【囂張沒落迫的久】切記切記!! 要知道公家機關所領的薪水是我們這些平民百姓繳稅;付你們薪水的,拿人民老闆的錢;態度還如此囂張?? 公家機關服務人員很多態度極差,(優質的也是有,但極少數)! 自以為考上公家機關就了不起?世事難料,別這麼自大,以前的高速公路收費員不也是公家機關,現在呢?誰知道一樣有熄燈的一天?
[Arrogant decline for a long time] Remember to remember! ! We must know that the salaries received by public agencies are paid by ordinary people like us; those who pay your salaries are paid by the people’s bosses; the attitude is still so arrogant? ? Many public service staff have very poor attitudes (there are high-quality ones, but very few)! Think it's great to be admitted to a public institution? The world is unpredictable. Don't be so arrogant. The highway toll collectors used to be public agencies. What about now? Who knew there was a day when the lights were turned off?
黃長吉 on Google

At the intersection of Zhongzheng 3rd Road and Xintian Road, behind the locomotive parking lot on the second floor and above, Ligong has the Household Administration Office, Land Administration Office, Reading Room, Military Service Office, etc.
Tai Wan on Google

施工人員工具應該背在前面,而不是在側面!!! 很容易甩到後面的人,即便他們知道後面有人!!!!
Builder tools should be carried on the front, not on the side! ! ! It's easy to get behind people, even if they know they're behind! ! ! !
孫小憶 on Google

區長,爲什麼我投訴正氣里里長,您說您無責? 您又說沈玉玲里長叫您不要管這件事,您就不敢處理? 3/12沈玉玲里長對84歲的老人做了什麼事? ㄧ個84歲獨居老人半夜求助您,沈大里長,您對這位老先生咆哮什麼? 2/14您的里民對警察謊報,說是您告訴她的,我請您澄清,您說什麼?警察在辦案你不可以插嘴,我莫名奇妙被謊報,至今您不敢讀line. 是事實永遠是事實,逃避不是辦法!
District head, why do you say you are not responsible when I complain about the righteousness? You also said that Li Qiye Shen Yuling told you to leave this matter alone, so you dare not deal with it? 3/12 What did Lili Shen Yuling do to the 84-year-old? ㄧ An 84-year-old man who lives alone asked you for help in the middle of the night, Chief Shen Dali, what are you yelling at this old gentleman? 2/14 Your Limin lied to the police, saying that you told her, I ask you to clarify, what did you say? You can't interrupt when the police are handling a case. I was lied to for no apparent reason. So far, you dare not read the line. A fact is always a fact, escape is not the way!

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